Friday, March 9, 2012

I am allergic to Dairy (including Casein and lactalbumin), Eggs and Gluten.

Unfortunatly... I LOVE CHEESE, and it's been a big struggle for me to not want to eat it (I have restrained) however, if anyone knows of a cheees that I can eat, like a specific brand name that does not include CASEIN or LACTALBUMIN (I realize I can eat soy cheese, vegan cheese).

Also, if you know how any other really good foods or recipes let me know!|||OUCH!! I can totally understand and relate to you......

I myself have a problem with gluten---I avoid it (while not diagnosed with a gluten problem, it is a DEFINITE trigger for me--I blow up like a balloon, and serious gut issues from it....some kinds of gluten like rye I can handle better than the other--but OATS for me are an allergen, and whole wheat is a definite no-no).....but, I have a TREE nut and EGG allergy---so, if it comes down to it, I can handle gluten over the others...but, back to your issue....

I try to do the TIKIYADA (not sure of the spelling) RICE PASTA--the long flat kind of noodles definitely cook the best--possibly because of the size and shape?--they are milk/dairy and egg free as well as gluten free.

This is also a BRAND that has many kinds of other foods out there....some are not so great, and their breads have EGG in them usually.

(the pasta I mentioned is BROWN RICE--so, supposed to be good for

I usually use PREGO or DELMONTE (Canned) sauce with it...different kinds--READ them, as they DO HAVE CHEESE FLAVORED kinds......USUALLY the traditional ones have been dairy free so far.....last I checked.

I just found out the TURKEY STORE (or is it Jenny-o) or the other Turkey brand....has meatballs that I used to get....they were good, but I kept getting SICK from them. WHILE I read the ingrediants each time, they are NOW listing EGGS in, I am guessing they had them in it all along, just not listed....which has been a problem with many foods.

A local store by me has a good generic CORN tortilla crispy chip....(like bag potato chip would be). These are round ones....I use these as part of a meal (particularly when camping) when I need to add SOMETHING to a meal....I can make like a "nacho" out of them....(I know---the cheese will be something you would have to deal with/substitute)....but, they work for/with Chili/ground meat/ect......(these chips are just corn/salt/oil....the best and GENERIC too....LOL...great deal).

I have only had the egg and tree nut allergy for the last year.....and the oats allergy too was figured out WHY last year (related to grasses).

That made the gluten free harder to do in the area I live and with the schedule / meals made here. luckily, I can eat yogurt and other stuff, but have some oral food allergies to stuff like cucumbers/pickles, as well as orange juice from concentrate, and, there are just more and more limitations added which make it harder. (uggh).

I hope this helped a other suggestion would be to go see a nutritionist. They SHOULD be able to help.....(I haven't seen one yet, as there are none in my area).....but with all the various food allergies/limitations, you NEED to make sure you are getting a balanced nutrition.|||I'm not sure if you have True allergies or just intolerance to dairy, If you have true food allergies the you can have half slice of organic cheese, then give it a gap of atleast 5 days & have small amount again. This is how you can overcome some food allergies. If you have Lactose intolerance, you can have Dairy Ease or similar product from the grocery store before you are going to have a dairy product. As for Gluten free diets most big grocery stores have a section of Gluten free foods. Just ask the manager where they have them. Please don't self diagnose yourself, make sure what you have before you label yourself..Seek medical advice for a diagnosis|||Check into Enjoy Life brand foods. They are amazing

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  • This is my third day being vegan. I'm doing it in secret (not telling my parents) for a little while until I'm used to it because I know if I tell them right from the beginning they'll try and convince my not to do it. It's not that hard to say no to things if I just think "No. I'm vegan now. No more___", but I still crave cheese pizza and mexican pizzas from taco bell;)
    I'm addicted to my Silk vanilla soy milk now, and I find cow's milk to be pretty disgusting to me now. But I still get really frustrated when I look at the ingredients of my favorite food and realize I can never eat it again. Does it get easier over time? Is there ever a point where you find milk, cheese, eggs, and all of that to be disgusting? I haven't eaten meat for 2 years and now I think it's gross, and i hope that I'll lose the appetite for dairy and eggs soon.
    Once i tell my parents I'll be able to make new things like a vegan cheese pizza or find vegan chocolate, but for now I'm just living off the foods in our pantry that just happen to be vegan.|||I've been vegan for over 20 years, and it gets much easier. I used to love cheese so much I thought of myself as "the dairy queen." But I took the cheese out of my diet and started walking an hour a day at the same time, and my 5 extra pounds melted away overnight. There were no packaged vegan cheese substitutes at the time. Now I can't stand the smell of cheese cooking. And I could never stand the smell of cooked eggs.

    The hardest thing at the time was giving up cheese. Fortunately, a year or so after I became vegan, "The Uncheese Cookbook" by Jo Stepaniak came out. I made my own cheeze/cheeze sauce recipes and they were--still are--delicious. Fortunately there are now good-tasting packaged cheeses now too: Daiya cheese (mozarella and cheddar) that melt and Follow Your Heart brand cheeses. You could make your own pizza or partially make your own by buying a crust and tomato sauce, and then adding mozarella Daiya cheese. The Daiya cheese is 1/3 less fattening than regular, but I'm pretty sure doesn't have calcium, so you'll need calcium from other sources.

    For ice cream, there is decent packaged ice cream, but the best is the kind you make yourself. The best "cookbook" for making your own ice cream is "Vice Cream" by Jeff Rogers. You'll need a high-powered blender though for grinding cashews + an ice cream maker. And yes, there's plenty of vegan chocolate.

    Don't load up though too much on bread, vegan cheeses, and vegan ice cream. The real nutrition density is in fruits and vegetables, and nuts in moderation.|||Why did you become a vegan ?

    Anyways try and find substitutions like:

    Chocolate : 70% Dark chocolate (most people find it gross but i love it)
    Pizza: HOME MAKE THE PIZZA!!!! just buy the powder bake it and add the things you like on it with out cheese =P

    And maybe make a menu using the foods you can eat ( 2 week menu)|||Its a lot easier when
    a) you tell your parents
    b) you find delicious vegan junk food- a great ice cream, or brownie recipe, for example- which makes you feel un-deprived
    For vegan chocolate, may I recommend Ghirardelli twilight Delight and Trader Joe's 73% Dark chocolate nonpariels? If you're a fan of dark chocolate like me, delicious :)|||it shouldn't be hard at all, depending on where you live. most places have italian and chinese restaurants so there should be at least 2 vegan options

    this should make it easier:

    there is vegan versions of many of your favorites, whole foods supermarket sells a vegan cheese called daiya that is pretty good and melts like dairy cheese|||Yes. It gets A LOT easier, and you can live in the Soy and Vegan section of Whole Foods. That works to get substitutes. Get a vegan cookbook, and cook away! I have a vegan cupcake book. ;D|||Yeah it gets easier. Err.. actually I shouldn't be answering this, since my stomach gets sick at the thought of ANY food, but... yeah XD

    Get a banana addiction. Bananas are lovely =)|||Yes it gets easier. There's a couple times where you'll be like, "bummer, I wish I could eat that" but it's not that bad. Before going vegan I absolutely LOVED chocolate. Like LOVED it more than anyone else. I would eat it everyday. Bu now that I'm vegan I don't really eat it anymore and it's not as hard as I thought.

    The first week I went vegan I did what you did and didn't tell my parents :)
    When you do tell them, you can go shopping for a bunch of vegan food! It's so fun :D|||I found that if I though "Oh, i can never have ___ again! Or ____!" etc I would just get depressed and want to give up. I prefer to think "Wow, I'm glad I realized that _____ was the cause of so much pain in animals. Thank god I'm not a part of that anymore. Besides, this _____ is so much tastier, kinder, and healthier!!" I know it sounds silly, but changing your mindset really makes a difference. And it does get easier. I've only been a vegan for 6 months, but I find cows milk repulsive, cheese disgusting, and eggs slimy. I still get mini-cravings for things that don't obviously have milk in them (ie, cookies, etc) but those cravings are easily satisfied with the many vegan versions of said items. Good luck to you on the most fun, healthy, exciting, and kind decision of your life! :D|||It gets a lot easier. I've been vegan for seven years and was vegetarian for five years before that. Most semi-sweet chocolate is vegan. The earlier commenter suggested Daiya, a vegan cheese substitute. Daiya rocks. Seriously. But you don't have to rely on junk food vegan items. Now's a great time to kick your fast-food cravings at the same time.
    But don't be too hard on yourself. It's going to be a difficult adjustment period, and it's important to remember that you chose to be vegan. So don't think "I can't have ____", think "I choose not to have ___". And if you slip up? It's okay.
    And if you're finding yourself disheartened by looking at the ingredients of your favorite foods, start eating foods that don't have ingredients; items which are not packaged (like fruits and veggies).
    For breakfast you might try some steel cut oats with fresh fruit and soy/almond/rice milk. Or quinoa, prepared with some cinnamon and a milk substitute. Quinoa is a complete protein!
    Lunch could be a sandwich on some Dave's Killer Bread including avocado, tomato, sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, etc. You could even buy some meat substitutes if you were so inclined, such as Tofurky.
    There are a TON of easy soup recipes, too.
    Simplify the way you look at food and I think you'll find it to be a lot easier than trying to adapt a vegan diet to the lifestyle you already had.

    EDIT: I just remembered something! If you absolutely want some indulgent pizza, Tofurky just came out with a line. They taste like Red Baron and are about $7.99 each. You can find them at most Whole Foods or co-ops.


    Someone asked what I was as a vegeterian , I can't be certain so I only said veggie until I got the facts straight.

    Help me out! Be honestly and nice pls: I only eat veggies and fruits a lot on daily basic
    all wheat instead white

    Organic cheese (Tree of life) sometimes if local market doesn't have my kind vegan cheese

    Only drink vegan milk

    eat store-bought chips , ceral, and cake only if it doesnt contain milk, cheese other than that I eat vegan foods mostly

    In the beginning I used buy organic chips because I was not sure which one is vegan.

    I buy and eat a lot of organic foods when necessary.

    I got mayo that is vegan made with no egg|||You sound like mostly vegan that does eat cheese, (and I do not think cheese, esspecially local or organic is so bad, it is good calcium). They may have just wanted to know what foods were safe to serve in your company. If this is why they asked it would be easier on them as hosts to just say vegan, except I will eat organic cheeses.|||Yes non technical easy to understand answers usually work better for most people who just are doing thier best to accomodate your dietary preferances. We host a lot of dinners for bible studies and it can get a little tricky sometimes for the hosts to ensure all will eat and have a good time.

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    |||From the info you put, it sounds like you are a very minimal lacto-vegetarian.|||You didn't mention if you read ingredients to make sure you aren't eating eggs. You don't drink cow's milk but you do eat cheese. I'm not being mean, but organic cheese is made from milk.

    If you eat things with milk but not eggs you are a lacto vegetarian

    If you eat things with eggs but not milk you are an ovo vegetarian

    If you eat things with eggs and milk you are a lacto ovo vegetarian|||you're awesome :) haha

    i'd say you're generally vegan :D|||If there aren't any eggs in the cakes and baked goods that you eat, you're a lacto-vegetarian. If there are eggs in them (or you eat eggs in another form, such as fresh pasta or on their own), you are an ovo-lacto ("standard") vegetarian.

    While eating whole grains instead of processed is a great, healthful choice, it doesn't have any bearing on your status as a vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Ditto for organic foods. While they are (depending on the type) better for you and the environment, it doesn't have an impact on whether you are a vegetarian or what kind.

    Just for your reference:
    - A vegetarian who eats eggs or egg-based ingredients but no dairy is an ovo-vegetarian.
    - A vegetarian who eats dairy products, by-products, or ingredients (but no egg) is a lacto-vegetarian.
    - A vegetarian who eats both is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. This is the most common type and what most people mean when they refer to vegetarians.
    - A person who eats neither follows a vegan diet. (They may not be a vegan depending on other parts of their lifestyle.)|||If you consume dairy, but no egg or meat then you're lacto-vegetarian. If you consume dairy and eggs, you're ovo-lacto-vegetarian. Organic doesn't make a difference.|||The additional info ended up making no sense. You were rambling and not making sense.

    Here are soemthings to keep in mind:

    Organic does NOT mean vegitarian or vegan and has Nothing to do with either.

    Since you do actually eat cheese on occasion I wold say you are a lacto vegitarian.

    Reading ingredients lables does bot take that long. I don't ubdertsand the coment about staying in the same place for an hour or more.

    And if they are labeled as Vegan they Must be vegan.

    You uare not vegan, store bought cakes, and cereals will contain sugar (not vegan) and usually white flours-not vegan. Also some dyes that are not vegan.


    Take a tortilla and place it into a skillet that has some veg oil or olive oil in it. Turn the heat on low and add vegan sour cream, vegan cheese, and taco sauce. Add some jalepeno slices. Place a lid on the skillet. Heat up some veg refried beans seperately with some pinto and black beans in a bowl.

    After melting some, take the tortilla out and place on a plate. Put another tortilla in the skillet and prepare like the first. After it melts some add the beans, spread out onto the skillet tortilla and add the first tortilla on top. Eat with a knife and fork?

    I guess its a homemade vegan mexican pizza.|||It's called a quesadilla.|||yes and it tastes good lol... but never used a knife or fork :p


    This vegan cheese ball recipr calls for well-drained Tofu. I'll admit,, I barely have experience working with tofu. Now, the recipe calls for firm tofu and it needs to be well-drained.The writer of the recipe recommends smashing it hard against a "strainer" which I don't really know exactly what that is. (Like, I have one of those metal pan-like things with holes in it to drain my spaghetti, is that a strainer lol?)

    Anyway, I'm making this recipe for Saturday and don't want to buy any extra equipment so if a strainer is not something that I already have, what's the best way that I can drain my tofu?|||Hi

    Firm Tofu is much like semi soft cheese (not as hard as chedder but not as soft as brea).

    It is packaged in water ~ hence the drain bit. Open the package and take the tofu out and press it firmly between your hands wrapped in a towel. I find using a clean lint free tea towel works well.

    From there you can grate, finely chop, slice, dice or whatever you want with it.

    Good luck with your cooking and please remember . . . . the fact you are trying to cook a meal for your vegan friend counts for heaps, believe me, heaps and heaps.|||yeah the metal pan thingy with holes in it is a strainer. Just use that for your tofu and let gravity do its trick|||To drain firm tofu I simply open a corner of the package and pour off the liquid. Then I remove the tofu and give it a good squeeze. If the tofu is going to be blended or crumbled, you can squeeze it and not worry if it breaks apart. Squeeze it over a bowl to catch the pieces that break off and then drain off the excess water. Don't worry, if the recipe calls for it to be cooked, the excess water just cooks out anyways.

    Since you are a tofu newbie, here's some hints.
    Tofu has no flavour except what you give it. Marinate it like you would marinate meat. Rubs also work well. Firm tofu is good for stir frys or anything that requires chunks of meat. Medium tofu is good for mock scrambled eggs (season with vegan chicken style seasoning and add diced peppers and onions). Soft tofu is great for blending into smoothies. Soft tofu adds texture so you don't have to worry about flavouring it. Check out for vegan and veggie recipes. Best of luck with the lifestyle.


    home come my mate is chubby, but like she doesnt eat anything!

    on the other hand, i eat tonnes and im quite fit. like today i have already had

    1 bowl of porridge
    1 pear
    2 slices of cheese on toast [vegan cheese]
    1 slice orange chocolate cake [my sister made it for me mmmm]
    about a million cups of tea!

    how does this work? i mean its not like i live in the gym or anything|||This is because of you metabolism. You feed you metabolism regualy therefore keeping it contiually working and making you thin. You friend does not feed her metabolism regually so whenver she does eat she will put it straight on as extra weight because her metabolism is slow and confused.|||It's called genetics and metabolism. Each body is different and responds different to calorie intake. You, luckily, can just burn calories at a faster rate. I would suggest you still watch what you eat for cholesterol reasons.|||maybe she has a slower metabolism , or maybe when she does eat , it's bad food or portions which are an issue...|||You don't eat tonnes.|||That's no food at all. I'm not shocked you're skinny. Eat more.|||the only thing fatening is the cheese and cake|||you havent even eaten that much x

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  • okay so i made a casserole (with pasta & peas, carrots, tempeh & vegan cheese). . . more like ATTEMPTED to make one. it came out like ****.!
    i guess i left it in the oven too long cuz it came out too crucnhy & UGH. :/ & it had NO flavor cuz i dunno how to add spices correctly or anything.
    well, i was just wondering if anyone had any recepies for a good simple casserole that a cooking dummy like ne can succeed in. LOL. or just any suggestions.
    i cooked it at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. too much, too little.? .-. help.
    my dinner for the rest of the week will be tasteless cheesy ****. :b .!|||I don't have a casserole recipe, but I do have a crock pot recipe and hopefully you have one because the recipes from this site are delicious and I make them for my family at times. We aren't vegans, but we like getting away from met at times.

    I am giving you a vegan recipe because you didn't specify otherwise. I made this for my cousin who visits me for a week every summer and is vegan. She loved it. She also directed me to this site for recipes:鈥?/a>

    Jamaican Red Bean Stew

    1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 cups sliced baby carrots
    3 scallions, chopped
    1 sweet potato, diced
    1 (15 oz) can diced tomatoes, drained
    2 tsp curry powder
    1/2 tsp dried thyme
    1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
    1/4 tsp ground allspice
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    2 (16 oz) cans dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed*
    1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
    1 - 2 cups unsalted vegetable broth or water
    Optional: 1/4 tsp salt or to taste

    Savvy Vegetarian Facebook Page

    Pour the oil into a 4-quart slow cooker and set the cooker on high. Add the garlic and put the lid on the cooker while you prepare the rest of the ingredients
    To the cooker, add the carrots, scallions, sweet potato, and tomatoes.
    Stir in the curry powder, thyme, red pepper flakes, allspice, and salt and pepper to taste
    Add the beans, coconut milk, and broth
    Reduce heat, cover, and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours|||Buy hot sauce.

    Just buy it Srichacha sauce if possible.|||Salt and pepper are a minimum requirement. You might also try onion and garlic (or their dried counterparts onion powder and garlic powder). Many savory recipes like stews, casseroles, roasts and soups begin with onion in some form or another. Whether sauteed, carmelized, minced fine or thrown in as rings/slices, onion forms a flavor foundation upon which you can build. In place of salt, soy sauce can also be used if you're looking for an oriental twist on your dish.

    You might try some Italian seasoning (usually a combination of oregano, thyme, perhaps rosemary, tarragon and cilantro) to spice up your dish a bit. If you're not averse to using a chicken stock you could try adding a bit of that for flavor and moisture to make it less dry.

    Depending on how MUCH ingredients you had, 375 at 20 minutes sounds like it would result in undercooking, not overcooking. Did you cover it while it was baking? Perhaps 325-350 is all you really need. Try referencing a macaroni and cheese recipe for quantities, times and temps.

    It seems to me after reading your ingredient list again that you need some moisture in there. Either a vegetable stock, light broth, fish broth, maybe white/red miso, or SOMETHING, even water or soymilk. But it sounds like your pasta and tempeh is absorbing all the available liquid and turning your casserole into a somewhat dry brickbat.|||I know I'm going to get a ton of thumbs downs but it's hard to make vegan taste good. You need a ton of spices. If I were to make it I'd do this.

    Make sure the carrots, pasta and all your ingredients are already cooked since the tempeh and vegan cheese only needs to be warmed. If you over cook soy it tends to either mush or harden.

    So spices. It's best when used fresh.
    1 tbs of oregano
    1 tbs of rosemary
    1 tsp of salt and pepper
    If you like spice like me
    1 tsp of paprika
    garnish with chives

    As far as cooking I'd do 350 and check every few minutes till you can tell it's hot.


    B- 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 tablespoon of mixed nuts and dried fruit, half a banana
    L- About 1/2 cup homeade hummus, with mixed veggies and greens in a whole wheat wrap
    S- (while training) 1 luna bar, 1 mini cliff builders bar
    D- About a cup of veggie stir-fry (about 1/4 cup tofu, and mixed veggies, 2 tablespoons vegan cheese)
    S- 1 cliff bar
    I think this may be too much food.... today I ran 3.61 miles, biked 1.33, did a 25 min m.m.a class, and a quick 8 min of pullups, and pushups. Yesterday I put in 20 miles of biking and running, and today was my easier day. I'm 14, female, 5'7-5'8, 115-120 pounds.|||i think its fine, I run too!


    I was thinking about it earlier, and a lot of the dramam @ my house, with me, comes from what I eat, and freedom for where I go (i.e. i am 17 and cannot ride my bike to the park @ night), and how late I stay up. I mean, I am vegetarian, I don't eat cheese, though I am trying a new vegan cheese now. I don't eat mayonaisse, cauliflower, spinach (except for one recipe that is really sugary), peanut butter, and the list continues, for miles. And I'm all for trying new-certified vegetarian-doesn't look remotely like meat-I know ALL of the ingredients to foods. But, I am in cross-country, so I need faster foods (which is funny, I can only eat out at 1 favorite restaurant that has 3 foods I can eat). I feel like I am getting fat ALL of the time, which i have gained weight despite running almost every day for 3 years and competing in sports. I bug my family when tehy trell me what to eat. I get annoyed when they don't eat something, and it is one of my FAVORITE foods. (Like if my mom made it for dinner, you better eat every last single bite-or I'll hunt you down). However, I do have some restraints put on by them. Like, my mom only buys stuff on sale half of the time, and other times she'll just go right out and buy it. Plus, she doesn't care that a LOT of our foods are filled with a bunch of chemical crap. Like if it has 10 ingredients or less, it is good. 20-10, okay. But over 25, I'm grossed out. Half those are chemical!!! Augh! But, she doesn't care, it could have 60+ (I've seen a few in our pantry), and it doesn't matter as long as it tastes good and is on sale. And I can NEVER predict when she'll buy what fruits and veggies (except for bananas, those are year round because I NEED them). IDK, am I a food Drama Queen?
    Oh, and explain why, thanks!|||Yes you are a food drama queen. You seem to be very aware of that fact. And more so, you seem to be very proud of that fact. Also, to repeat what Julia said, you seem to be on the border of an eating disorder. If you're constantly counting how many ingredients are in your food and feeling like you're always getting fat, you sound like you're on the verge of anorexia. Anorexia is a terrible, life-threatening disease.
    If you hate what your mom is buying, go buy your own groceries after school or on the weekends. If you don't have the money for it, then find a job. And if you don't have time for a job, then you have to stop complaining. Your mom is going to buy what she buys, and you have the choice of whether or not to eat it.
    Honestly, by posting this question, you seem like you're just seeking attention. You need to realize not everybody has the same eating habits as you, and you can't make a big deal and a scene out of it.|||14 full lines going on about food?
    You obviously are. I'm not even going to read. If you're really going to rant on for 14 LINES, then you must be a drama queen when it comes for food.
    I mean who talks about food for, THAT long.|||Sounds to me like you use your food weirdisms to exert some power at home. Yes, you are a food drama queen.|||Um yeah|||The fact that you are asking and making such a big deal sounds like you are, and proud of it. It also sounds like you might have a borderline eating disorder, based on your concern for getting fat. You're still growing. It's normal to gain weight in your teens. In fact, if you'd stopped growing at age 14, I'd be worried.

    I would suggest asking your mom to take you shopping so you can pick out some foods for yourself. Also, cook for yourself. It's easier to control what you're putting in your body that way and you don't need to worry about inconveniencing anyone.


    Vegan sour cream
    Vegan salad dressing
    Vegan teriyaki sauce
    Vegan cream cheese
    Vegan Yogurt
    Vegan buttery spread
    Grape tomatoes
    Japanese noodles
    Whole grain bread
    Pasta sauce (if it's still in there)
    Organic lemonade
    Vegan cheese dip
    Almond milk vanilla
    Almond milk chocolate
    Soy milk chocolate
    Odwalla protein drinks
    Leftover jalapenos
    Leftover beans
    Red pepper hummus
    Chick'n smart strips
    Rennet free organic cheese
    Daiya sprinkle cheese
    Strawberry banana smoothie bottles

    Vegetable burgers
    Vegan burgers
    Whole grain bread
    Toffuti ice cream sandwiches
    Organic frozen veggie packages
    MorningStar sausage patties
    MorningStar sweet n sour chicken
    Veggie Patch leftover spinach bites
    Sweet potato fries
    MorningStar Turk'y Burgers
    MorningStar Chicken patties

    Basil leaves
    Kashi whole grain crackers
    GoLean crunch cereal
    Whole grain rice
    Vegan peanut butter
    Vegan soynut butter
    Whole grain pasta
    Dried apricots
    Nut mix
    LU Cookies Le Petit Ecolier
    Kidney beans
    Black beans
    Italian Pepper mix
    Amy's lentil soup
    Tomato soup
    Carination dry powder drinks
    Clif bars
    Odwalla bars
    GoLean bar
    Granola bars
    Vegan Asian noodles cup
    Vegan Japanese noodle soup bowls
    Unopened can of salsa
    Veggie chip
    Whole grain oatmeal

    My bedroom:
    Mini reeses peanut butter cups
    Propel lemonade water
    Boost drinks I'll never finish cause they have d-3 in them.

    And that's all I can remember off the top of my head.

    I know I already replied but I thought I'd list what I have in my mom's fridge right now. And we always have water and other things I can have.|||I haven't checked lately. I shop 3 times a week.|||just gonna list things i buy regularly:

    lots of candy
    doritos spicy sweet chili
    mrs freshleys oatmeal creme pies
    plain chips
    homemade sour cream and onion dip
    onion rings
    Tortilla chips and salsa

    water water water, i drink alot alot of water.
    fresh fruit and vegetables
    taco bell bean burritos
    plain pizza
    pop tarts - the vegan ones
    lots of cheese

    Simply Asia Spicy kung pao. Love the stuff.
    Kraft Taco Bell Taco Dinner
    Amys chili
    Lentil Soup

    cant think of everything right now|||i'm only 13 so i live with my meat eating family of mine there is
    3 different cheeses
    cooked noodles
    a cheese salad
    (i'll be shopping for more soon this week)
    hot dog buns (i use for like pb&j)
    peanut butter|||Unfortunately I have to share a fridge and cabinets with meat-eaters. However, my stuff includes:

    Fridge -
    different fruits
    different vegetables
    rice milk
    chocolate soy milk
    earth balance butter
    vegan pudding
    vegan yogurt
    different types of beans and lentils
    tofu ravioli
    vegan potato gnocchis

    Cabinets -
    different boxes of vegan cereal
    vegan chocolate chip cookies
    vegan brownies
    different nuts
    different seeds
    vegan whole wheat pasta
    brown rice
    turbinado sugar
    whole wheat bread
    earth balance almond butter|||A great place to buy Propel Water is at|||i eat on the go and not at home alot to be honest and everyone in my house eats meat so i share space with them.

    but fridge.

    plain fruit homemade jelly(so i know theres no gellatine)
    fruit yoghurts.
    fresh pasta.
    garlic bread.
    fruit juice.
    and cans or fizzy juice.
    chocolate milk.

    tomatoe pasta sauces.
    canned soups (lentil. tomatoe vegetable etc.
    curry noodles
    cereal (porridge oats,coco pops golden nuggets.)
    nutrigrain bars.
    herbs and spices.

    i dont tend to have much because as i said i eat on the go and never really sit down and eat bad i know but thats me and my diet yes isnt the best but it suits me :)|||Fridge:
    Brita water pitcher
    Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze
    Tomato Basil Marinara sauce
    Chunky Peanut Butter
    Almond Butter
    Dry Roasted Almonds
    Earth Balance with olive oil
    Banana Peppers
    Unsweetened applesauce
    Extra firm tofu
    Tempeh x 2
    Chopped up red onion
    Honeycrisp apples x 2
    Romaine lettuce
    Raw cashews
    Raw almonds
    Leftover veggie pizza (marinara sauce, green pepper, red onion, tomato)
    Leftover parmesan "cheese" made from sesame seeds, nutritional yeast, and salt to put on the pizza
    Whole wheat tortillas
    Frank's Red Hot
    Fruits of the Forest fruit spread
    yellow mustard
    nutritional yeast
    sesame oil
    barbecue sauce
    lemon juice
    dijon mustard
    sesame seeds
    yeast (for baking)
    TJ's Goddess Dressing (exact same as Annie's but cheaper)
    Better than Bouillon vegetable base
    Organic baby spinach
    Sundried tomatoes
    Maple syrup

    frozen bananas
    Ezekiel english muffins
    Ezekiel burger buns
    frozen pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
    pumpkin seeds
    Dr. Praeger's California burgers
    TJ's meatless meatballs
    Veggie sausages I made
    Whole Wheat Flour
    Various homemade veggie burgers
    Ground Flaxseed
    frozen cherries
    Earth Balance sticks

    Unsweetened Coconut
    Sunflower seeds
    Bulk popcorn
    Protein powder
    Rolled oats
    Cocoa powder
    tons of canned beans
    Brown rice syrup
    Canned Artichokes
    Brown rice pasta
    Whole wheat angel hair
    Back up salad dressing and marinara sauce
    Falafel mix
    Panko bread crumbs
    Ezekiel cereal
    TJ's semisweet chocolate chips (yes they're vegan!)
    Canned pumpkin x 6
    Agave nectar
    Olive oil
    Organic vegan sugar

    Fruit bowl on counter:
    Spaghetti squash
    Tomato|||Here's mine,
    red globe grapes w/ seeds (I don't eat seedless fruit, if it can still be called a fruit)
    coconut milk unsweetened
    almond milk unsweetened
    organic kale
    organic carrots
    heirloom tomatoes
    100% dark amber maple syrup

    organic raw deshelled sunflower seeds
    organic raw pumpkin seeds
    homemade vegan muesli
    tub of sea salt
    grapeseed oil
    sunflower oil
    olive oil

    I also have too many herbs to list, sort of a hobby. But my favorite ones I grow fresh are tarragon and rosemary.|||um not really a lot...:(

    alpro soya chocolate dessert
    strawberry jam
    peanut butter
    diet coke
    bolenese light sauce (yummy with quorn mince for veggie spag bol)
    chedder cheese
    skimmed milk

    ground cinnamum
    jelly beans
    haribo funny mix..veggie yeah :P
    orange pepper
    reese's peanut butter cups
    weight watchers vegetable soup
    super noodles mild chilli
    uncles bens sticky mexican rice
    chocolate ready brek
    white bread
    half a mango
    aero bubbles

    quorn lasagne
    asda veggie spag bol
    quorn cottag pie
    quorn chicken curry
    birds eye rice bags
    quorn sausages
    oven chips
    micro chips
    frozen yogurt

    haha im a junk food veggie :)


    I like fancy food as well, but I'm thinking of trying this tonight (without the ham and replace the cheese with the vegan cheese).

    * Perfect Perogy Casserole *

    Makes 4-6 servings
    -- 16 - 20 CHEEMO Perogies
    -- 1 Onion, chopped
    -- 1/4 cup Milk
    -- 1 tbsp. Butter or Margarine
    -- 1/2 cup Cooked Ham, diced
    -- 1 Green Pepper, diced
    -- 1/4 cup Cheddar Cheese, shredded
    -- 10 oz. can Condensed Mushroom Soup

    In a small skillet melt butter or margarine and saut茅 onion and green pepper for 5 minutes. In a medium size casserole dish, combine frozen CHEEMO perogies, onion, green pepper, and ham. Combine milk and mushroom soup and pour over casserole. Top with cheddar cheese.

    Bake 35 minutes at 175潞C (350潞F), or microwave until heated through.

    From this website:|||sounds good, but not sure why you are replacing the cheese with vegan cheese
    there is also milk and mushroom soup which contain cream, so its not because you are vegan, so you must be a vegitarian

    many processed cheeses are out there use a vegitable-based enzimes to make the cheese, not rennet.|||lets just say im now hungryy|||Sounds really good and I'm a omnivore. But one question, what will you use to replace the cows milk?|||I think it needs to be baked not nuked. But heck yes make it! I'm going to!

    Thanks. ;-)

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  • I've had cholesterol, but thankfully have kept it in good check, I still have high triglycerides and am on the border line of having good HDL. I've read everywhere that saturated fat is bad for a person like me, but sometimes I see it in places that are have good fats like mono & poly, and that aren't meat or dairy, like for instance a nut, i'm pretty sure in olive oil even! And my vegan cheese which i only eat because it's cholesterol free. But the only meat I consume however is Fish and I do not consume cows milk straight out. So i'm pretty much asking, is it ALL bad?|||It's not about the food as much as it is the type of fat it is. Monosaturated & Polysaturated fats are good fats whereas Saturated & Trans fats aren't. You should avoid foods high in bad fats and try to stay under 20g a day. You should try staying under 50g a day of total fats in your diet.|||Yes they are bad but the ability to control your intake is waht make them good or bad for your body. Fish and meat is protenious, thay make you grow healthly.


    i am sixteen years old. i weigh around 135 pounds. i wouldn't really like to lose weight as much as tone my body. i am also a vegan and sort of a health freak. one thing i suck at is working out. i have no motivation, it's my downfall. i would really like to hear what you think.
    this is what i have eaten today.
    breakfast; (on a typical day i eat organic fruit but i change it up on the weekends sometimes haha)
    vanilla soy yogurt with crumbled strawberry granola.
    sunshine burger on whole grain flaxseed bread, nayosa, vegan cheese, and lettuce.
    about an ounce of carrots.
    two brown rice cakes with 2 tbsp. organic grape jelly.
    an oz of salted almonds (out of whole natural)
    pomegranate. half a mango.

    do you think if i eat decently like this, and involve some sort of exercise it will tone me up and help me lose weight?
    i was thinking maybe just about a half hour, 45 minute walk a day, maybe some abs, some arm workouts.
    i do yoga once a week as well.

    all advice, comments would be helpful.
    thank you!|||Wow i wish i ate that healthy. Goodjob! I think you might wanna eat a little more but if you don't feel hungry then don't. You're on the right track. For exercise, try taking it slow at first. Walk for about 15-20minutes nothing too drastic and do about 20 situps. Dancing is great exercise also.|||it sounds to me like you need to do some strength training to build muscle along with your cardio try and do 30 minutes of walking and do 15 minutes of strength resistance.


    i feel like i ate really poorly today, but tomorrow i'm fasting for a jewish holiday, so will that compensate for my poor choices today?

    if anyones curious i had
    breakfast: 1/2 cup applesauce
    lunch: 1 cup white rice, 5 chunks of steamed broccoli, 2 super thin slices of tofu that was sort of baked/fried, 1 mini burger made of peas and cooked in a bit of olive oil(about a 1.5 inch diameter), 1 slice of vegan cheese, 1/3 of a vegan hot dog, 1/5 cup corn, a couple radishes
    dinner: chinese takeout, made up of 4 balls of fried tofu(1 inch diameter each), 2 small hunks of bok choy, various mixed veggies, all cooked in a spicy/kind of oily sauce, this dish total was probably about 1.5-2 cups

    were my choices really that bad? i feel like there was a lot of oil. but will fasting the next day just burn off the calories i ate?|||Don't ever fast as that's hard on your metabolism and mind. These choices sound excellent to me and remember: We eat what we need; what our body craves so you needed that extra fat (oil) for some reason.

    Reply: Well yes I suppose that will detox you somewhat (the Jewish 24 hr fast). You BF better make it up to you the next day though. ;-)
    ...but not unless you're just going to feel bad about it again. When I was vegan (assuming you are) for over a year I never felt bad about overeating on plant based foods even when they were processed.
    I think this example you provided is actually ideal in protein. It looks like you get plenty of it so good job on that.|||millions are starving to death!-you have the choice to eat when youre hungry/drink when dry!


    I am vegan and allergic to milk. My food options are limited. I'm a 15 year old girl. I'm almost 5'9" and 108lb. I was 118lb at one time, most recently i was 112lb for about 2 months. when I was 118 and 112 I was eating less than I am now.

    I eat a fair amount of junk. Cereal, veggie burgers, noodles and vegan cheese, pancakes, smoothies, cookies, cakes, brownies. I do have fruits and veggies, too. I've tried soy protein shakes (milk-free), and they didn't work. I didn't gain anything, and they made my stomach hurt bad. I'm never really super hungry, I just eat because I'm scared of losing weight. My mum's really strict and weird about that... she threatens to send me to a hospital because I eat a lot and can't put anything on. I don't exercise, at all. Unless walking up the stairs to my room counts.

    I also sweat a lot. Could it be my metabolism? My family is thin too.|||If you aren't gaining weight and you feel like you are eating a lot, then it's metabolism and genetics and reading that your family is also skinny, then it should be those. If you really want to gain weight, try to do strength exercises, like if you don't have weights, do pushups/situps/etc and increase your calories by 500 more than what you're eating now. Also try to fix your diet, you don't want foods that are full of sugar on the daily basis, have something healthy at least.


    First off, I'm 15, 5'8 and about 130 pounds. According to several calorie calculators I need
    To maintain: 2000 calories
    To lose: 1500-1700 calories
    To lose quickly: 1200 calories
    each day
    Trouble is, I find it difficult to get up to even those 1200 calories. I eat very healthy, and naturally low calorie foods. No simple carbs, no refined sugar, no boxed or packaged foods, ect. ('cept on the weekend :P)
    For example, just today it's almost 2pm and I've eaten less than 400 calories and burned about 500 at the gym.
    Apparently, from the foods I've eaten I've gotten these nutrients:
    26g carbs
    17.8g protein
    26g fat
    4.5g sat fat
    215mg cholesterol
    366mg sodium
    11.3g fiber

    For breakfast, sauteed yellow onion, green onion, jalapenos, and garlic with 1 large organic egg + egg white over half an avocado.
    For lunch, 1 cup broccoli and 1 cup green beans with a homemade vegan cheese sauce that I make with a combo of squash, carrots, onions, various spices and olive oil.
    (I've also had a cup of Ancient Grain Milk and a ring of pineapple)
    I don't know how to get more calories without eating junk. For dinner I'll probably have chicken or tuna salad (without dressing). I know even though on most days I get the recommended amounts of protein, fiber, carbs, etc I'm not getting enough calories to be healthy (and lose weight!). So... help? I don't like eating bread, cereal, etc except every other day or the weekends and I think I'm inadvertently starving myself. So I need more calories without more fat and sugar!


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  • im going to brunch tomorrow and trying to decide what i'll get, which of these descriptions would be best as far as nutrition, also how many calories would they be?
    1. a smoothie with carrot juice, orange, and banana(their smoothies are a large glass, about 16 oz), and a salad with green leaf lettuce, carrot, cucumber, purple cabbage, red onion, tomato, and sunflower sprouts. the bowl for the salad is very large, i would have almost no dressing on it
    2. vegan rye bun, grilled and topped with sauerkraut, green onions, sliced tomato, vegan cheese, and black olives. Served open-faced with sliced pickle
    3. A fresh-roasted poblano pepper (spiciness varies) stuffed with organic brown rice, corn, green peas, tempeh,and fresh cilantro. Baked with verde sauce. served with black beans and summer squash sautee
    4. Fresh vegetables steamed to order with sage mashed potatoes and black eyed peas. Served with a side of Cashew Tamari dressing
    5. Fresh vegetables stir fried in canola oil with tofu, green onions, mushrooms and cashews. Finished with a sauce of fruit juices, fresh ginger, cashews, garlic and pineapple puree
    6. Organic brown basmati rice with black eyed peas and green onions, and a side salad(same type as the one in option 1 but a lot smaller portion)|||Any of the options is in the 400 calories range, so that is reasonable. The first option doesn't have adequate protein. The fifth is also a bit low on protein. If it was me, I would go for number 3 as it has the best overall balance.


    I am 24yrs and i want to lose 30 to 40lbs but having a lott of trouble doing so. I don't eat much as it is now ever, i don't eat fast food or junk food or even red meat, or dairy. to give you a better ide i eat mostly whole grain tortilla shells plain or if i need some some like dairy in me i will us vegan cheese, or have soy mike two times a week, i also will have weight watches diet gingral, grill chicken and brown rice or oat meal..that petty much it i really eat if i want something on the weekends sweet i go vegan cookie once in away. i don't really have a sweet tooth or like chips or anything. also to let you know i cant have eggs im allergic to them so from not eating them i kind of stop having dairy.thank you|||if you have netflix, watch fat,sick, and nearly dead. Im starting the diet next week when i get the money to buy fruits and veggies. If you dont have netflix it were you only eat and drink fresh fruits and veggies, you juice them, then drink it as a meal, only do it for 10 days, and never more in a row. Then do mild exersize, you will lose 30lb in just 10 days!|||try goin out for jogs and try eatting less then u usally do|||They have an ice cream where it is 150 calories per pint of it. If you look up the woman lisa lillian (better known as hungry gilr) you can find it on her website. Hope this helped!


    Today I ate-
    5 small dates
    4 slice whole wheat bread
    1 can black bean soup
    5.5 cups of orange juice
    1 piece of vegan cheese
    about 3/4 cup of black beans
    2 whole wheat soft taco shells
    a slice of vegan turkey meat
    1 avocado
    2.5 tablespoons of peanut butter
    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    This is what I ate in 1 day, and I feel fat and gross!!!! I'm 14, 5 foot 8 and 119 pounds. I added this up and it's around 3000 calories!!! I played hockey without skates for about an hour today, I also ran up some hills, but that's it! What do I do, please no rude answers!
    1 hour ago - 4 days left to answer.
    Additional Details
    I'm a vegan.
    1 hour ago

    Oh I should say I have been eating around this much for about 2 weeks now:(
    I have gained 9 pounds!|||dont be paranoid you're cool. 3000 cals is not bad if you got that exercise. only if you ate that everyday with no exercise would it be bad.|||You chill out. Seriously. That's not bad. Actually, you could stand to gain a little weight...|||Seriously? MAN YOU GONNA GET FAAATTT YO GONNA BE LIKE A BIG FAT BIG MAC.......... No. Jk. Haha :p


    Today I ate-
    5 small dates
    4 slice whole wheat bread
    1 can black bean soup
    5.5 cups of orange juice
    1 piece of vegan cheese
    about 3/4 cup of black beans
    2 whole wheat soft taco shells
    a slice of vegan turkey meat
    1 avocado
    2.5 tablespoons of peanut butter
    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    This is what I ate in 1 day, and I feel fat and gross!!!! I'm 14, 5 foot 8 and 119 pounds. I added this up and it's around 3000 calories!!! I played hockey without skates for about an hour today, I also ran up some hills, but that's it! What do I do, please no rude answers!
    1 hour ago - 4 days left to answer.
    Additional Details
    I'm a vegan.
    1 hour ago

    Oh I should say I have been eating around this much for about 2 weeks now:(
    I have gained 9 pounds!|||dont be paranoid you're cool. 3000 cals is not bad if you got that exercise. only if you ate that everyday with no exercise would it be bad.|||You chill out. Seriously. That's not bad. Actually, you could stand to gain a little weight...|||Seriously? MAN YOU GONNA GET FAAATTT YO GONNA BE LIKE A BIG FAT BIG MAC.......... No. Jk. Haha :p


    Will a pleasant side effect of becoming vegan be losing weight? I have been vegetarian for around 6 months but a week or so ago decided to go one step further and become vegan. I've been eating alot of vegan turkey & vegan cheese sandwiches, with vegan bread, letucce, avocado, vegan mayo, mustard, and tomatoe. Plus lots of plain tofu and fruits. Will this help me lose wieght, if that's all I change? If so, how long do you think it'll take for me to see results? I'm 5'6'' and weigh 140 pounds, and I'm not very active. I'm overweight, obviously.|||become active|||Just eat more fruit and grains, stick with being vegan it will do you lots of good in the long run. Don't be in a rush to lose the pounds rushing leaves you with extra skin, let the weight and skin regain norms slowly. Get plenty of exercise, weight doesn't go away just by changing your diet.

    good luck|||Maybe. I wouldn't consider your numbers to be problematic, however. Being active is the key, though. Going meat-free is a big step already, so congratulations.

    I read Alanis Morissette went vegan recently and lost 20 lbs, if that means anything鈥?/a>|||If you change to a vegan diet, you will still have access to all the glorious things that help you keep weight on, i.e., sugars and starches.
    Vegans are still susceptible to overeating the wrong things and adding on weight.
    If you consider making 50=75% of your diet raw, you may find it easier to control your weight, as more of your diet will be less problematic.

    Another option would be to be a low-carb vegan, cutting way back on things like bread, rice, grains in general, added sugars of any kind (anything that did not come directly from the natural food), i.e. starches and sugars. That is the easiest way to take off unwanted weight -- I took off 100 lbs that way (2 C of raw spinach only have 4 gr. of carbohydrates, while one piece of bread has 25 gr. or more.) Cut the starches and sugars and you will take off the weight easily, regardless of what diet you follow.|||TOTALLY!!! I'm a vegan, and you don't just lose more weight, you feel better about yourself! You'll also have more energy! DO IT FOR THE ANIMALS!!! NOT JUST FOR YOURSELF!!!|||that probably will

    i went vegan and lost about 7lbs in the first month.

    also are you sure that cheese is vegan?
    some print cheese as being soy cheese. but still contains milk and a milk ingredient called caesin.|||TT deserves best answer on this one.
    I ate better and got active. Then I lost weight.

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  • im going to brunch tomorrow and trying to decide what i'll get, which of these descriptions would be best as far as nutrition, also how many calories would they be?
    1. a smoothie with carrot juice, orange, and banana(their smoothies are a large glass, about 16 oz), and a salad with green leaf lettuce, carrot, cucumber, purple cabbage, red onion, tomato, and sunflower sprouts. the bowl for the salad is very large, i would have almost no dressing on it
    2. vegan rye bun, grilled and topped with sauerkraut, green onions, sliced tomato, vegan cheese, and black olives. Served open-faced with sliced pickle
    3. Fresh vegetables steamed to order with sage mashed potatoes and black eyed peas. Served with a side of Cashew Tamari dressing
    4. Organic brown basmati rice with black eyed peas and green onions, and a side salad(same type as the one in option 1 but a lot smaller portion)
    5. a bowl of soup and side salad, but i'm not sure what type of soup it will be, some sort of vegan soup|||3 is almost balanced meal because it contains vegetables, fiber, fat, and beans which are almost a complete protein. In order to achieve a balanced, healthy meal, you need a side of that brown rice to complement the beans and have a complete protein.
    Could you order that? Then you would be doing great, nourishing your body! Then your body will be healthy and good.

    The other choices are not balanced,
    4 is the close, but is lacking fat and enough vegetables. It may be to small(that's what you wrote) to properly nourish you.

    I care about you, your health; that's why I'm responding!|||3. Would be very nutritious.
    But they all sound very unappetising. To tell you the truth I would rather eat a carrot out of the ground then those options. Are you trying to make plant fertiliser?
    Just saying, being healthy is one thing, becoming a plant is another.


    so ive bee a vegetarion 4 bout 2 years, but recently i became a vegan!! wahoo! go animals! cuz i watched a movie called "Earthings" that rlly opened my eyes to animal abuse and all the shitt that happens in slaughterhouses, so if u havent seen it, i strongly recommend u watch it, EVERYONE SHOULD!!! but anyways-now im a vegan and i want some healthy vegan recipes and vegan food that i can put togther easily. i bought some flaxseed milk which is made from seeds,no dairy, and i bought alot of veggies and fruits too. im not gunna eat any cheese (i plan on buying some vegan cheese subsitute) no eggs, no butter, no nothin thats dairy! so for dinner 2nite im eating chopped spinach that i boiled in water with Mortons nature's seosening on it and im having some grapes. any of u vegans have food ideas for me? its pretty easy for me cuz i already didnt eat meat and i love love love fruits and veggies more then anything. sooo recipes? i heard u can make vegan desserts with bannanas instead of using eggs? can u? oh and i can stil leat cereal like speciol k for breakfast if i have it with my flaxseed milk rite??? THX!|||chopped spinach and seasalt, then some grapes- my dear, you will end up the worst advertisement for a vegan lifestyle when you become dull and listless and look like a corpse.
    No offense I understand this is part of your question.

    So, vegan recipes require a little more than spinach.

    Tofu - buy it fresh, NOT that oldplastic white tun tofu- in water. Go find a good asian store- Chinese, Korean, Thai- a supermarket, it is worth every penny of your time- they sell FRESH tofu, pressed, baked,
    seaweeds- Nori ( that lvely stuff in sheets outside a sushi roll), wakam, hijiki.
    They seel fesh nuts, dried veg, rice flour, rice wrappers, vegan wontons, almond flour, walnut flour, rice milk, bean milk, almond milk- a good Asia store sells everything you can every want- including miso paste and about fifty types of seaweed noodles, buckwheat and rice noodles- it's worth making that trip as soon as possible and coming home with a long list of great vegan friendly foods.
    They should also make the fish shaped pancakes stuffed with red bean paste
    they look like this-鈥?/a>

    Japan and China have their own versions- called different things.
    It's just an idea of waht you can eat, get used to all the legumes nuts and seeds and eating them in as many ways as you can- walnut flour, brazil nuts in a lentil pie, pecans in granola, sesame seed oil in stir fry, sunflower seed butter etc. Eat these nuts and seeds, and the chickpeas, pinto beans, and lentils with ALL you can- salads, sandwiches, soups.

    Special K is not vegan- it uses whey. YOu will have to be careful with ALL crappy junky processed foods, because in the US of A ( I don't know if you lve there but I'm assuming it's so) they put milk and milk powder and cheese powder in anything they can- including bread, cereals, soup, rice mixes, hamburger helper and pretty much anything processed from frozen or a box or a packet.
    There are SOME junky and processed foods without animal products and in fact the list is very long, so this chart will help[
    ( I hate to link a Peta site, but whatev)鈥?/a>|||FRUIT SMOOTHIES! add yogurt and maybe some vanilla with orange juice and various fruits(dont forget the banana) and WAH LA! a yummy drink :)


    i had wheat cheerios with no sugar added milk, a few nuts and fruit coffee
    then school sat and moved around
    then lunch carrots , trisects , low fat cheese , apple , low sugar chewy bar
    then came home and had a small snack
    walked 20 min and shopped for 20min then walked for 20min
    had an early dinner 100 calorie soup , vegan cheese , wheat tortia , milk
    then a 45 min walk
    and i had about 1200-1300 calories
    i burned about 2000
    but i feel like i had alot at night?|||You should have right info if you want to lose weight. You can use way that I lost 22 pounds in 45 days. It works fast and It will work for you too. You can find more info from link below.


    hey y'all. i'm 16 years old, 5'2'' and 150 pounds. its gross, and i really need to lose weight...and FAST. so i've heard a lot of really good things about the South Beach Diet, and i'm thinking about trying it. but there's one small problem: i'm a vegan (no meat, no dairy, no eggs, etc). but i was wondering if i could still do it and if this would be healthy:

    breakfast: 1 serving vegan sausage, 1/4 cup red and green bell peppers and 1 stalk of celery cooked in 1 tsp olive oil and a glass of unsweetened soymilk

    morning snack: 7 almonds

    lunch: 1 Cup romaine, 1 Cup spinach, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 Cup chickpeas with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

    afternoon snack: 1/2 Cup broccoli with 1 Tbsp hummus, 1/4 Cup soy nuts

    dinner: 1/2 Cup morning star ground "meat" (soy), 1/2 Cup black beans, 1/4 Cup diced tomatoes, 1 1/2 Cups romaine and 1 slice vegan cheese

    so that all works out to:
    *about 1000 calories
    *41g fat
    *51g fiber
    *66g protein

    i'll also be taking a multivitamin, b12 supplement and a calcium + vitamin D supplement every morning. i'll be drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, and any other drinks will be crystal light.

    so yeah, how much weight will i lose? the south beach book says you'll lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks but is that true?

    oh, and as for exercise, i have gym class every other day at school and we run and lift weights and sometimes go ice skating or roller skating and stuff like that. i also work at a day care every day for a couple hours and play jump rope and kickball and stuff with the kids. on the weekends, and when i have time during the week, i'll run on a treadmill (at an incline) for about 30 minutes, and lift weights every other day for about 15 minutes.

    thanks in advance. y'all are loved.|||I think it sounds like you're doing really good. The only thing is you might want to add a couple of hundred more calories because 1000 is really low. Maybe a couple of more almonds or so. Just try to bring it up to 1200. You work out and need to eat a little bit more to fuel your body. But other then that everything sounds great!!!! GOOD LUCK!|||Hi, don't focus to much on loosing weight fast, a bit slower but steady will be much better for you! I see really a lot of (processed) soy in the menu you propose, this is not so healthy, please read the 1st link. I don't know the south beach diet, but it sounds like it is one of these low-carb fashions (and your brain runs on carbs!). As you describe, you already do enough sports, I think you can probably eat whatever you feel like, as long as you stick to whole foods. This will automatically give you a healthy balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fat (and your body doesn't need a great amount of protein). It will saturate you very well, so you will loose weight without feeling hungry all the time, and you won't need any supplements either. And this is very well possible as a vegan too.
    Have a look at the sites that I quote, and it will be much clearer to you. 1st link: Definitely read Annemarie Colbin's article, there are many more great articles on her site, the other two links share great recipes. I hope this helps you. I changed my families' diet to a whole food diet 3 years ago, and we are feeling great.


    breakfast: smoothie made up of 2.5 cups spinach, 1 peach, 3/4 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup rice milk
    lunch: i slice sprouted grain bread, 1 slice vegan cheese, 1 cup split pea soup, 1 ear of corn(roasted)
    snack: 6 almonds, 1 small carrot, 1 apple
    dinner: 2 slices sprouted whole wheat bread, 1 veggie hot dog, 1/2 tomato, mixed field greens, 1 tbsp sweet hot relish, 1 block of godiva extra dark chocolate

    nutrition came to a total of: 1000 calories, 167 g carbs, 49 g protein, 18 g fat, 60 g sugar
    i am aware 1000 calories is not enough, ive always eaten a small amount but i am trying to increase my calorie intake
    also i'm vegan|||Yes

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  • Today was my big feast day because for the past few days i have been eating little and working out alot... so today i decided to eat a little more, still work-out but i will go back to my everday routine tomorrow. Today i ate..
    For Breakfast: (Sandwich)
    whole wheat bread
    vegan cheese

    1 mango
    1 small orange
    A few grapes
    half a cup oatmeal

    For LUNCH

    1 banana
    some mixed nuts
    1 tofutti cutie


    green bean casserole
    Garden vegetable medley

    1 pear
    1 orange
    a few crackers with vegan cream cheese
    1 cup soy milk

    After I ate all this I am still not satisfied, I feel like im still hungry...

    What should I do? Should i drink some red tea, or i feel for another cutie, should i have one? Or should i say NO and drink water! Is that too much calories aready? did i pass 2,000?|||No, you didn't go past 2000 calories. Eat a hamburger.|||Breakfast:
    what?milk or water?
    Milk,Has protein
    Water,???make it 2 glasses,even milk or water.
    Forget some water?make it 2 glasses.
    Fine,no water?2 glasses
    Complete,make the soy milk 2 glasses

    Hamburger,may help you.
    29 healthiest food:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Enjoy!Eat some chocolates in your dinner.|||Pita bread is filling. You can eat it with hummus.
    A bowl of healthy hot or cold cereal with soy milk.
    Vegetable soup, like someone already said. I like eating miso soup when I'm hungry. It's salty, so it's satisfying.
    A fruit or vegetable salad :)|||Im not quite sure if you went past 2,000 already, i've had those times that i really want a snack. I'd go for another cutie, those look so good. This is why i keep rice cakes and such around, for snacking. :p|||No wonder your hungry, you're eating things my lawnmower couldn't digest! Grab a burger, a beer and a redhead. Ah now you're full....|||Have some oatmeal with some fruit, that will fill you up and last for the rest of the night... Or am I too late in commenting? What did you end up having? *Laugh*|||have a cutie and a big glass of milk..wait oh...vegan right?...;鈥?/a>|||I find when I drink vegetable soup or eat salsa and chips i am full.|||double bacon cheeseburger, mmmmmm yummy


    1 cup coffee w/ a splash of coconut milk ( 10 cal)
    4 in banana (61 cal)
    1/4 cup granola ( 140 cal)
    1 pear (115 cal)
    10 grapes(15 cal)
    1 dried apricot (15 cal)
    1/2 cup apple cinamon cheerios (80 cal)
    1/2 sandwich thin (50 cal)
    1/2 veggie berger (35 cal)
    1/2 slice vegan cheese(20 cal)

    I know its really low calories but my doctor said it was fine to lose weight.|||Too low and not much protein.|||WHY ARE YOU ASKING THE INTERNET THIS!?


    Hello. =] I have been a vegetarian for almost three years. I love being a vegetarian and it feels good to know I'm not harming animals. But as I really think about it, would becoming a Vegan be better all around? I do not eat eggs already, because I know how horribly chickens are treated. Also, I just do not like the thought of eating eggs. It grosses me out.
    So, my questions are: Should I just become vegan? What are the plus sides to Veganism? Also, I love cheese. So what is a good tasting vegan cheese I could try? And the same for milk?

    And I know a ton of animal products are almost "hidden" in foods. So basically, what would be the things I couldn't eat if I became vegan? Or if it is easier, what would be the things I could eat?

    Sorry for the many questions. Thank you in advance!|||Well my biggest plus to veganism is knowing I'm doing all I can to help animals, and it decreases your impact on the environment and is usually better for your health too :)

    There's soy cheese you can try- Daiya and Follow Your Heart are most popular. I've never actually tried soy cheese, though, so I can't offer an opinion. There's also rice milk cheese, which is harder to find, and there's actually an Uncheese Cookbook for vegan 'cheese' dips, sauces, etc.

    For milk, there's soy, almond, rice, hemp, or coconut milk. You can also make your own milk from basically any type of nut- just look up directions for making almond milk and sub in a different nut.

    Dairy- sodium caseinate, casein, whey. Eggs- albumin. Most times, dairy and eggs acually have very little hidden ingredients, and they're usually listed as 'nonfat milk', 'egg yolks', pretty obvious stuff.

    I don't really care if my food has touched meat. If it doesn't have meat IN it, then I didn't contribute to the slaughter of animals by paying for it. Thats how I think of it. Usually, I just order a bunch of sides. For example, at Bob Evans I'll get a fruit cup, broccoli, a baked potato, and mixed garden veggies. Not the most gourmet meal, but it passes. Ethnic places like Qdoba are great (love their tortilla soup :))- Mexican, Indian, Italian, etc. And don't be afraid to adjust your order, you're the one paying for the meal and they're the ones serving you. For example. at an Italian restaurant, you could order a linguine-in-garlic-and-olive-oil dish, but sub the chicken with broccoli and minus the cheese. Stuff like that. I don't like salads as a general rule, so can't help on that.

    Some ideas for meals are vegetable rice, chana masala, pasta salad, spring rolls, vegetable samosas, vegetable pot pie, 3-bean chili, burritos, sweet potato fries, pancakes/waffles, pita with hummus, minestrone soup, spaghetti with 'meatballs', 'pups in blankets' (tofu dogs wrapped in biscuit meal and baked), marinated and grilled veggie kebabs, vegetable stir-fry, soba noodles, vegetable paella, mushroom risotto, stuff like that. Just use your head! Last night, I was looking for dinner cuz my family was eating pizza, and I sauteed borlotti beans, tomatoes, onions, minced garlic, oregano, parsley, and a pinch of salt, had it on pita bread. Yummy :) You just have to think outside the box.

    Good luck! Feel free to message me or email at|||There are many alternatives to cheese. Since you are a vegetarian for ethical reasons, you should know that dairy cows are subjected to cruel conditions and by supporting the dairy industry, you also support the veal industry. When the calves are born, the males are taken away and turned into veal aka baby cow. The females are taken away and turned into dairy cows.
    It's very easy to be a vegan. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole wheats, brown rice, seaweed, sea vegetables, lentils and legumes, soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and almond milk, will keep you completely healthy. No supplements required.|||There are egg substitutes for cooking and things. Also almost and soy milks are yummy.
    I'm not sure if any of these are vegan I just know they are great vegitarian options. Good luck.|||it is your choice to be or not to be. please decide accordingly|||becoming a vegan is a personal decision, only you can make the decision. Or, eat vegan as much as you are comfortable, i.e., the egg issue (that answer may upset some serious vegans, sorry, just my opinion!) some of the things to look out for on labels; milk solids, whey, casine (don't think that's spelled right). Soy products are great sources, beans, legumes. there are also some great Vegan recipe websites available. Just google it. As far as restaurants.... A lot of them will accommodate a special request. If you are making a reservation ahead of time, ask then. It gives them more time to come up with something other than a salad!
    A great meal is pizza!! just ask the restaurant to leave off all cheese (including Parmesan). You'll be amazed how crispy the crust is with just the veggies!!! Even wins over the non-vegans!|||Stop being paranoid and eat normally like the rest of us. You're being silly. Eat meat.
    By not eating meat, you're not changing how animals get treated. The system's been in place for a long time, and one person refusing to eat meat is not gonna change people's minds.
    Ever hear of the venus fly trap? The plant that eats meat?


    i want something that is really close to the real thing, and i cant seem to find a good one.
    what brand names should i try? and do they sell it at whole foods?|||The very best (and I'm not kidding- it's better than most real cheese) is Dr. Cow. It isn't widely available, but you can order it from Pangea.鈥?/a>

    Of the ones you can get at Whole Foods, Rice Slices aren't terrible, and I believe some stores are starting to carry Sheese - which is good.|||Imitation cheese.This does sound ghetto, but the imitation cheap shredded gunk in the cheese section is made from soy and stuff, it tastes fine to me. I don't care for cheese very much, but I know good cheese, and it you mix that with miso paste it's dan good.

    However cheese is a very personal may hate it. I love the flavour.

    I can eat marmite on bread for a cheese experience. Miso paste does the trick too.

    Try that?|||A brand called Veggie Slices makes great Soy cheddar cheese! I found that at Super Target and Cub foods. They also have great Mozzarella cheese too.|||I have only tried veggie slices and a vegan cream cheese.
    I heard cheesly(i think) is really good.
    and the same brand of veggie slices makes a vegan verson|||Daiya brand.


    im going to brunch tomorrow and trying to decide what i'll get, which of these descriptions would be best as far as nutrition, also how many calories would they be?
    1. a smoothie with carrot juice, orange, and banana(their smoothies are a large glass, about 16 oz), and a salad with green leaf lettuce, carrot, cucumber, purple cabbage, red onion, tomato, and sunflower sprouts. the bowl for the salad is very large, i would have almost no dressing on it
    2. vegan rye bun, grilled and topped with sauerkraut, green onions, sliced tomato, vegan cheese, and black olives. Served open-faced with sliced pickle
    3. A fresh-roasted poblano pepper (spiciness varies) stuffed with organic brown rice, corn, green peas, tempeh,and fresh cilantro. Baked with verde sauce. served with black beans and summer squash sautee
    4. Fresh vegetables steamed to order with sage mashed potatoes and black eyed peas. Served with a side of Cashew Tamari dressing
    5. Fresh vegetables stir fried in canola oil with tofu, green onions, mushrooms and cashews. Finished with a sauce of fruit juices, fresh ginger, cashews, garlic and pineapple puree
    6. Organic brown basmati rice with black eyed peas and green onions, and a side salad(same type as the one in option 1 but a lot smaller portion)|||In my opinion , number 4 sounds like the best. Steamed veggies are better than fried. a smoothie to me is a snack not a meal . they all do sound good but im not a vegan so I would have to have some kind of meat in my meal whether it's breakfast, lunch , or dinner .|||smoothie

  • chucky cheese
  • long john silvers locations
  • I had some vegan cheese once that tasted like window putty. I am only guessing at what window putty tastes like... but there was absolutely no hint of cheesiness in it. It just tasted sour and bizarre.

    I also had a burger in America once from some place called 'Arbies'. It had some sort of orange coloured molten cheese poured over it. It tasted like a burnt plastic mac, and the burger was like a dish rag soaked in lard.

    What was your worst dining experience...?|||The hot dogs in ikea spring to mind overboiled rather like a meaty plastic truncheon|||The fat-free salad dressing my dad buys.

    It tastes like they way food/liquid does after you open it and flush a toilet right next to it.|||Re frozen icecream/rollmop herrings ><|||You should've tried In N Out burgers! Well the worst thing i have ever tasted is wasabi and sashimi(raw). Ewww...|||i always hated calamari|||Liver and Onions|||spinach|||Welchs/welks.
    I tried them once, and never again!
    It was like swallowing slugs..|||When i had to drink my own P***|||my moms cooking.


    my nephew is 20 i am 17.

    i eat alot of vegeables and potatos and drinks lots of water and eat fresh fruits and whole grain cereal and i also drink almond milk and also include nuts in my diet ( im a vegetarian) and i feel good when i stand up i don't feel dizzy or like i am about to pass out. i just feel better being vegetarian and eating better overall.

    i do eat amy's ( vegetarian brand) TV dinners evrey now and then but i dont cake myself like my nephew. when he stands up he has been complaning about feeling dizzy and seeing sparkles in his eyes. i always see boxes of apple pies in the trash evreytime their is apple pie avalible since he eats them so much. and also he drinks soda non stop the pepsi bottle ( which i rarely drink anyway) is always half gone by the mourning. i hear him using the microwave all the time warming up popcorn and alot of other ( cook fast/warm up) junk food. i NEVER see him eat fruits or veggies. rarely ( even rarely) hel eat frozen lasigna veggies that are prosccsed. and he also eats alot of slices of cheese ( i use vegan cheese if i am making a veggie vegetarian soy patty burger) and sometimes he eats macoroni and cheese and also he eats alot of canned meat filled ravioli. it's alot of junk and proseced food mixed togeather that's his diet. when ever their is gummy bears ( like 2 packs) they are gone in 1 or 2 days because he eats them all the time. so i am guessing that i will probaly have a longer life spam/disease free life then he will? i mean i am not the one getting dizzy like him lol.

    oh and also i usaley put fresh ornages in the juicer and make ornage juice. i also am leaning towards more organic health food stores as they have mostly vegetarian and vegan foods anyway which i eat. he never eats organic or even fresh fruits or vegies from a normal store........let alone my leage of eating organic food and drinking lots of water.

    should i confront him and encorage him to eat healthier?

    evrey night i hear the microwave all that radiation has got to be bad for him.. he also lives here because he has no home even though he is 20 and when my mom almost got him into job corse so he can get a job and money and a place to live he refused to go because he did not want to ( leave home) lol. pathatic.

    plus hes a meat eater and us vegetarians and vegans live longer on average of 6-10 years longer. so i guess my life span will be my victory.|||Yes! I do believe you are eating healthy foods. The diet your brother is consuming a lot of fattening, greasy, high sugar products- those can lead to high cholesterol, and diabetes, weight gain, and other poor health conditions.

    I really admire your sticking to healthy foods. I have discovered organic foods tastes way better than by products foods. Unfortunately, organic foods are a bit expensive. Unless you know where to shop that has food items cheaper than other stores.

    Maybe some time in the future, you could maybe try sharing some foods that you're eating when you are around your brother.. like for example, yesterday I was hanging out with one of my neighbors. I was eating organic red grapes- they are very very good! So I shared that with her while we talked.|||lol you vegans are so annoying|||I don't think it's any of your business. You live your life, he should live his.

    While eating healthy and being vegetarian blah blah blah is better for you, it does not make you immune to any illness at all. So don't be counting your chickens before they hatch. You could wind up with a heart attack out of the blue at 30.


    my nephew is 20 i am 17.

    i eat alot of vegeables and potatos and drinks lots of water and eat fresh fruits and whole grain cereal and i also drink almond milk and also include nuts in my diet ( im a vegetarian) and i feel good when i stand up i don't feel dizzy or like i am about to pass out. i just feel better being vegetarian and eating better overall. i do eat amy's ( vegetarian brand) TV dinners evrey now and then but i dont cake mysself like my nephew. when he stands up he has been complaning about feeling dizzy and seeing sparkles in his eyes. i always see boxes of apple pies in the trash evreytime their is apple pie avalible since he eats them so much. and also he drinks soda non stop the pepsi bottle ( which i rarely drink anyway) is always half gone by the mourning. i hear him using the microwave all the time warming up popcorn and alot of other ( cook fast/warm up) junk food. i NEVER see him eat fruits or veggies. rarely ( even rarely) hel eat frozen lasigna veggies that are prosccsed. and he also eats alot of slices of cheese ( i use vegan cheese if i am making a veggie vegetarian soy patty burger) and sometimes he eats macoroni and cheese and also he eats alot of canned meat filled ravioli. it's alot of junk and proseced food mixed togeather that's his diet. when ever their is gummy bears ( like 2 packs) they are gone in 1 or 2 days because he eats them all the time. so i am guessing that i will probaly have a longer life spam/disease free life then he will? i mean i am not the one getting dizzy like him lol.|||Well if his eating habits are as bad as you say they are then my dog eats healthier than he does. As far as confronting him I think you should probably tell him that if he doesn't eat healthier he will end up with health problems later. And right now he is probably getting a few side effects from his diet (being dizzy etc). Don't turn this into an argument just try to show genuine concern for his health. If he doesn't want to change you can't make him and you should probably drop the conversation. Hopefully he will eventually come around. In the meantime all you can do is hope he will begin to take care of himself. Best of luck


    Yeah, so I'm a recent vegetarian for a month now (Love is louder :3!) and I was just wondering if I had to step up my diet
    I eat about 3 fruits every day, varying from an apple to a banana to a pear to a tomato etc. I also eat about 1 serving of vegetables every day, eat an egg about once a week and I eat about 3 slices of cheese a day (My patents won't buy me vegan cheese... Jerks..) and umm... Apple juice ^-^ lol.. And there is one or two sticks of gum a day, a kit kat and one or two cinnamon treat things included a day :3 I also try to avoid high fructose corn syrup!
    So yeah... Healthy diet or not? Do I need to step up my game?|||It's supposed to be something like 5 serves of vegetables and about 3 or fruit per day. Sometimes I manage that, sometimes it's the opposite way around.

    The gum, kit kat and treat things are junkfood, so you really should look at replacing those with something a bit more "healthy" - perhaps some nuts, dried fruit, carrot sticks, sunflower seeds - something along those lines.

    When you say 3 slices of cheese a day, I hope it's not Kraft Singles - that stuff is not cheese, it's yellow plastic, unnecessarily wrapped in yet more plastic.|||i think your focusing too much on numbers rather than just eatinf lots of different foods, its not about eating 3 , 4, or 5 of anything
    its about eating literally a 'balanced' diet , which means different foods regularly

    you dont mention your actual meals, so we dontknow if your eating more than that, but if tyhats all your eating, then thats not healthy no :-(

    also vegan cheese wont be cheap, so im sure your parents arent being jerks :-), the jerks are the people who think its fair to mess with peoples health so they can make more money, ie the ones who make vegan cheese and other food expensive
    they propbably would get it for you if they could|||You shouldnt eat so much cheese it causes constepation and other health problems.
    You should get more vegetables in and where the hell did the wheat group go?

    And btw kit kats arent even vegetarian.
    Eggs arent really vegetarian either its an acception to some but really I think its really gross since its literally chicken period.|||You are doing pretty fine. You may want to buy some multivitamin / mineral supplement. It hepls you a lot!


    Breakfast: Vega protein drink (1/2 the amount so about 12 grams)

    Lunch: Amy's organic bean and rice burrito, a few pieces of sushi (avocado, rice and seaweed), and a couple of almonds.

    Snack: Very small tortilla shell with a bit of daiya vegan cheese, organic salsa, and a few slices of organic avocado.

    Dinner: Hasn't happened yet, but I am making homemade split pea soup with organic veggies :)

    How does my diet sound? Improvements? Suggestions on meals or foods you like to cook? Thanks! :)|||I would eliminate the frankenfoods like the protein drink and vegan cheese (read the long list of ingredients on the label!) and replace them with whole foods. A fruit and coconut milk smoothie for breakfast, perhaps, and some lettuce, tomato, and black beans instead of fake cheese in your taco.|||Sounds good. Try to eat more raw fruits and veggies though.|||Good, but it sounds like more than I eat & also add more fruit!|||Very very good, however I would try to incorporate more fruit|||Pretty good. I would say more veggies and if you like fruit, one serving of fruit.|||Sounds great! I'd add some fruit, too.|||Really well. I'd eat allot more fruit though, maybe two more portions?

  • pro comp
  • raw food
  • I am the only one out of three in my home who is objecting to eating meat, and very soon to switch to vegan.

    The only problem is when the three of us are preparing our meals. I would like to be as low maintenance as possible when these meals are being cooked. Example, just the other day, my fiancee's mother prepared potatoes with cheese, and it was delicious...but in the future I would like to try the same recipe with VEGAN cheese atop it.

    Is making extra dishes the only solution? Both roomies hate soy, and are very vocal about this. They don't really care about how their meats or dairy are long as it tastes good. I don't want to make them jump through hoops to share a meal with me.

    Is there any special method of some kind I could use when cooking? When baking or cooking, I will sometimes sneak in my fake animal products, and they can't tell the difference. But if they were to find out about it, I would either recieve an "no, I don't want that ingredient," or jump in and add their milk, butter, ham, whatever...and in that instance they are clearly just trying to help me cook, and it's kind of them.

    But I don't know what to do. I don't want to preach or press these values on them, but I'm finally back to being able to afford the grocieries I couldn't before, when paying out of pocket, and once I hit the ground rolling, I do NOT want to slip up and backtrack by settling for something I'm trying not to eat.

    I don't know what to do. I'm starting to get stressed. My mother in law has moved in and I have been doing things differently from other people for a long time now...I recycle, make my own cleaners and soaps, use natural products, and sometimes go organic when I can. She doesn't understand these things, she lives off of meat, and whatever is cheap. I understand she likes to save money, but cheap personal care products and other generic things just don't work for me. But she always has some unnecessary advice to give [commenting on my slightly pricier purchases for virtually no reason], or this LOOK that says I made a bad decision of some kind... She has also been making numerous and increasingly annoying mistakes with the recycling [throwing cardboard in the trash...I know she's lived 50 years without doing the recycling...but it's not that hard. I've explained where things are meant to go]...

    Anyway. I know the above got a little off topic, but veganism, I am sure, will have numerous complications.

    What can I do? I'm sorry my question is so odd...I did my best to phrase it well. But I miss having a kitchen where I can call most of the shots without interfering in anyone else's eating.

    Also, what do I do if invited to dinner where I KNOW no vegan cuisine will be served? This is in regards to a friend who I don't even want to bother bringing this up to...the first time I mentioned my goal to be vegan to her, she was very rude to me about it. I know she was teasing, but I wasn't laughing at her little jokes she cracked. She has also informed me that "animals don't have feelings" and that she's glad I'm not a treehugger.

    So I don't like the idea of discussing this issue with her. To be honest, I know longer care what she thinks about the issue, I don't want to hear any type of opinion about the animal kingdom from her at all. She's very insensitive and uneducated on this issue...and I'm talking about a chemical engineering student. She's quite intelligent, but somehow has her head up her a$$ when it comes to this subject.

    But I don't want to hurt her feelings when she offers to cook for me. Same goes for other friends, though this one friend is the only one who has gone that far with her ridicule.

    What do I do? I'm very stressed.|||Take turns, a week each, that way your boyfriend and his mother can eat what is prepared and you can fix something different, or eat what you can of their meal and supplement your diet.|||well i had a teacher that was in your shoes she simply used her stuff and gave the outher people what they wanted. HONESTLY I WOULD KICK HER OUT.|||Meat hater? Why do you have to hate?|||I'm a vegetarian and my 2 kids and husband are not. I just prepare a separate meal for myself. I don't even talk about it. I just do my thing. Tonight I'm making them tacos. I will prepare some vegetable protein crumbles in a different skillet and we will all eat together. Mine is just modified.

    I always dread going to people's houses to eat because I feel like a weirdo. I don't like it when people focus on my weird eating habits. I think the best thing to do is eat before you go so you're not starving and uncomfortable. And bring a dish so that you can at least know you can eat that. If people make a big deal out of it just politely say, it's okay, don't sweat it. I usually just say, hey, I'm the one who chose this lifestyle. It's not your burden to bear.

    If you like organic products. I sell them:) I sell Shaklee. It's a company that sells various cleaning products and hygiene and vitamins. Nothing is tested on animals and its the first environmentally neutral company ever:) This is my website

    There is a soy protein shake called Cinch I drink. We sell it. Sometimes if I just don't feel like making 2 dinners I will have that instead.|||"Is there any special method of some kind I could use when cooking? When baking or cooking, I will sometimes sneak in my fake animal products, and they can't tell the difference." Now if they threw in meat into one of your dishes, you'd raise Cain complaining about it.

    As far as your dilemma goes, use Worcestershire sauce on dishes, that is a good flavor enhancer, yet it does have anchovies in it.|||make meal together as much as possible, but separate when recipe calls for meat/vegan making. e.g. if making pasta, separate vegan into smaller saucepan so that a vegan friendy topping can be added.

    or make everythin vegan and then separate to add meat to the separate pot|||I see that you're in some tough situations.

    In general it sounds like you try to not be a hassle to others, and that's fine, but it also sounds like you need to stand your ground more.
    Your friend should be aware that you don't eat meat and if she has a problem with it, well, I personally wouldn't go eat at her house, then.
    Your mother-in-law shouldn't have a problem with what products you buy, it's your money.
    As for the cooking, if there's anything that everyone can agree to eat that day that is veg'n friendly, take advantage. There's also certain meals you can do the initial cooking for and then separate a portion for yourself to flavor and mix in the additives, such as pasta, stews, mashed potatoes, etc.

    Also, don't be stressed over it, just roll with however the day goes, some days it will be easier to live the veggie life with the omni's around, other days there will be struggles, but you get through 'em. Take it one day at a time. You don't have to apologize for the way you choose to live your life. Be proud and don't worry about what others think of it.|||Being a vegan isn't an easy choice to choose to live as but im sure there are plenty of vegan people who can give you good advice in how you can life that way. I have lived with a family member who was a vegetarian (who ate fish) and whenever she visited I tried to cook meals that both could eat.Spaghetti bol with my recipe is easy to make for both as i use onion, carrot, zucchini, mushroom, tomato and garlic and add meat for the meat lovers. An even easier version would be for you to cook some onions and tomato and cream and tofu. If they want to eat a steak then you cook up a mushroom with some type of nuts. I believe there are some vegetarian meat like foods around like quern and probably other things which could be handy to cook if your in a hurry but like any meal it is best if you make it from scratch.

    Money is a factor when cooking a meal as most people live to a strict budget but if you love food so much and want to spend a lot of money on vegan food then go for it. But other people wont necessarily do the same and you may have to be happy with a potato with some cheese on it and a few nuts for protein. I suggest you join a vegan support group who can give you the help you need in becoming a vegan and how to live like one without having to take out a second mortgage or grow all your own fruit and vegetables.|||In regards to being invited to someone's home and worrying about not having a non-vegan option, I would say that you should either 1. invite them to your home first if possible and cook vegan food so that they know you are vegan or 2. call the host/hostess up and politely request to help them out by bringing a dish of your own.


    It's a vegan cheese sauce mix..

    It doesn't actually say gluten free on it. But nor does it say gluten under the 'allergy' bit. Which you'd think it would considering it's labeled dairy and soya free.

    So.. uhh.. I don't know. Could someone check to see if the gluten is 'hidden' in the ingredients somewhere..

    Here are the ingredients:

    Rice flour, cornstarch (non-GM), non dairy cheese flavour, vegetable bouillon powder*, powdered onion, potato flakes, sea salt, ground pepper.

    *Vegetable bouillon powder ingredients: Sea salt, hydrolised vegetable protein, modified potato starch, vegetable powder 8.3% (celery root, onion, carrot, leek), vegetable oil, dextrose, ground spices, garlic powder, parsley, lovage root.

    Thanks!|||I doubt that it is gluten free. The vegetable bouillon powder containing the hydrolyzed vegetable protein(HVP) probably has gluten in it. That would be my assumption unless I called the maker and got it confirmed from them that it does not have gluten. The problem is that since they don't list what is in the HVP then it can change over time and you wouldn't know it.|||I don't see any rye, wheat or barley so you should be ok.|||sounds like you should be ok, though that non dairy cheese flavour sounds kind of sketchy..... ;)|||The allergy section, plus the ingredients list, combine to not show any possible source of gluten. I would guess it's gluten free :)|||Depends what the source of the hydrolyzed vegetable protein is, as that is often gluten. Is there a Phone # on the package you could call? Sometimes that's the only way to find out.|||it appears GF. Does it have the warning about being manufactured in a facility that manufacturers gluten? That could be where the warning is from.

    Youc an always call the company to check! Good luck! :)


    ok so I just wanna try this out because I want to lose weight...I exercise about 90 minutes a day, 1 hour on the elliptical climber, and 30 minutes of weight lifting oh and about 100 sit ups a day

    I wanna say my diet will mainly be
    1. A glass of low fat soy milk, w/ a boiled potato, and some veggies, and a serving of soy meat
    2. a smoothie (carrot, broccoli, strawberry, and cellar
    - along with a salad with nonfat dressing and "fake chicken"

    3. some vegetarian enchiladas (soy meat rolled in a tortilla, and topped with vegan cheese) - and maybe a spicy nonfat sauce

    in between meals i plan to eat fruit (apple, orange, pineapple, pears, etc...) will this diet work?

    NOTE: i do not like eggs, so I was thinking of using tofu instead|||How could going vegetarian help you lose weight, the only difference is you don't eat meat. You can still eat ice cream, noodles, cookies, all the fattening stuff. Do you really think it's better to use fake chicken instead of real chicken, soy meat instead of real meat, tofu instead of eggs, or soy milk instead of real milk?|||Before starting any diet it is a good idea to see your family doctor and maybe a dietitian as well.|||Weight lifting builds muscles. Building muscles requires protein. Include whole wheat, a variety of beans, and peanut butter. OK. You don't need the peanut butter, but is life really worth living without peanut butter?

    Also, if you are going to go veggie or vegan, I suggest you stay away from veggie or vegan substitutes to the "real" thing. It will just make you crave a nice juicy hamburger with lots of real cheese. Yum!|||Try eating legumes ,whole grains, and nuts instead of mock meat.
    You really need holistic, natural, complete protein if you are going to continue to lift weights. Also, take a look at the vegetarian food pyramid and eat the servings of food that it list. Measure anything fatty that you eat like nuts, dairy, avocado, order to keep from gaining weight.鈥?/a>|||Analogs (fake meats) should be used at most a few times a week, not twice a day. They are processed foods, and like all processed foods they have junk in them you don't need. And you're relying too much on soy (milk, three analogs, cheese)

    Think natural. For breakfast look at a whole grain like quinoa or amaranth (both complete proteins and complex carbs) sweetened with a little molassas (iron and calcium) Have a piece of fruit with this, as it will give you vitamins and absorb the iron better (vitamin C aids in absorbtion)

    Instead of enchiladas with fake meat and fake cheese, so for black beans, tomatoes, avocado, etc. You have very little fat listed in this diet plan, and that's a concern. You need fat for your body to work - your brain, eyes, digestion, and more all need good fats. Avocados, olive oil, coconuts, almonds, peanuts, etc are some examples of the kinds of fats you want to include.

    Fruit is good, but veggies are a better snack. And nuts. And edemame.

    Avoid white foods - no white bread, white pasta, white rice - it's all simple carbs stripped of its nutrition. Think whole grain, think fresh fruits and veggies, think nuts, legumes, beans. Limit the processed food and definately don't do 3 fake meats a day. Don't drink soda (not even diet, it's just as bad for you.) Lots of green veggies.


    I'm usually a really calm person, but I've been so stressed this last week and it's driving me insane.
    I have a schedule that is challenging for me and has a lot of work.
    I am doing my first AP class this year and I feel so stupid. The teacher flicks through all her power points so fast you don't have time to read past the 1st sentence, nevertheless take notes (it's not only me). Apparently we don't have time to take it any slower. She puts up assignments on this website she has, but doesn't tell you in class. I only found this out today and realized I'm getting behind already because of that.
    I haven't been able to get more than 4 hours of sleep each night. I have to listen to my brother play guitar, kick his punching dummy, run to and from the kitchen, run around the house all hours of the night because he hasn't started school yet. The rooms he does this in are directly above and next to mine, so only I can hear it. My mom doesn't do anything about it because it doesn't affect her. When I try to take a nap after school my brother comes upstairs and starts playing guitar and singing really loud, he fkin sucks at it too.
    I freak out about nearly everything I eat. If I eat any meals over 250 calories, I feel like I've eaten really unhealthy and ,make myself throw up. I know I eat under 1,000 calories a day, but I feel so fat if I eat any more. Today I came home had a small quesadilla with vegan cheese, a couple tortilla chips, a peach, some soy nuts and a diet root beer and immediately made myself throw up because I felt awful.
    I'm exhausted at school all day and really grumpy. I feel like crying all day for no reason at all. I keep putting off my work now because it stresses me out just thinking about it. I have no quiet time to study or sleep because my two brothers are so loud and obnoxious and don't care.
    When I can't sleep after school, I end up bawling my eyes out for hours because I'm so frustrated and I never cry. I seriously haven't cried in 4 years up until now.

    WHat do I d? I had to take shots of whiskey this morning just to get a mood lift and feel anything but stressed while at school..|||I know how you feel. I'm currently taking five AP classes. What I would do is go somewhere quiet and peaceful (like a bookstore, public library, parks, Starbucks, your backyard, etc) and do your work there. Work that needs a computer can be done inside the house even with your brother there if you buy some headphones, and play music you like (although music without lyrics would be more helpful for your focus) as you do the work.

    AP teachers are like that because they legitimately don't have the time to stall. The college boards exams in May tend to be very difficult (I had to study endlessly to get a five last year!), and they cover a LOT of material. You should always keep in mind that you have to also study the chapters by yourself, and not rely on your teachers for comprehensive notes for the chapters. Keep in touch with their internet posts. To balance out stress, you should reserve parts of your week to hang out with your friends, talking to them will really make a difference in how you feel. Scheduling your time in a medium that you regularly see will help a lot. If you still can't handle this, maybe the class is just not for you, and you should ask for a schedule change.

    PS. Drinking will not help at all. I don't think I even have to explain why this is. And for god's sake, eat the amount of food your body requires you to eat!! Do you really think it matters that much to be skinny? Because by this logic, if beauty is more important than anything, including health and brains, then why are you even bothering to take the AP class?|||make a schedule


    I bought soy cheese from Whole Foods and it was with all the other vegan cheeses and alternatives so I assumed I could eat it.
    I had only a couple bites (I still need to find a good cheese alternative) because I didn't like it. I just looked at the ingredients and then I saw contains milk and casein. It even said lactose-free on the front. I feel really guilty even thought I didn't mean to, should I? I mean why would they make soy cheese and then add milk?
    Also, my stomach hurt really bad for about an hour afterward, does that have anything to do with consuming dairy after not having it for a long time?|||Lactose-free doesn't mean dairy-free. Lactose is just a milk sugar. People who are lactose-intolerant can still consume casein.

    Your stomach most likely feels bad because you want it to. It will validate your emotions. You're fine. These things happen. Next time, read the label better. No biggie.|||I acquired a dairy allergy at age 50 and you may have acquired one also. It is a mystery to me the things they put milk in: margarine, meat pies, most cookies, beef Rice-a-Roni (only), frozen vegetable combos, etc. The bottom line is that cow milk contains a lot of really complex proteins the human digestive system was never intended to handle. The immune system does some really alarming things when cow milk is drunk, even in people without a dairy allergy. My advice, make no assumptions, and read all labels. By the way casein is a protein, lactose is a sugar and can be removed from milk without affecting the proteins.|||Casein gives cheese the "stretch" when it's melted, so many companies add it to non-dairy cheeses to give it a similar texture to real cheese. It's made for the lactose intolerant, not for vegans.

    You can make non-dairy cheese at home; try the Uncheese Cookbook by Joanne Stepaniak.|||Make sure to look for that vegan stamp! :) It's ok though, you didn't know, I won't chastise you.

    You didn't mean to harm anyone.

    Just remember, lactose is dairy sugar- it doesn't mean there is not dairy in it.|||They make soy cheese and add milk probably because they assume people who are concerned about ingredients READ THEM before buying and eating food.

    "Lactose-free" is a codeword for cheese alternatives for the *lactose-intolerant*, not vegans.|||It's okay, you made a mistake. **** happens! But yes, very important to read ingredients. Even if the product is marked vegan I still check to make sure because companies can be verrry sneaky!|||your body has stopped making the enzymes necessary to break it down. that really sucks but at least you learned to read lables.|||If you want vegan cheese you should try Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet cheese or Daiya cheese. They are definitely vegan. I've had the exact same problem, especially when my friend's families try to make me vegan food. I feel super guilty when I find out what they use, but then being vegan is about consciously making the decision not to eat animal products, if you accidentally eat some dairy, you shouldn't feel too bad because you didn't mean to. You're doing your best and that's all anyone can ask for. :) As for the stomach thing, that happened to me too, but I'm not sure if it was caused mentally or not. xxx

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  • My arms have muscles that I can flex, my legs are almost all muscle (at best) and pretty muscly (most of the time), my neck is normal, and my thighs are rocks if I flex. Just my stomach (obliques and core) are fat.

    I am a runner (for 4 years), I have done cross-country all throughout High School, and track until senior year (and I'm training for a marathon).

    I am vegetarian and picky. I don't eat gelatin, ketchup, animal-rennet-made cheese, yeast, mushrooms (for animal reasons) and mayonnaise, mustard, cauliflower, pumpkin soup, peanut butter, or anything else that tastes gross to me.

    I do have kinda an unhealthy diet, like I eat a banana or chocolate milk for breakfast....a bag of chips, orange, and fiber one for lunch, and french fries (oven bake kind, in the microwave) and whatever else in the house I can find (which may include[in no specific order): popcorn [pop-maker, and micro], potatoes (in many forms), vegan fried rice, brown rice, white rice, bananas, ice cream, beans, tortilla soup, macaroni and cheese, pasta, spaghetti.

    Oh, and I stopped eating yeast 1 month ago (or anything I KNOW OF with it....DON'T tell me any more)
    Ketchup 2 months ago
    Gelatin 6 months ago
    Animal-made-rennet-cheese 2 years ago ( but I started eating a vegan cheese this year)
    Vegetarian 5 or 6 years
    Mushrooms never

    Is it because I have a diet high in starches (because that is supposed to be good for a runner, as long as they get some protein in) or is it because my training is focused on my legs and arms (because in cross, we would do core, but I ALWAYS dreaded getting on the ground or sitting down to exercise, I just can't do that)?

    Or is it just genetics and life sucks, and blah!???? (a little bit pessimistic, sorry)

    Thanks to anyone who puts thought into answering this!|||Different people just carry their weight differently. My mom has skinny little chicken arms and legs, but a definite belly. Of course, it could be at least partly your rather neurotic approach to food and exercise. There are plenty of core exercises you can do without getting down on the ground, or you can go buy yourself a yoga mat, or bring a towel to lie on. Seriously, get over it.


    Today I ate-
    5 small dates
    4 slice whole wheat bread
    1 can black bean soup
    5.5 cups of orange juice
    1 piece of vegan cheese
    about 3/4 cup of black beans
    2 whole wheat soft taco shells
    a slice of vegan turkey meat
    1 avocado
    2.5 tablespoons of peanut butter
    1 tablespoon of olive oil

    This is what I ate in 1 day, and I feel fat and gross!!!! I'm 14, 5 foot 8 and 119 pounds. I added this up and it's around 3000 calories!!! I played hockey without skates for about an hour today, I also ran up some hills, but that's it! What do I do, please no rude answers!|||most of these things are healthy, so don't worry about it. just get back on track tomorrow.|||Yeah the previous answer is right, a majority of the foods you ate are pretty healthy. Keep up your exercising routine...also, it doesn't even sound like you ate that much. Portion control!


    Breakfast: fruit plate and a piece of toast. Fruit: grapes, kiwi, banana, apple, strawberries, watermelon, and oranges.

    Snack: strawberry, banana and low fat vegan yogurt.

    Lunch: veggie quesedilia: vegan cheese, brocooli, green onion, tomato, green pepper.

    Snack: hummus & pita bread.

    Supper: pasta with mushrooms, red peppers & spanish onion. Side salad.

    I am so gaseous today. This isn't typical. I feel the need to release gas about every 10 minutes! It's hard to find excuses to excuse myself from the presence of others to go and fart. Tried holding it in (to be polite), gave me a terrible stomach ache/cramp, and eventually I just couldn't anymore.

    What did I eat that gave me such gas?|||The main culprit was the broccoli. But there are others there also.
    Just remember the old saying and don't worry about a little gas.
    No need to even excuse yourself( stay put and fart silently).
    "better shame then pain".|||Yeh Vegan diets are high in fibre so it tends to make you really gassy healthier you eat=more gas you get|||My friend gets gassy from fruit and broccoli, so maybe that is why.|||You might have picked up a little bug. Fart away.|||Vegan diets are higher in fiber


    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    breakfast: 120-oatmeal with small amount of chopped banana
    100-2 40 cal toast with 10 cal no sugar rasberry jam

    snack: 2 cups pf fiber one dry-120 cal
    1 medium apple-80 cal

    lunch:250 of fiber one cereal with soy milk(3-4 bowls)
    80 cal of medium apple
    2 packets diet hot cocoa-50 cal

    dinner: 60 cal of broccoli
    120 cal-40 vegan cheese with 2 slices (40 each) of bread
    100 cal-2 toast with rasberry jam (same as in breakfast)
    120-fiber one cereal dry

    snack- 100 cal-1/2 cup of caramel popcorn
    1 medium apple-80 cal
    25 cal-diet hot cocoa
    total: about1400 cal
    --------------------------------------鈥?br> I feel super fat today, Im a recovering anorexic so I still have a lot of food rituals, the only way I can eat this much is by eating in increments, one of my weird habits is the obvious...eating ALOT of fiber! like 100 or more grams and it barely affects me...weird, i knoww. My biggest fear food is peanut butter, one day I would like to have it without feeling guilty. If anyone has experienced an ed any advice would be great, thanks:)
    btw i weigh 98 lbs and im 5' distorted past anorexic views were that 1200 was an insane amount of calories because i would literally live on 400-600 calories, so for a moderately active 17 year old girl what would be a good amount of average daily calories for me?|||Hey, no that is a good amount! I kinda wish I could eat that much but Im having problems gaining weight because I just can not fit it, I am recovering from Anorexia too! I used to fear peanut butter! But now I love it! And I just had a creme egg too! :) haha! I am on strict rituals aswell, but its not handy when I have an ear infection and feel like crap and dont want much food!
    I know what you mean by 1200 calories being an insane amount! I used to have about 200 calories. Im 15, 5'7 and about 96 lbs, and so definately need to gain the weight! But you did awesome today, well done!|||No, thats not a lot of calories. Your view is still pretty distorted but it can take a long time before people are really comfortable with eating 'normal' amounts of food/calories.
    At your height probably around 1900-2000 calories would be healthy, 1400 is like a pretty strict diet for someone without an eating disorder. It may take a while for you to get to 2000 cals a day but its about what you should be eating if you're an active person.


    My mom and step dad are hebrew and they are limiting my food resources. They celebrate the Shabbat on fridays and saturdays. They watch live broadcast on the computer on hebrew speeches idk >_> And they said they heard him saying that cheese have an enzymes in it. They said certain cheeses like crafts cheese have pork in it. Enzymes from pigs. So now I have to start eating vegan cheese which has no taste in it blech!!!

    So a week later them watching the shabbat they say that now pop tart has pork in it because it has jellyton in it. Now im pissed. I LOVE POP TARTS. They said that it has enzymes from pigs to!!

    And no they are saying some milk might have pork in it to. **** ENZYMES.

    Is all of this true???|||Someday you're going to have more choices and you'll have to rely on yourself to make these choices.

    Many people - vegans in particular - severely limit food and lifestyle choices. Many people, me included, consider them extremists. Do you consider Orthodox Jews to be extremists?

    If they think they're made with pork then they are made with pork - no matter how minute - unless you have proof they'll accept to the contrary.

    I'd let them know of my opinions, they may or may not appreciate that, but as long as they're paying the piper they can call the tune.

    Someday you'll have more choices!
    .|||To add to Crying Emoticon, you have to find out how the cheese is made. Some cheeses are made with vegetable rennet. You may have to buy it from specialty or gourmet grocery stores so you can find out how it's made, but then at least you won't have to eat the vegan kind.|||And most people think that only Muslims don't eat pork! Do your research or do you really want to be an orthodox Jew?|||Buy all your food from a Kosher store and you won't have to worry.|||Definitions
    The Jewish religion incorporates within its tenets a regimen of dietary laws. These laws determine which food is acceptable and in conformity with Jewish Law. The word kosher is an adaptation of the Hebrew word meaning fit or proper. It refers to foodstuffs that meet the dietary requirements of Jewish Law.

    There is a prevalent misconception that kosher reflects the conferring of a blessing on food by a Rabbi. There is no truth to this whatsoever. Jewish ritual does require the recitation of a blessing prior to the consumption of food as a gesture of appreciation and acknowledgment of the Divine source of sustenance. However, this requirement applies to everyone, not just a Rabbi. This has no connection with kosher requirements or status.

    The barometer of kosher and non-kosher depends on two variables: the source of the ingredients and the status of the production equipment. Kosher certification, which is the guarantee that the food meets kosher requirements, revolves around these two criteria.

    The guidelines for the sources of kosher and non-kosher materials originate in the Bible. The interpretations and decisions of the Rabbis of the post-Biblical era have added detail, organization, and explanation to these dietary laws. In the main, prohibited sources include all flesh of animals which lack either split hooves or do not chew the cud. This category includes pork. Poultry and meat are permissible from animals that are slaughtered by humane methods dictated by Jewish Law and carried out by specially trained ritual slaughterers. The only types of fish permitted are those that have both fins and scales. This requirement would exclude seafood such as shrimp and lobster.

    All natural grape derivatives have special kosher considerations. Since wine has sacramental significance in Jewish ritual, the Rabbis enacted laws regarding its acceptability and use. All natural grape products must come from grape juice that has been supervised from start to finish. Only these grape products can be certified and approved as kosher.

    Cheese products such as Cheddar, Muenster, Swiss, and the like, can be certified kosher only if produced under constant supervision. It is common practice for cheese manufacturers to use rennet derived from non-kosher sources as a coagulant. Kosher cheese must be produced with kosher microbial coagulants to satisfy kosher requirements. For this reason, supervision of kosher cheese production was made a standard prerequisite.

    Products of fruit and vegetable derivation are approved for kosher use, providing there is no insect infestation.鈥?/a> (see this link and learn about all that is below)
    Why Keep Kosher?
    Why Keep Kosher? | The Reasons for Keeping Kosher


    * Foreword
    * The Laws of Kashrut
    o Animal Products
    1. Kosher Animals
    2. Slaughtered
    3. Treifot
    4. Parts of Animals
    5. Milk and Meat
    o Agricultural Products
    1. Orlah
    2. Tithes
    o Sociological Problems
    1. Wine and Grape-Juice Products
    2. Milk Products
    3. Processed Foods
    * Reasons for the Commandments
    o Does the authority of a commandment rely upon our comprehension of its rationale?
    o Do all the commandments have reasons that are comprehensible to the human mind?
    o How is it possible for a human being to attribute reasons and motives to G-d's will?
    o What is the purpose of studying the reasons for the commandments?
    * Rationale of the Dietary Laws
    o Self-Control and Discipline
    o Developing Kindness
    o Reminder of Food Coming from Living and Dead Animals
    o Justice
    o Symbolism of Kosher Animals
    o Distinct Nation
    o Self-Esteem and Dignity
    * Conclusion|||Some of this is true, dear. The cheese, some of it has something called rennett in it. This is an enzyme from pigs.... Geletin comes from the hooves of animals, pig or not, but I believe you are forbidden from anything hooved.... I think that the crust of the poptart may be made with lard, which is the pig fat... Milk has enzymes but only from a cow....

    You need to check the box for the kosher symbol...
    My ex boyfriend is Muslim, so we did not eat pork products either.... if you like Jello, there is a Kosher jello that you can buy at the health food store, and it is made of carageenan, which is like gelatin, but comes from seaweed...

    Good luck

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  • Okay here's the story. School starts in about a week. I'm vegetarian, and my school is very bad about school lunches, we could afford better but don't. 1/4 of my school is vegan/vegetarian and they don't serve us with better food.
    Yes, we could just bring our lunches to school, but we shouldn't have to! They do serve salads at our school but they come with chopped up pork in it! And even If we picked out the pork it wouldn't be vegan, CHEESE! And the luttuce in the salads are brown!
    We could also go to the Ale Carte, But even there you have a choice of cheese pizza[not vegan], soda, gatorade, ice cream[not vegan], and cookies[not vegan]!
    What shall I do? I'm thinking of just writing my school district a letter with a petition and if that doesn't work, I'm to the point where I'm Emailing PETA.
    Do you think this is a good Idea?|||Wow, I just had a salad to stave off hunger, and ate at home.

    Anyway, my plan of action (and don't involve peta, please!)

    1. Have your parents mention it to the pta:parent/teacher assoc
    2. Circulate a petition amongst students AND parents, which state whether they are students/parents, along with grade and homeroom teacher
    3. Sample school menu, so they can see what is available. Try to keep it cheap.
    4. If that doesn't work, find out who is in charge of menu planning (many times it's a matter of district, not school level), and show the numbers to prove that it behooves the school to cater to veg*ns.
    5. If that doesn't work, then write to your local paper, start a school club (since you have the numbers), and become very active

    I couldn't do this at my school since we didn't have the numbers, but you do, so good luck|||HELL YEAH
    Get PETA on their asses!!! :D|||call the school.
    ask them too make better school lunches and if they dont, COMPLAIN.
    they should have a vegetarian choice!|||I find it hard to believe that you school offers no vegan options. Our cafeteria (I'm a teacher, not a student) has a salad bar. It's just like any salad bar where all of the items are separate and you assemble your own meal.

    The easiest thing is just to bring your own lunch. A quick, easy solution is a peanut butter sandwich. I usually bring an Amy's frozen vegan meal (but students don't have access to microwaves) or a salad with veggies, beans, and nuts.|||yes I would write to someone at the school will have to sign a petition very likely. If they do not do anything about it...start bringing your own lunches
    Also write to PETA if they dont do anything! The school should at least have one vegan option a day. There may be a law about it somewhere. Do a little more research then act on it :-)

    If they are firm on not doing it... Lie a little, tell them it is against your religion to eat animal products.|||HECK YEAH!!! You know, schools HAVE to honor all beleifs and customs, so make a petetion, talk to your guidance counciler, to get things done.|||I should say my daughter who is 24 had the salad bar option but my son who is 14 has not had that option.
    Our foods are actually cooked in one location and bused to each school...can you imagine that?
    i agree with your idea..another option is to get a *celebrity*chef..
    Jaime Oliver is a huge fighter for fresh foods in schools problem is he is in UK....not in U>S>we need someone here to help us change the school foods parents dont mind paying more (our kids were charged more this past year)if they are getting a great quality food.|||My school is just like that! The salads have tuna, turkey, cheese, and ham in them and the plain ones still have cheese! We don't have a salad bar when you can get what you want. They come in individual containers and I hate them! But I like to take lunch to school so all the idiots will be amazed at how I eat! "Ohh my gosh you don't eat meat or drink milk? Is that tofu? Is that good?!?!" Never gets old LoL!!!|||What is PETA going to do exactly?

    You (and the other vegetarians / vegans in your school) need to take action and responsibility for this issue, not PETA.

    PETA may be able to give you tips on how to broach the subject, but ultimately it is your actions that will push for change.

    You could do a number of things to get your message across:

    1) Start a petition and give it to your head of school. A polite presentation during a school assembly – if you have such a thing – may help to get your message out there into the wider community.

    2) Encourage the writing of letters to get your point across. Write letters to the head of the facility and the board of governors

    If the first two fail, then getting the message out of the privacy of school and into the public arena may help your cause.

    Start writing letters to the editor of your local paper. When you have a letter published on the letters page of a paper, it often gets others interested, gets a debate started and helps to “push for change”.

    If you do write a letter to the board of governors or the newspaper, I suggest you do a spell and punctuation check first. You want to present your case in a clear and concise manner. You don’t want to look like an uneducated idiot in print.

    PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT suggesting you are an uneducated idiot (although there are quite a few spelling and punctuation mistakes in your question)

    I am just trying to emphasise that when writing to editors of newspapers, it is important to present yourself in a professional manner, as you are more likely to get your letter published and be taken seriously .

    .|||wow... I wish 1/4 of my school was Veg... you guys are AWESOME! My school is bad about lunches too, but luckily, I'm in highschool now so we have a saladbar and everything, but I remember when we had a #1 and #2... those were dark times... DARK times.

    THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! (and if you join the Street Team on you can tell them about your school goingVeg (making sure that there's an administrator that can verify) and earn 10000 points (that you can get cool free stuff with!)|||Stop your complaining. I am a vegan. I don't expect anyone to cater to my needs. Most kids aren't vegetarians. School lunches are made economically according to what the general population of kids eat. Either make due with what is at school or else bring in your own lunch. If you bring in your lunch then you will know what all the ingredients are. Sometimes there are hidden ingredients that you don't realize are in some foods. It would be ridiculous for you to get a petition signed or to contact PETA. Really, what do you think they are going to do for you? Nothing. They will just tell you to bring your lunch to school.|||When I was in high school, the school cafeteria was simply awful, entirely apart from questions of vegetarianism. So very few kids ate there. We mostly went across the street to either Ptomaine Joe's, where you could get a salami sandwich or a heavy potato knish for a modest price, or to Ralph's Grocery, an Italian place with cheeses hung from the ceiling, where you could buy any of several kinds of quite good sandwiches by the inch.
    I don't remember vegetarian offerings, but they may have had some. The main point is that the food was a lot better than the official school offering and was not expensive.|||Vegetarians at school?


    Nevertheless, if the current uptrend is continue (and other factors remain unchanged), 43.2% of world population will be vegetarians by the year 2019. (Even some survey & researches predicted the figure would be much higher)

    This is where the world is leading to.


    Okay, what are some good dishes for a vegan with an *EXTREMELY* sensitive stomach? I've recently learned I can't tolerate soy well, so I can't do tofu of any sort. I can't eat red sauces. I can't eat anything "heavy" (i.e. Mexican food, lots of vegan cheese, lots of sauce, lots of beans etc.). I can't eat anything spicy.

    Also, to make matters worse, I am a very picky eater. I don't like potatoes or sweet potatoes, I don't like white rice, I don't like much American food, Italian food, or Mexican food (though I *sometimes* make exceptions).

    I like sweet things, or things with a sweet flavor (think yakisoba noodles, sesame tofu, pancakes, cereal, etc.)

    I love Asian food, but can't have tofu, which makes it hard.

    It also has to have a way to get protein in without soy or meat. Nuts and seeds are good, but if you can suggest any other sources that would be GREAT.

    I am DESPERATE. I can't eat noodles or breakfast food every day.

    Please, suggest away!|||Well, there are non-soy "fake meats" (I believe TVP is wheat based and I think there are a few others - you don't HAVE to eat soy) and non-soy vegan cheeses. Have you ever tried raw foodism? I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard good things. I would ASUME that it would be easier on your stomake. I'd look into it (even just 50% raw). Also, has lots of recipies.|||Sounds complicated....I would ask a nutritionist. Or even better, a vegan nutritionist!

    I'm vegan and I think it would be difficult to get by without soy....but I am sure it's possible. You don't have to eat tofu. And you don't have to drink soymilk. There is always almond milk or rice milk. I am sure you could do it.|||WOW! You sound like you got some major problems with your diet.

    I could give you personal thoughts and views - and I actually might be right. Thing is that I don't have a degree. I have only seen one on here that has one (if I remember correctly) - and I haven't seen him posting much on here lately (his wife is a dietitian). I can't even remember the name that he posts under......

    So my answer to your question - with total consideration to your personal health and well being - - talk to a professional. If your doctor doesn't have knowledge about the vegetarian/vegan diet - ask them to refer you to nutritionist/dietitian that does. Get their expert opinion and help in setting up your diet. Your talking about your health and well being - something not to be taken lightly.

    I consider myself very fortunate in that I have a personal doctor that is vegetarian. She is knowledgeable about how and what to eat. My hope is that you have someone similar to that you can go to and work out your dietary problems with. I would hate to think that you ended up with some sort of medical problem because of something that I suggested that didn't take everything into consideration for the situation that you find yourself in.

    Good luck. Stay as healthy as you can be.|||Stay away from "hot" spices. And tomato products.
    For protein use beans, nuts legumes, grains. If you will/can allow dairy products how about milk and/or eggs? If not and you are not allergic to wheat try gluten products. A good, balanced protein meal contains beans, squash/pumpkin and corn, in approximately equal proportions--that should not be too heavy on the beans. Add ground ginger to minimize flatulence. Cooked without salt this is sweet to the taste. Add seasonings you are not sensitive to, maybe ground cumin, cilantro, chopped onion. Serve over brown rice pilaf or quinoa or kasha or wheat berry pilaf or couscous.

    Have you be checked medically for things like irritable colon, diverticulitis or diverticulosis, illeitis, Crone's disease, sprue, allergy to gluten?

    Best of luck with food.|||stir can sub vegetables for tofu

    i tried it for the first time yesterday and it was awesome|||No Yeast Pizza Dough

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1 cups of unbleached flour
    1/2 cups of soy milk
    1/4 cup of olive oil
    1 tblsp baking powder


    Mix the baking powder with the flour. Slowly add the soy milk and oil until you feel the consistency is right. Knead for about 10 minutes. Let rest for 5 minutes and then use a roller to flatten it up.. Place in oven at 350F for 20 minutes, or until bottom part is light brown...Dont forget to oil the pizza pan, before placing dough.

    Once cooked you can place some cooked or raw vegetables on it, sprinkle some tofu marinated in tomatoe sauce and then stick it back into the oven for 10 more minutes..

    Simple yet Amazing Banana Muffins

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    4 large bananas
    1/3 cup soy milk (or whatever kind)
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/2 cup vegan margarine
    3/4 cup sugar
    2 cups flour
    1 teaspoon (5 ml) baking soda


    Blend bananas. Add milk and vanilla.

    Mix margarine and sugar and add to previous.

    Combine wet ingredients with flour and baking soda.

    Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup chocolate chips or nuts (optional).

    Fill about half full 10-15 muffins or 24 mini muffins.

    Bake at 350F (180C) for about 10-12 minutes, or for 45-60 minutes if making a loaf.

    Serves: 10-15 muffins

    Vegan Bagels

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1 cup warm water
    3 cups unbleached white flour
    1 1/2 tblsp. vegan sugar
    1 1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 teaspoon yeast


    Place all ingredients in bread machine and set for normal white vegan bread. Let the machine knead once and then turn off the machine and set a timer for 20 minutes. When time is up remove dough and cut into eight equal peices. Roll each piece into a rope about 1 inch thick, wet ends and stick together. Put all bagels on a greased cookie sheet, cover and let rest for 15 minutes in a warm place. Fill a wok (or whatever you use) with about three inches of water. Place two tblsp of vegan sugar in this water and bring to a boil. After the bagels rise for the fifteen minutes add them to the boiling water for 1 minute turning them as they boil. Drain and place on the greased cookie sheet again ( sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds if you like). Bake at 550 for 15 minutes or until desired browning occures.

    Serves: 8

    Easy Macaroni and Cheeze

    1 pound pasta (regular or gluten-free)

    Blend together:
    1 1/4 cups water
    1 cup plain, fat-free soymilk (may use other non-dairy milk)
    3/4 cup nutritional yeast
    3 tablespoons cornstarch or potato starch
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon salt (or more to taste)
    1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
    1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
    1/2 teaspoon turmeric
    pinch cayenne pepper
    2 tablespoons tahini
    1 teaspoon mellow white miso (or additional salt)
    black pepper to taste

    Put the pasta on to boil, according to package directions. While it's cooking, blend all remaining ingredients together in a blender. When the pasta is al dente, drain it, reserving about 1/2 cup of the cooking water, and return the pasta to pan. Add the sauce mixture and cook, stirring, until mixture boils and thickens. Add a little of the pasta water if more moistness is needed.

    If the sauce is not as flavorful as you'd like, add a little more mustard and onion powder.

    Bean Chili

    Very easy and yummy!

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1 can black or pinto beans
    1/2 of a onion
    1/2 of a green pepper
    2 cloves of garlic
    1 packet vegan taco seasoning
    1 vegetable bouillon cube OR 1 cup of vegetable broth


    Dice onion, green pepper, and garlic and fry in olive oil in a pan.

    Heat beans in a separate pot.

    Once onion and pepper are cooked, add beans to the pan.

    Sprinkle over taco seasoning powder.

    Add vegetable broth. (I use the little cubes that you dissolve in water and dissolve it in about a cup or so of water.)

    Mix together and enjoy with crackers or bread or just by itself. It's yummy! I made this from scratch one day and it's so easy!

    Serves: 2-3

    "Chicken" Soft Tacos

    A simple and satisfying meal.

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1 cup textured soy protein chunks
    1 cup vegetable broth
    oregano, thyme, marjoram
    2 ripe tomatoes, diced
    1/4 cup onion, finely chopped
    1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
    1 jalapeno pepper, deseeded and finely chopped (optional)
    1-2 teaspoon chili powder
    1 teaspoon cumin
    1 teaspoon lime juice (lemon works too)
    1/2 teaspoon oregano
    1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
    1 Tablespoon vegetable oil
    Suggested toppings: lettuce, green onion, olives, plain soy yogurt or vegan sour cream


    Bring vegetable broth to a boil, remove from heat and add soy protein chunks. Add a couple dashes of oregano, thyme and marjoram. Soak until the chunks are soft and liquid absorbed.

    In a medium sized saucepan heat oil over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and jalapeno and saute until softened. Add textured soy protein, tomatoes, lime juice and spices. Simmer until the tomatoes have cooked down, about five minutes or so. Remove from heat and fold into soft wheat tortillas and top with suggested toppings or whatever toppings you enjoy!

    *Please note I don't really measure my ingredients, so all measurements given are approximations, especially the spices. Please feel free to experiment and adjust to suit your own tastes. Happy cooking!

    Serves: 2

    Baked Fried Eggplant

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    2 medium to large eggplants - peeled and sliced into rounds
    Fat free Italian salad dressing
    Seasoned breadcrumbs
    Vegetable cooking spray


    Serves: 4.

    Preparation time: 20-30 min..

    Dip eggplant slices into the fat free Italian dressing. Allow the excess dressing to drip off (too much dressing will wet the vegan breadcrumbs and make them a pain to work with). Coat the eggplant with the vegan breadcrumbs and place on a cookie sheet sprayed with vegetable spray. Lightly spray the eggplant with the vegetable spray. Bake at 400 degrees F until brown and crispy turning at least once (about 10 to 15 minutes).

    Southwestern Polenta Chowder

    A delicious warming soup with a creamy consistency - without the guilt!

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1 medium onion, chopped
    2 cloves of garlic, minced
    2 cups frozen corn kernels, thawed
    1 cup canned crushed tomatoes
    1 14oz can mild chilies and liquid
    6 cups vegetable broth
    1/2 cup yellow cornmeal
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
    1/2 cup vegan cheddar style cheese, optional
    salt and pepper


    Heat the oil and saute the onion and garlic, saute until onion turns opaque.

    Add the tomato, chilies, corn and broth and bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes.

    Remove the cover and pour cornmeal into soup while whisking constantly. Continue cooking for 10 minutes, stirring periodically and scraping the bottom of pot with spoon to remove any cornmeal that might have stuck there.

    Remove from heat and stir in the cilantro, lemon juice and vegan cheese if using.

    Season to taste with salt and pepper.


    Serves: 4+

    Focaccia Bread with Rosemary

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    1/2 teaspoon dry yeast
    1 cup lukewarm water
    2 cups spelt, whole wheat or unbleached wheat flour (amount of flour may be adjusted
    depending on type of flour used)
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    3 tablespoon olive oil
    Archived comment by: topping:
    2 tablespoon olive oil
    1 tablespoon crushed fresh rosemary leaves
    1 teaspoon coarse sea salt


    Place yeast in a bowl with 1/2 cup of the lukewarm water and stir until dissolved. Add remaining water, oil, salt and flour and mix well. Cover bowl and let rise in warm place until double in size. Knead dough on floured surface, adding more flour if needed to make a shiny and elastic dough. Place dough in an oiled 9 inch cake pan or spring form. Press dough into pan and let rise again for at least 1/2 hr. When risen, make many deep holes in dough with finger and brush on topping.

    Bake at 425 F for 20-30 mins.

    Fantastic Fat-free Bagels

    Ingredients (use vegan versions):

    2 packages of yeast
    4 1/4 cups of unbleached flour
    1 1/2 cups warm water (115 to 120 degrees F)
    3 tablespoon of sugar
    1 tablespoon of salt
    1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon (optional)
    1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
    1/2 cup of raisins (optional)
    brown sugar, non-dairy milk, molasses (for a glaze)


    Combine the yeast and 1 cup of the flour. In a seperate bowl, combine water, 3 T of vegan sugar and salt. Add to flour mixture. Stir in raisins, 1 T of sugar, and cinnamon, if using. Beat with electric mixer or stir vigourously until no lumps remain and the mixture is sort of splashy. Add the raisins and remaining flour. Mix until dough is tough. Turn out on floured surface and knead for 6-8 minutes. Cover and let rise for ten to fifteen minutes.

    Oil or spray a large cookie sheet. Divide the dough into 12 to 24 portions, rolling each into a ball and pulling a hole through in the middle with your fingers. Place the bagels on the cookie sheet, cover and let rise in a warm place for at least 20 minutes and no more than 2 hours (or you'll have dough coming out of your ears).

    Meanwhile, put one gallon of water and one tablespoon of vegan sugar in a large pot to boil; reduce to simmering. Cook bagels, 4 or 5 at a time for 4 to 7 minutes (depending on the toughness of the skin you prefer - the longer they boil, the tougher

    In the recipes that have soy milk in them you can replace with another type of non-dairy milk.


    im going to brunch tomorrow and trying to decide what i'll get, which of these descriptions would be best as far as nutrition, also how many calories would they be?
    1. a smoothie with carrot juice, orange, and banana(their smoothies are a large glass, about 16 oz), and a salad with green leaf lettuce, carrot, cucumber, purple cabbage, red onion, tomato, and sunflower sprouts. the bowl for the salad is very large, i would have almost no dressing on it
    2. vegan rye bun, grilled and topped with sauerkraut, green onions, sliced tomato, vegan cheese, and black olives. Served open-faced with sliced pickle
    3. A fresh-roasted poblano pepper (spiciness varies) stuffed with organic brown rice, corn, green peas, tempeh,and fresh cilantro. Baked with verde sauce. served with black beans and summer squash sautee
    4. Fresh vegetables steamed to order with sage mashed potatoes and your choice of black beans, black eyed peas or pinto bean chili. Served with a side of Cashew Tamari dressing
    5. Fresh vegetables stir fried in canola oil with tofu, green onions, mushrooms and cashews. Finished with a sauce of fruit juices, fresh ginger, cashews, garlic and pineapple puree
    6. Organic brown basmati rice with black eyed peas and green onions, and a side salad(same type as the one in option 1 but a lot smaller portion)|||Choices 1 or 4 would be good, assuming there's not a bunch sugar in the smoothie. However, a special brunch, not a regular thing, probably not the time to be fussing about your diet so much. :)


    im going to brunch tomorrow and trying to decide what i'll get, which of these descriptions would be best as far as nutrition, also how many calories would they be?
    1. a smoothie with carrot juice, orange, and banana(their smoothies are a large glass, about 16 oz), and a salad with green leaf lettuce, carrot, cucumber, purple cabbage, red onion, tomato, and sunflower sprouts. the bowl for the salad is very large, i would have almost no dressing on it
    2. vegan rye bun, grilled and topped with sauerkraut, green onions, sliced tomato, vegan cheese, and black olives. Served open-faced with sliced pickle
    3. A fresh-roasted poblano pepper (spiciness varies) stuffed with organic brown rice, corn, green peas, tempeh,and fresh cilantro. Baked with verde sauce. served with black beans and summer squash sautee
    4. Fresh vegetables steamed to order with sage mashed potatoes and your choice of black beans, black eyed peas or pinto bean chili. Served with a side of Cashew Tamari dressing
    5. Fresh vegetables stir fried in canola oil with tofu, green onions, mushrooms and cashews. Finished with a sauce of fruit juices, fresh ginger, cashews, garlic and pineapple puree
    6. Organic brown basmati rice with black eyed peas and green onions, and a side salad(same type as the one in option 1 but a lot smaller portion)|||Choices 1 or 4 would be good, assuming there's not a bunch sugar in the smoothie. However, a special brunch, not a regular thing, probably not the time to be fussing about your diet so much. :)


    B- 1/2 cup steel cut oats, 1 tablespoon of mixed nuts and dried fruit, half a banana
    L- About 1/2 cup homeade hummus, with mixed veggies and greens in a whole wheat wrap
    S- (while training) 1 luna bar, 1 mini cliff builders bar
    D- About a cup of veggie stir-fry (about 1/4 cup tofu, and mixed veggies, 2 tablespoons vegan cheese)
    S- 1 cliff bar
    I think this may be too much food.... today I ran 3.61 miles, biked 1.33, did a 25 min m.m.a class, and a quick 8 min of pullups, and pushups. Yesterday I put in 20 miles of biking and running, and today was my easier day. I'm 14, female, 5'7-5'8, 115-120 pounds.|||You're choosing great foods, but I don't think that's nearly enough calories. I'd talk to a nutritionist about how many calories you should be consuming per day.|||I seriously doubt you are an "athlete". You are most likely a teen concerned about weight and just using this "I am an athlete" reason to see if you food intake is too much.
    If you are a real athlete in training, a training coach will have a specific diet plan because he/she will know what's best for your specific requirements of your particular sport(s). Therefore you don't need to go online and ask complete strangers on the internet if your diet is "too much".|||Not really if that's under 1500 calories and you could probably eat 2000 at the rate your exercising. Not to mention the lack of vitamins from no variety. Eventually you will burn out or gain weight from under eating and going into storing mode.|||there is never enough food for an athlete, as long as you'r satisfied its all good. just keep training|||no|||That all sounds pretty'll be fine with just that.

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  • I know i am lactose intolerant -- can't drink milk (no matter the type) -- lactaid also reacts somewhat to my stomach. Hard cheeses are a no go --- no mac and cheese for me & no ice cream from DQ either..
    My thing is everyone keeps saying they RUN for the bathroom -- & i wish i could go -- that means, my lactose intolerance is Constipation -- plus the gas/bloating feeling that comes with it -- it feels like a rock in my stomach that won't go away. i have had it since i was little kid. i don't like yogurt, but i think i may try some vegan cheese to see if that helps.|||I am lactose intolerant too with exactly the same symptoms you have. Buy lactate tabs. Take it with foods that are bad for you. It works perfectly. It has the enzymes that your body lacks to allow you to digest those foods. When I eat out, I always take it too. You never know what they put in their foods that you will react to.
    I know you can't run to the bathroom, your body can't digest these foods so it won't come out that way. I would eventually vomit my food after suffering a long time. Before I self diagnosed my problem, I went to a GI specialist. They did a lower GI series to figure out the problem and were confused when their test showed that no food left my stomach and did not contiue to the intestine to finish the digestive progess.|||Use yogurt and its products.
    very good for lactose intolerance persons.|||You are not lactose intolerant. You may be digesting it TOO well. You could be sensitive to the proteins in milk, though, since cheese has very little lactose.|||see a doc take murallax and some stool softeners


    I made a meal plan for me this week at school. I plan on making all of the lunches on sunday and just throwing them into my lunch box every morning. I tried including vegan options too, because I like eating vegan as often as possible, and I may eventually go vegan. Is this a well-rounded and sufficient plan or is it too much/too little?

    Breakfast 1:
    - Whole Wheat Blueberry pancakes
    - Natural Sugar Free Syrup
    - A Glass of Water
    Lunch 1:
    - Whole Wheat Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
    - Baby Carrots/Celery
    - Low-Fat Dressing/Dip
    - Tea
    Dinner 1:
    - Amy’s Non-Dairy Rice Mac and Cheese
    - A Scoop of Whole Wheat Annie's Chocolate Bunny Grahams
    - A Glass of Water

    Day 2
    Breakfast 2:
    - Annie's Choco and Vanilla Bunnies Cereal
    - Soy Milk
    Lunch 2:
    - Whole Wheat Pita with Hummus, Black olives and Oven Dried Tomatoes wrap
    - Grapes, Strawberries, and Raspberries
    - Tea
    Dinner 2:
    - Vegan Mushroom, Artichoke Hearts, and Onion Pizza Slice
    - Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked Frozen Yogurt

    Day 3
    Breakfast 3:
    - Fruit Smoothie

    Lunch 3:
    - 3 Circularly Cut Vegan Bologna slices
    - 3 Circularly Cut Vegan Cheese slices
    - 6 Whole Wheat Crackers (for making little snack sandwiches)
    - 1 Apple
    - Tea
    Dinner 3:
    - Whole Grain Pasta
    - Low Sodium Marinara Sauce
    - A Glass of Water
    - A few squares of Dark Chocolate

    Day 4
    Breakfast 4:
    - Fruit Smoothie
    Lunch 4:
    - 3 Chik’n Nuggets (soy chicken)
    - Agave Nectar/Honey Replacement
    - Clementine
    - Tea
    Dinner 4:
    - Vegetable Lasagna
    - A Glass of Water

    Day 5
    Breakfast 5:
    - Omelet with Salt, Pepper, Mushrooms, Black Olives, and Green/Red Peppers
    - A Glass of water
    Lunch 5:
    - Peanut Butter Sandwich
    - Melon Balls
    Dinner 5:
    - Power Pizza Slice with Mushrooms, Green Bell Peppers, and Onions
    -Vegan Cookies|||It sounds mostly good, but I don't know about a few things. I'll give a few slight suggestions, take them or leave them.

    Looking at it backwards, dinner 5 sounds a bit more junky and not that nutritious. Maybe have some soymilk instead of some of the cookies?

    For day 4 breakfast, what do you put in a smoothie? Is it just fruit? You could try adding some soft tofu (which actually goes really well in smoothies), maybe a bit of yogurt.

    I've never seen "Annie's Choco and Vanilla Bunnies Cereal," so I hope you've read the label, as a lot of cereals aren't really ideal. You could also try oatmeal if it suits your taste.|||mmm sound healthy and yummy, making me hungry! :)|||yes sounds balanced.|||The types of food you have on here are very similar to what I eat. Lots of eggs, cheeses, poultry, vegetables, and soy. Very balanced.|||Water is good and all but you can also try soy milk. There are lots of different flavors and it yummy too. Also for a smoothie, I make sure to have frozen fruit and banana's in the freezer at all times and all you have to do is add that along with some orange juice into the blender and you have a thick smoothie without having the added water from ice too it.


    I am currently vegan
    hav been for a month
    before that a vegetarian for 1 year
    But ive heard of other types of vegans
    you see i sorta want to at least include small amounts of bread
    cheese can be replaces with vegan cheese
    can you name every type of vegan pleconcernedd egg with tofu
    but as far as im conbecausehere is no vegan bread...,,,,....
    becuase if i do eat bread it will be a very small amount, very!|||Vegan - type of vegetarian that eats no animal by-products, like dairy, eggs or honey. Some vegans won't eat sugar made from sugar cane because its processed using bone-char.

    Raw vegan - vegan that will not eat food heated above 110 F. Heating food kills living enzymes in foods (which are very important in our diet, nutritionally speaking).

    Fruitarian -vegan that eats only nuts, seeds and fruit so as not to harm the plants they came from. The really hardcore fruitarians only eat nuts seeds and fruit they find on the ground out of total respect for the plants. Fruitarians eat biological fruits in addition to what most people consider "fruit". Biological fruits include avocados, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, squash, grains, olives, corn, eggplants, etc. Fruitarians can eat a balanced diet, if done right.

    Breatharian -type of vegan that consumes nothing but water out of respect for all life forms. Breatharians believe they get they're nutrients from the rising sun.

    Flexetarian, pescetarian and macrobiotic diets are NOT vegan. These types of diets are called "semi-vegetarian" diets. They aren't even vegetarian because they include animal flesh in their diets. The people that follow these diets eat a vegetarian diet for the most part, but will, on occasion, eat meat. Flexetarians include any type of meat they want. Pescetarians and people following a macrobiotic diet eat fish.

    Everything that "emme" listed wasn't vegan (except for the vegan and raw vegan diets).

    And sure, there IS vegan bread. Bread is basically made with yeast, flour, water and salt. You can easily make your own bread if you can't find any that doesn't contain eggs or sugar. And, contrary to popular belief, yeast is not an animal. It is a fungus.... just like mushrooms (which vegans can eat).|||Wow, I didn't know vegans couldn't eat bread.

    Some breads don't use milk, eggs, etc. I am sure they are fine. Also... yeast is *NOT* an animal, so I hope you aren't thinking in that direction. Yes, I have heard people say that.|||Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian)
    Vegetarian (Lacto-ovo- vegetarian)
    Raw vegan/Raw food diet
    Macrobiotic|||Here are the types of vegans:

    1. The person whos parent never told them they love them.
    2. People who crave extra attention.
    3. Women who like to be uber skinny and have pale skin.
    4. Emo's (again for the attention)
    5. Potheads who are wanna be hippies.|||Hey, I am a vegan and I eat no dairy, eggs or meat. Many things have these added to them, so one has to check ingridients and stuff.

    There are outperforming vegan alternatives to many foods. Rice dream = milk alternative, tofutti sour cream = obvious, veganaise = mayo alternative. Soy cheeses etc.|||search the internet,one phrase a search,with phrases such as "healthy alternatives to eggs","healthy vegan bread","vegan bread","vegan breads","vegan bread recipe","vegan bread recipes","healthy alternatives to bread","whole grain bread","whole grain breads" and "whole grain bread recipes".good luck.


    work at A&W. Some of my favorites:

    The reciept machine was broken, so I told the customer he could wait a minute for his reciept or just get his food now and have no reciept. He demanded a refund.

    Customer ordered fries with a burger. Complained that the fries were old (they were a new batch) but we made him a new set anyway. Then, he gave us a long lecture on how much we sucked. Once he done, he realized that his burger had gotten cold after complaining for 10 minutes. So he asked for a new one.

    "My brother ate my burger. Can I have a new one?"

    Customer ordered a meal for $7.99. After paying by credit card, she noticed the $7.99 didn't include tax. So of course she accused us of false advertising.

    Customer ordered a meal, then a refund because he "wouldn't be able to eat it before his friends left."

    "Get me a new cashier. This one looks too much like my ex-wife."

    Customer ordered a cheeseburger, than complained when we didn't have vegan cheese.

    Your turn.|||I have a dumb cashier story:
    Once I went to Round Table with a friend, and we asked the cashier to split the bill for us.
    He was like, "I need a calculator for that, and I don't have one."
    I asked, "How much is it again?"
    "Oh, so 9.33?"

    Idiot.|||I don't know if you're looking for food service strories only but I'm a lifeguard and it never seazes to amuse me when customers come to the pool and are outraged when the pool is closed because the lightining detector has gone off. One man sat there and spoke loudly about how incompetent we were...Why because we can't control weather? If they would rather risk their lives, they can be my guest, too bad the company would fire me...|||I work at Buffalo Wild Wings - When a customer asked about our Boneless Wings I had described them to her.

    "They are morsels of all white meat chicken spun in any of our signiture sauces"

    She says "No bones?"

    I say, "nope, no bones"

    She says " I can't believe how cruel it is that you guys engineered a chicken with no bones just for your profit!"

    She asked for a manager and went nuts on her and threatened to call PETA!

    ****** dip-****...LOL|||Texas;
    They walk among us. You just experienced a psycho, or a professional complainer. I've experienced a few situations in the past 40 years where I though I needed a leather couch.

    If you there long enough, 2 words and you will spot them right away.

    I had one that said the color was gray. The Color was blue.
    Showed him in the book. Made no difference. OK, it's Gray.

    Glad I'm not the only one! Good Luck|||"why did you put cheese on my cheeseburger?"

    haha, stuuupiiid:)

    someone else complained that the chocolate shake had a 'twang' to it, whatever that is supposed to mean, and that the fritos were too salty . wtf? hehe. and ive only had this job for a month :P|||at a burger joint long ago, a customer came back with her food, furious. her complaint: the french fries tasted like potatoes. I've been wondering ever since what exactly she expected french fries to taste like...|||"that everything about your company sucks" lol oh well! if it is how come they are still with us|||Customer told me her water was too cold.

    Had a guy tell me his croutons were stale.

    I could go for hours with this subject. Good Question. I look forward to reading the other answers.|||I used to work at a candy bar and, like your stories, you get the most annoying customers at food places.

    This one woman asked for a slushee but the slushee machine wasnt turned on yet, so i told her "it wont be icy, it will be runny and not ready"

    she said she will have it anyway.

    so I prepared the slushee, gave it to her and she refused it as it was "too liquidy"

    Don't these people listen.......

    same thing happened with ice cream.

    Also a man become incredibly angry because i didn't have a pen, it brang him to cussing and shouting and then he went into the lecture of how the lack of pens will make him miss his meal and late for his movie and then late getting home and late for work the next morning.

    hmm, i hate jobs that involve stupid people.


    I am trying to find a good dairy free cheese that melts when heated.|||Rice Slices melt, and they aren't horrible tasting.

    But the best vegan cheese is Dr. Cow! It's an aged gourmet nut cheese, and it is AMAZING! It isn't widely available yet, but you can order it from Pangea.
    Sheese is good too- Pangea has that as well.

    If you're looking for something less expensive, you can make your own. The Uncheese Cookbook by Jo Stepaniak has some terrific recipes.|||I would suggest something that includes rennet and milk. All ethical issue aside, you are trying to find an artificially replicated product that synthesizes one of the oldest known naturally made food products. I would suggest just eating cheese or not at all. I don't think there's a half way here for performance and flavor.|||I buy this brand called Rice Dreams. it's made out of rice milk and is reasonably affordable. The cheddar kind tastes just like nacho cheese. At least I think so. I also buy this cheese made by Galaxy International Foods. I use them both interchangeably. Make sure you check the label because Galaxy has two kinds, one vegetarian with casein and one vegan with no casein. They both melt.|||cheezey!! or cheezly...its called something like that and it is amazing. I've melted it on a pizza and in a toastie and it is sooo good. you have o get the mozzarela style and you get it from places like Piko's Wholefoods and the SAFE website in NZ. I am not sure about other place.|||Follow Your Heart Vegan Gormet. It comes in mozzarella, monterey jack, and cheddar styles and is available at health foods stores or co-ops.|||Tofutti|||follow your heart is one of the best and it melts great!!!|||There is no vegan cheese. By definition cheese is dairy.

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  • Well my REAL sister, 28 years old, took too much benadryl and ended up in the hospital. Now I have to live in the same house as one of her children.
    These are some of the things she does:
    -Randomly starts arguments
    -Says, "I hate you uncle" when she's in trouble
    -Calls me ugly
    And I don't like how my mom doesn't care when she does things. Like just this night I had vegan tacos. And then SHE wanted one
    I said, "Mom, she's not the vegan one! She can have her kind of tacos."
    And then she said, "Rory, she can have one"
    OMG I was so mad.
    Then she used my vegan cheese, which I am in low supply of. Then I said, "Mom! She can have her cheese, not mine. There's seriously not enough"
    She didn't care.

    Last night me and my other niece (age of 15)
    Was babysitting her.
    Then one of her friends comes over (just outside)
    Then the little one promises not to tell
    So this morning she is playing outside with the little one, because she wants her not to tell." She stops her playing hurriedly and then says "I'm telling nana"
    And tells on her.
    I wanted to smack her in the face because I got in trouble too.
    I absolutely HATE her. I never get along with her!!!|||shes a kid and they do things out of spite. she doesnt have a normal life consideing the bynadryll situation so she is going to act out, just bite ur tongue and be there for her, my brother ran out and left me behind when i was young, he molested me, he was supposed to protect me not hurt me, he left me to be neglected by my drug addict mom and her random boy toys. i know its annoying but just be there for her and protect her.|||you know man that's life and no you dont hate her if something would happen to her you would cry your eyes will be kids deal with it|||Omg i totally feel you!

    I ****** hate my nephew i have no idea why??
    He like gets near me and i totally like get so upset out of the no where.
    I think it's because he's annoying.

    He's (4)
    I'm (15)

    Yeah i know i'm way older but **** little kids i don't know.

    Btw to answers your question i really don't know what to tell you my mom says the same thing. :(


    god idk just try to like get a job and move out.
    Or smack every once in a while and say she's lying lol


    How was my diet todayHow was my diet today?
    i had wheat cheerios with no sugar added milk, a few nuts and fruit coffee
    then school sat and moved around
    then lunch carrots , trisects , low fat cheese , apple , low sugar chewy bar
    then came home and had a small snack
    walked 20 min and shopped for 20min then walked for 20min
    had an early dinner 100 calorie soup , vegan cheese , wheat tortia , milk
    then a 45 min walk
    and i had about 1200-1300 calories
    i burned about 2000
    but i feel like i had alot at night?|||youre diet is fine|||YOu dont need to do that you might get eating disorders.
    Any way. some tips.
    YOu dont have to walk fast to get cals burned.
    As slow as you want.
    Also. Lose the cheeses
    they hav fat from th milk
    and same goes with th milk
    in the morn, eat black coffee with toast no butter
    even if it says low cal, it has alot|||I highly recommend you my diet way. It works just amazing and easy. If you are really serious about losing weight. You should have a look diet correct way. It will work for you if you do it correct. I lost 20 pounds in 50 days with this way. You can find more information here link below.


    i had wheat cheerios with no sugar added milk, a few nuts and fruit coffee
    then school sat and moved around
    then lunch carrots , trisects , low fat cheese , apple , low sugar chewy bar
    then came home and had a small snack
    walked 20 min and shopped for 20min then walked for 20min
    had an early dinner 100 calorie soup , vegan cheese , wheat tortia , milk
    then a 45 min walk
    and i had about 1200-1300 calories
    i burned about 2000
    but i feel like i had alot at night?|||ur good! nice job... but what was the small snack? lol|||Well, firstly, you probably did not burn 2000 calories by walking for under 2 hours
    Secondly, if you did burn 2000 calories that means that your net intake for the day was around -800 calories. extremely unhealthy.
    So i would say that your diet was very unhealthy, and not beneficial at all.|||If you know right diet info you can lose weight. I did the method from this site and I lost 8 pounds in one month. It is very easy to lose weight. You can find my diet method that lost me 19 pounds in 45 days from link below.|||Good


    - what do you call a vegetarian with diaria? A salad shooter
    - What do soybeans and a dildo have in common?
    They are both meat substitutes.
    - What do you call a vegan guy who likes to pleasure himself? non-dairy creamer.
    - What did the Vegetarian say to her Mother before she got spanked? "Is that belt made from fake leather?"
    - Why does vegan cheese taste bad? It hasn't been tested on mice.
    - How many vegetarians does it take to eat a cow? One if nobody's looking.|||ha these are funny but not offensive to vegetarians|||they are all good ones , LOL tks|||funi!|||very funny especially the dildo one|||wierd|||rofl i love ur jokes =D|||FUNNY A*4u


    BREAKFAST: a bowl of raisin bran and a bagel
    SNACK: a nature valley granola bar
    LUNCH: a bowl of cheerios, half a bagel and asparagus
    SNACK: light popcorn
    DINNER: a grilled cheese sandwich with vegan cheese and a biscuit|||Ya as long as you ate everything in moderation. look on the nutrition labels and see how many calories each of those things are. you can google something like "how many calories should i eat per day?" and there are websites where you enter your weight, age, height, and amount of daily exercise and itll tell you how many calories to eat to maintain your weight, and how many calories to lose weight. i found those sites very helpful. hope i helped:)|||You ate a lot of crap today. You really need to lay off all those grain/carb food. You had a bagel 2 times, u should limit that to one. Don't eat cereal twice a day, eat a salad or a turkey sandwich for lunch. Cut out the popcorn with a banana or apple. A grilled cheese is greasy for dinner and you need something that isn't going to give you carbs for your body to put back into your system right before bed. Cut out the biscuit too. Eat like brown rice or steamed veggies.|||This is a high carb diet, try to eliminate the extra half bagel..maybe try some grilled chicken or tuna for dinner and get rid of the biscuit
    Don't forget to drink water!
    Good Luck!|||Yeah, but you could use more fruits and vegetables. Also, if your cereals didn't include milk then you need more protein.|||Doesnt sound terrible but healthy is more than just what foods you eat. Its also, are the foods you are eating fresh and natural or processsed and manmade?|||you probably didint get the right food for lunch
    eat something with some type of meat in it. unless ur vegetarian|||You ate too many grains. Eat more of a variety! Life is full of wonderful tastes, give them each a chance!|||You really should eat alot more fruit................and no cereal for lunch!

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  • im 14, vegetarian trying to eat a move balanced diet but today i had one of those mcdonalds ice cream cones, it's reduced fat ice cream (only3.5 grams fat per serving and 24 carbs) but i think they gaave me like1.5 servings of not more so i need to know how well i balanced out the extra carbs and what i should eat as a snack later without getting me fat thanks (:
    heres what i ate:
    Breakfast; 1 cup of kashi go lean original and half a cup of cheerios with 1 cup of milk and an apple
    Snack: 1 plain greek yogurt (nonfat) with 1/2 a serving of cocoa covered almonds
    Lunch: baby carrots and a sandwich with 2 pieces of whole wheat bread, tofu, 1 slice vegan cheese, bean sprouts, less than a serving of veganiase, and some cucumber
    SNack: i had the mcdonalds ice cream cone and later a piece of toast with about a tbs if not less of almond butter then i went for like a 2-3 mile walk
    Dinner: 1 boca burger with slice of vegan cheese, 1/2 an avocado, and about 1/2 a cup of sweet potato. skim milk|||Carbs are good for you unless they're from refined sugars.

    Glucose is different from fructose.|||If you are not overweight, I guess what you are eating is fine, but you are eating a lot of carbs. Try to eat more fruits and vegetable. I do not understand why you would eat ice cream, which is a dairy product made from cows milk, but eat vegan cheese.|||Here is something you should know: eating one ice cream will NOT make you fat.|||Needs more beer|||Good job. Keep it up.


    for breakfast- i eat cream of wheat made with soy milk instead of cow milk with grape nuts cereal on top, a slice of whole grain bread, one fruit, 2 glasses of water, and my multivitamin pack

    for lunch- i eat a sandwich made of 2 whole grain slices of bread, with 2 slices of Tofurky(meatless turky slices, soy product) vegan cheese slice, lettuce, tomato, one fruit, a soy protein mik shake made with 1 cup of soy milk and 2 glasses of water

    For dinner - i eat 2 slices of whole grain bread with a boca vegan burger, one slice of vegan cheese, lettuce, tomato, plain spaggati, one fruit, and two glasses of water|||Sounds good, but you should probably be eating 6 small meals a day so increase metabolism. Granola bars, yogurt, fruit and carrot sticks are all great, quick snacks.

    I'd mix it up though, I wouldn't want to eat the same thing everyday.|||it seems ok... there's nothing really unhealthy. i think you should add in some snacks throughout the day. you don't want your blood sugar level to drop too low between meals. btw, are you vegan? there are these great protein bars (vegan) called 'go organic' and they're great! you can buy them at whole foods market. you should use those as snacks... you'll get the extra protein in your diet.|||there good enough answer for you??? :OX|||Yes, VERY!!!

    YAY VEGAN! Veganism is great!


    I'm 14, female, 120 pounds, 5 foot 8

    Today I ate-
    3 small potatos baked, with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 peice of vegan cheese, 1 glass of orange juice
    2 cups steamed broccoli, 2 cups steamed cauiliflower, 2 raw vegan sushi rolls, (avocado, cucumber, red pepper, sprouts, mushroom, no rice.)
    1/4 cup shelled pistashios
    1 mini cliff energy bar
    1/2 cup black beans, and 1 tortilla and a slice of vegan cheese, with veggies, and 2 vegan waffles made from 1 cup of soymilk, 1 cup waffle mix, and 1 tablespoon veggie oil, a few tablespoons of syrup, and 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter, and some jelly

    Exercise for the day was a 6 mile run followed by a 5 mile bike.|||nope you're good :)


    Today I ate-
    3 small potatos baked, with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 peice of vegan cheese, 1 glass of orange juice
    2 cups steamed broccoli, 2 cups steamed cauiliflower, 2 raw vegan sushi rolls, (avocado, cucumber, red pepper, sprouts, mushroom, no rice.)
    1/4 cup shelled pistashios
    1 mini cliff energy bar
    1/2 cup black beans, and 1 tortilla and a slice of vegan cheese, with veggies, and 2 vegan waffles made from 1 cup of soymilk, 1 cup waffle mix, and 1 tablespoon veggie oil, a few tablespoons of syrup, and 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter, and some jelly

    Exercise for the day was a 6 mile run followed by a 5 mile bike.|||Dam that's one meal for me... Anyways overeating a bit won't kill you, only about 40% of what you eat is used by your body the rest is used through the metabolisation process and as thermal energy that is removed from your body and your body doesn't turn all carbs/fats into stored body fat. You probably burned 1000-2000 calories just running, and another 600-1200 by just being alive (1600-3000 calories total) which seems to be more then what you ate.|||Yep you definitely overate. you should not have included the tortilla, all the carbs and excess fat. You were close to not overeating but you over did it. Nice try though. Send a pic to me babe, you are prolly really good looking ;)


    i have been eating the same thing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past week is there anything wrong in anyway?

    for breakfast- i eat cream of wheat made with soy milk instead of cow milk with grape nuts cereal on top, a slice of whole grain bread, one fruit, 2 glasses of water, and my multivitamin pack

    for lunch- i eat a sandwich made of 2 whole grain slices of bread, with 2 slices of Tofurky(meatless turky slices, soy product) vegan cheese slice, lettuce, tomato, one fruit, a soy protein mik shake made with 1 cup of soy milk and 2 glasses of water

    For dinner - i eat 2 slices of whole grain bread with a boca vegan burger, one slice of vegan cheese, lettuce, tomato, plain spaggati, one fruit, and two glasses of water|||Yuk. Why would you do this? You need a balanced diet.|||that is ballanced its totally fine god for you it sounds healthy|||I would try and work more fruits in! Your body can easily get used to the same caloric intake everyday, I would try and change it up a bit.|||I EAT THE SAME EXACT THING FOR 7 MEALS EVERY DAY. CONSISTENCY IS GOOD FOR A DIET AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GET BORED AND YOU ARE EATING HEALTHY THERE IS NOTHING BAD ABOUT EATING THE SAME THING.

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  • So I am deciding to be vegan. I saw the documentary Earthlings and just other videos like the Paul Mccartney one where he says if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be vegetarian and I am a crazy animal lover haha my dog is like my kid and this just broke my heart to watch.. i just am angry too that people can even be so cruel :( it's being done and there is nothing I can do about it, except refuse to be a part of it and that is what i am going to do.. i just made a promise to myself that i won't eat meat again i can't look at it the same.. even milk, but luckily i bought some almond milk and it is so much better anyways! :) my only problem is like breaded chicked and cheese.. i can do without meat bcuz i dont even like hamburger and steak etc. . oh but i love chicken nuggets & chicken patties.. i bawled my eyes out after watching those videos and just said i can't look at meat the same.. but now i feel a bit of anxiety bcuz i am afraid i won't be able to have my spicy chicken sandwiches anymore with pepper jack cheese or chicken nuggets in bbq sauce lol.. i found that they have vegan cheese called Daiya that lots of people say is really good, but is it reallyyy healthy for us to eat fake food? like tofu and just rubbery fake meat and cheese? i found this page online where someone is talking about how daiya cheese is really bad and can cause heart attacks n etc and it just kind of discouraged me like i cant live on beans and plants.. as much as i would like to i just cant. so what am i gonna do? :( is there any healthy vegan alternatives??鈥?/a>|||You poor thing. I know it must be tough to actually come to realize that for you to live, some animals are going to be killed. But it's the truth. You're listening and buying into animal rights/anti meat/pro Monsanto propaganda. Monsanto created GMOs. Over 90% of the soy in your supermarket (tofu, veggie burgers, etc.) is GMO soy.

    Just because you refuse to eat them doesn't mean SOMETHING isn't going to die so you can have the veggies and grains that a vegetarian depends on for their life. Research indicates over a billion animals are killed every year in the fields (field mice, bunny rabbits, snakes, moles) during the planting and harvesting of grains and veggies. Why is it ok to kill a mouse, but not a cow? You are as much a part of nature as that mouse in the field. She may live to produce another litter of babies; she may be crushed under the tractor. That's called life and you're just as responsible for her death as I am for the cow's death in the slaughterhouse.

    Oh, and that billion+ doesn't include the thousands of mostly rodents and birds that are deliberately poisoned to keep them out of the big grain storage bins so you can have bread, cereal, etc.

    And you're certainly right about fake foods. They are much worse for you than whole foods. Plus you'll probably need to take some pills if you give up meat, and must take some pills if you give up all animal products (vegan). If you don't want to live on pills and veggies, look for a local farm/ranch to visit and buy meat from. A place that will let you see how they take care of the animals. This link has resources across the country you could look into:

    Ellie Krieger from the Food Network actually visited a slaughterhouse and here's what she said about the actual killing of the animals:

    "The last thing I saw was the actual harvest or killing. To be sure, it is not a pleasurable thing to witness in general, but if you eat meat, the simple fact is an animal is sacrificed for your nourishment, a reality we are all too removed from in modern society. The trick is to do it humanely, and this is where I was most impressed. The system Cargill uses was developed in part by Dr. Temple Grandin, the autistic animal scientist who, with her heightened sensitivity, was able to pinpoint specific ways to keep cows stress-free throughout the process (there is an award winning HBO film about her starring Claire Danes.) The whole environment is kept purposefully calm, with no loud noises or bright lights. Before they realize what is going on the cows are hit precisely on the head, given a concussion so they are rendered senseless, then their throats are cut and their blood is drained. The whole thing takes roughly a minute. I watched intently as the cows moved through and noticed no shred of panic or unease."

    Humans evolved as omnivores, meaning we can get nutrients from both plants and animals. There is some stuff in plants you can't get from meat; there's stuff in meat you can't get from plants. That's why we do best on a balanced diet: some meat, some veggies, some fruit, restrict processed carbs and sugars.|||Daisy sucks. she is a closed minded thinker.. I saw earthlings and food inc. both have changed the way i eat. also read skinny *****. i highly reccomend it. im not vegan but only eat chicken/turkey and try and eat all organic.

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    |||also, my sister has been a vegetarian for 8 years and doesnt need pills like daisy claims. wish i saw this question before it was resolved!

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    1. 90% of tofu and soy products you find in the supermarket is NOT GMO (go take a look). All that GMO soy you are talking about gets fed to livestock (funny huh?)

    2. You do not need animals to live. I've been vegan for 20 years and I am very healthy and fit.

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    |||3. Livestock eats plants. Plants need acres of farmland. Animals will be killed in the process of growing crops no matter who eats the veggies. Raising livestock and eating animals kills more, so don't tell me that a vegan diet kills more animals.

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    |||4. Tell me that a bean burger with NO PRESERVATIVES and spices is more unhealthy than a patty filled with thousands of different cows, their random bodyparts, living in their own ****, eating soy (not their natural diet), given antibiotics, requiring preservatives, requiring refrigeration

    Report Abuse

    |||5. If you give up meat, you do not need pills to substitute your diet. A vegan diet is approved by the American Dietetic Association for all stages of life including pregnancy and infancy. I myself know a few lifelong vegans (myself included). Look at the scientific literature on Omega 3's + B12

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    |||5. (continued). The ammount of B12 needed is very low, and it is certain that omega 3's from Flax seed is sufficient for health.

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    |||6. Use your common sense. 400 cows are killed per hour, you really think they will ALL be in a proper concussion going through the throat-slicing machine?

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    |||7. You don't need meat, at all! Watch forks over knives or read any literature on vegan diets. A well planned vegan diet is very healthy and greatly reduces your risk of heart disease (the #1 killer in this country).

    Report Abuse

    |||You can't believe everything on the Internet. Vegan cheese is most definitely healthy. And meat is the cause of heart problems. Also, morningstar veggie patties and nuggets are excellent.|||Please be aware that what this person said about Daiya cheese (which is correct, btw ... it is not good to consume lots of fat) holds doubly true for any animal-derived cheese!

    Go ask a dietitian - is it healthy for my body to eat a hamburger, a steak, a chicken nugget, cheese and drink milk?

    I assume you can guess what he/she will answer. NO! All those foodstufs get the majority of their energy from fat, are processed and contain lots of animal protein (which has been shown in various studies - e.g. the "China study" - to be highly correlated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes etc.) So you should eat all of these in moderation (and the reason that the "average American" does not do that is what accounts for 30% of obese people and the highest number of heart attacks, diabetes etc.)

    But, consuming "meat analogs" and "Cheese analogs" and similar foodstuffs made from plant sources IN MODERATION beause you still crave some of them, and eating lots of fresh vegetables, beans, legumes and fruits otherwise will make your diet a much more healthy one (apart from a much kinder one).

    Best regards,
    Andy|||There's a lot of crazies out there that say eating "x" is going to kill you, make you sick, cause hair loss in women and make men grow breasts, etc. Unless there is a controlled scientific study, take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt. Actually, be skeptical even when there is a controlled scientific study, since often results can't be duplicated in later studies.

    The way I'd look at it is, vegan breaded "chik'n" patties may not be particularly healthy, but they're probably more healthy than "real" breaded chicken patties, which are typically made from the scraps left over from processing better cuts of chicken.

    And I doubt Daiya cheese (which I've never heard of) causes heart attacks on a more frequent basis than a high-saturated fat diet.

    Since fake meat and cheese products are fairly expensive, and processed foods aren't too healthy, you might want to save them for when you have cravings. But certainly eating them occasionally is not going to hurt you. Also, fair warning, they aren't going to taste like the real thing, so you might want to wait until you've been vegan for a while before you try them.

    I googled hundreds of vegan breaded chik'n recipes, and recipes from "The Uncheese Cookbook" taste better to me than any vegan cheese I've purchased in a store.|||Good for you for making the right choice and becoming Vegan! :D
    Okay, but just so you know, being Vegan is more than just what you eat. It's a lifestyle, which includes not wearing fur/leather, using products tested on animals, or anything like that.
    As for the cheese.. do you really think eating Vegan cheese, especially Daiya (which is soy/gluten/cholesterol/PUS free) is more unhealthy than eating cow cheese..? Think about it.
    Also, they make faux meats, such as chicken patties. Again, they're full of the RIGHT kind of protein and isn't dead animal flesh, so obviously, it's healthier. And the Vegan brand is called BOCA. They're amazingg. :)
    Also. You mentioned how you can't live on beans and plants.. well, technically you will be living on plants, but I know what you mean. I rarely eat veggies (which is bad, I know. I'm just lazy) but yeah, you can also make tacos/burritos. :) And fill 'em with refried beans/rice, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, salsa/guacamole. They even make faux Vegan chicken/beef crumbles you can put in them, just make the faux meat like you would regular meat. It's soo good. x) And spaghetti. Without the meat, of course. I freaking love spaghetti. You can also make veggie wraps with all kinds of veggies. They also make Tofurky (faux meat) and Vegenaise (Vegan mayonnaise) and OMG, I literally live on Tofurky/Vegenaise sandwiches! Mmmm. ^_^ You can get this at Whole Foods or even Kroger.
    Anyway, you could look at's website. It's an awesome way to earn points and cash 'em in for veggie T-shirts, hoodies, etc. Check it out. They also have a huge list of cruelty-free companies (for shampoo, ect. I use Lo'Real EVERPURE, but there's other stuff too.)
    You're awesome for going Vegan. Just be sure to stick to it, as it is hard at first. But GOOD LUCK! :D|||Im Vegetarian not vegan, i do not eat meat fish or eggs.

    I dont hate meat. oddly enough I do believe fish and chicken are quite nice but its my personal choice to refrain from eating meat.

    However I do consume a lot of soya which is a substitute for meat. Where I live we get quite a nice range of soya products from Soya "Chicken" Burgers to Soya "Beef" Strips,It isn't the real thing but depending on the way you cook it, there isn't much of a difference. My favourite being Soya chicken nuggets. They are yummy, which I have with sweet chilli sauce... :)

    Soya products which are made from soy beans, You also get soy milk and soy cheese which is just like tofu.
    Maybe you should give soya products a try.

    Its yummy, packed with protein and a great alternative to meat.|||you'll get good answer from experts & members from this site.|||you'll get good answer from experts & members from this site.


    What do I do????!!!!
    Today I ate-
    3 small potatos baked, with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 peice of vegan cheese, 1 glass of orange juice
    2 cups steamed broccoli, 2 cups steamed cauiliflower, 2 raw vegan sushi rolls, (avocado, cucumber, red pepper, sprouts, mushroom, no rice.)
    1/4 cup shelled pistashios
    1 mini cliff energy bar
    1/2 cup black beans, and 1 tortilla and a slice of vegan cheese, with veggies, and 2 vegan waffles made from 1 cup of soymilk, 1 cup waffle mix, and 1 tablespoon veggie oil, a few tablespoons of syrup, and 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter, and some jelly

    Exercise for the day was a 6 mile run followed by a 5 mile bike.|||That's called extreme buildup.|||now u gotta oversh-t!! lol


    Today I ate-
    3 small potatos baked, with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 peice of vegan cheese, 1 glass of orange juice
    2 cups steamed broccoli, 2 cups steamed cauiliflower, 2 raw vegan sushi rolls, (avocado, cucumber, red pepper, sprouts, mushroom, no rice.)
    1/4 cup shelled pistashios
    1 mini cliff energy bar
    1/2 cup black beans, and 1 tortilla and a slice of vegan cheese, with veggies, and 2 vegan waffles made from 1 cup of soymilk, 1 cup waffle mix, and 1 tablespoon veggie oil, a few tablespoons of syrup, and 2 tablespoons of peanutbutter, and some jelly

    Exercise for the day was a 6 mile run followed by a 5 mile bike.|||Sounds ok to me. Listen to your own body. If you over ate your body will let you know. no one else can tell you. Also it depends on how old you are and how tall you are. Just keep listening to signs from your body. If your stomach feels too full, it means you over ate. If you feel hungry, it means you did not. You should stop just before you get the full feeling. Good luck!

    Edit: 14 years is a growing age, eat as much as you want. And you seem pretty active, so don't worry about how much you eat. At this age, you can eat as much as your body needs. 120 is underweight for your height. I would eat more if I were you. Good luck!|||I don't think you overate, considering how active you are. You need the food as fuel! You could probably throw in some fruit, even. And it's great that your eating healthy food, too. Don't stress too much about it, if your energy levels throughout the day were good, than you should be dandy!|||You're slightly underweight, so you shouldn't worry about overeating. If anything, you should be eating more, especially considering how much you're exercising.|||Your exercise makes up for it but do what you feel is right.|||no, you are anorexic.|||Yes, but it's your choice as to how much you want to eat.

    Edit: Yes, you overate. I'm 38, 6'1 and a little over 200 lbs. And female. I don't eat that much myself.


    Here is my grocery list!

    refried beans
    vegan cheese
    vegan sour cream
    stir fry vegetables
    brown rice
    teriyaki and soy sauce
    Giant veggie Plate!
    Apple Juice
    Chocolate soy milk!
    green olives

    |||You can buy tofutti products at local natural food stores maybe your trader joes, they make cheese and cram cheese, I think perhaps sour cream as well (not everywhere though), I am almost positive that is vegan. You can make tofu tacos but you need to flavor your tofu if it isn't already, you can make tofu stir fry with the vegetables and use the sauce to flavor the tofu. There are many things to make look up some tofu recipes online.|||fry your tofu in a pan for a couple minutes and add it to your stir fry

    yes the vegan cheese and sour cream will be at trader joes///not sure how they will taste because ive never had them but if u like them, try it out on your burrito. |||I personally am not a big fan of tofu and rarely ever eat it but if I do it's friend in olive oil and tossed in with yakisoba with zuccini. Or I put it in a blender with fruits and make a smoothie. I have also make enchilladas with it but they were mediocre.


    I am having a small 14th birthday party sleepover. All my friends ear meat but I'm vegan and I want all the food to be vegan and I want them to love it!
    Does this sound good to you?
    Margarita Pizza w tomato slices (and vegan cheese)
    Baked potatos w grated carrot, vegan cheese and vegan cream cheese
    Hot bagels with vegan cream cheese
    Garlic bread (with margarine instead of butter)
    Carrots and celery and biscuits with dip like hummus and more vegan dips
    Hard taco shells with spiced minced beans and salad filling
    And maybe some wraps with similar filling + hummus and a squeeze of lemon
    And for desert, fondue: Heaps of different fruits in a fruit salad to dip in rice milk chocolate.

    Believe me when I say this, I have not been vegan for very long, and when I tried all the substitute foods like vegan cheese, cream cheese and rice milk chocolate, I could not taste the difference! It was fantastic! I was amazed. Also, I am not like a vegan nazi who wants all my friends to become vegan, I just want us to have a fun night together without all the awkwardnesss of me eating different food to everyone else and them eating all this meat in my face, which makes me feel a little bit sick.|||Margarine ~From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Saturated fat
    The saturated fatty acids in triglycerides have been linked to elevated blood cholesterol levels,[10][11] which in turn has been linked to cardiovascular diseases. Saturated fat increases both LDL and HDL cholesterol.

    Vegetable fats can contain anything between 7% and 86% saturated fatty acids. Liquid oils (unhardened canola oil, sunflower oil) tend to be on the low end, while tropical oils (coconut oil, palm kernel oil) and fully hardened (hydrogenated) oils are at the high end of the scale.[12] A margarine blend is a mixture of both types of components, and will rarely exceed 50% saturated fatty acids on fat. Exceptions are some traditional kitchen margarines or products that have to maintain stability under tropical conditions.[13] Generally, firmer margarines contain more saturated fat.

    Unsaturated fat
    The unsaturated fatty acids decrease LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels in the blood, thus reducing the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.[15][16][17]

    There are two types of unsaturated oils: mono- and poly-unsaturated fats. Their nutritional and health effects are recognized in contrast to saturated fats. Some widely grown vegetable oils, such as rapeseed (and its variant canola), sunflower, safflower, and olive oils contain high amounts of unsaturated fats.[12]*************** During the manufacture of margarine, some of the unsaturated fats may be converted into saturated fats or trans fats in order to give them a higher melting point so that they are solid at room temperatures.******************


    Just thought you might like to know...


    .|||Yeah, that sounds pretty good. You could also make some kind of curry with naan or wraps or something.|||i love fruit and its yum :) sounds alrigt !
    dont mention anything about the food being vegan, i wouldnt even notice theres no meat ahah.|||If your weather is cool enough, consider chili as well. The "no meat, no cheese" version is fine for vegans and is a food with which your meat-eating friends will be familiar.|||that doesn't sound like a small birthday party! and yea it all sounds good to me! yum yum|||i would rather have meat.|||Well it all sounds super to me!
    I don't have to have it at every meal and that all sounds very filling and satisfying. Especially the bean taco's and the baked potatoes.|||Sounds great! You can even try meatless meatballs- a vegan favorite of mine. Do you have a Trader Joe's store by you? It's a great low price grocery store, carrying all natural, vegetarian & vegan friendly foods.

    *I am not vegan, but I enjoy many vegan foods, especially since I have a milk allergy. My favorite cookies in the world are vegan- from ABC (alternative baking company) They also offer information for vegans & their friends. (also not 'vegan nazis') You can order their cookies online- they're awesome!|||Sounds pretty good. How about a nice fresh salsa to go with the tacos?|||I would try those foods on a meat eater, and see how they like it. It doesn't matter if there's no meat on it or if it's vegan. It's about the taste of the food. Like Goat Cheese Mash Potatoes, it sounds great. But when a vegan friend made it for me, it was very yucky. No salt, very soupy.|||Sounds like you have a good varity of food so that everyone will find something they like. you and your friends should have a great time|||It sounds good but maybe you could offer regular dairy products to your friends just out of consideration to their tastes. You may not be able to taste a difference but I know some people might turn up their noses to a "cheese substitute" lol. Also the fondue... there's some other brands that are vegan and DELICIOUS but not made from rice that you could use instead.

    If you're worried about your friends not wanting to try vegan options then just don't tell them what is and isn't a vegan substitution and maybe they'll never know... pretty sneaky.|||It all sounds great except the Garlic bread. Don't use margarine, use olive oil instead of butter. Margarine is very bad for you, even the "healthy" ones.|||It's your birthday, I'm sure they'll be happy with whatever you have.

  • bloons tower defense 2
  • nashville restaurants
  • does anyone else agree that **some** people go "vegan" to be trendy and have the label attached?

    also, its supposed to be super healthy but i noticed my "vegan" cousins eat vegan cheese, which is basically saturated fat... and obv thats not healthy

    and arent there essential nutrients and such that you must get from animal products and dairy and shiz? just wondering|||I definitely think there are some young people (mostly teenagers) who attempt to go vegan because they think its the cool thing to do now. That's why they don't last.
    Yes, many vegans eat processed foods on a regular basis, and many eat junk all the time and are not all that healthy. However, the majority tends to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and other healthy foods, with the occasional processed food (if they ever eat it, I know I don't).|||Oh dear we have pescatarian, flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, marcrobiotic, and so forth. Yes I have seen some people who claim to be vegan but nearly cheat every day. I think it's the fact of "being different" or "standing out" that makes them do such a thing. It personally annoys me that they'd do such a thing. Then they think they have the right to walk around and say "I'm a vegan", nope I don't think so. Personally I do like vegetarians, flexitarian, pescatarian, vegan, and so on. it's the fact that there are posers out there.

    Vegan cheese is getting to be popular around the stores. Tell your cousins to try teese, daiya, vegan gourmet, etc.

    Yes they're are essential nutrients that you get from animal products. Eggs, beef, poultry, etc. all have protein. Milk, cheese, yogurt, and what not all have calcium.

    I hope this helped some|||Yes, I think being vegan is quite trendy these days. It seems like every day someone will come to this board and annouce "I'm vegan. What can I eat." Most of them, of course, won't stay vegan.

    And, yes, there is something you need to be healthy and can't get from a plant based diet: vitamin B12. It's found naturally only in meat, eggs, and dairy products. To get B12 in the vegan diet (if one doesn't cheat), you'll need to get shots, take pills or eat manufactured B12 that's been added to highly processed foods.

    VEGAN registered dietitician Jack Norris says this:

    "B12 is generally found in all animal foods (except honey). Contrary to rumors, there are no reliable, unfortified plant sources of vitamin B12, including tempeh, seaweeds, and organic produce. The overwhelming consensus in the mainstream nutrition community, as well as among vegan health professionals, is that plant foods do not provide vitamin B12, and fortified foods or supplements are necessary for the optimal health of vegans, and even vegetarians in many cases..."

    He also recommends vegan consider supplementing their diet with iodine (especially if they're eating soy products), vitamin D, calcium, zinc, b2, b6, and take a DHA supplement.鈥?/a>

    Soy can harm your thyroid, especially if you're iodine defecient and many people are. The vitamin D(2) that is vegan is not absorbed or used as well by your body as the D(3) that we make naturally and is also available in supplements, but not vegan. The iron in veggies is non heme iron, not nearly as well used by your body as the heme iron in meat, eggs, dairy products. Protein is made up of amino acids. Meat, eggs, dairy products contain all the amino acids for complete protein, where most veggies only contain some of them. Vegans need to eat a wide variety of veggies every day (not necessarily every meal) so their bodies can combine those amino acids into the complete protein they need.

    We've evolved as omnivores and our bodys just use some nutrients better from meat, eggs, dairy products. Maybe some people can be healthy as vegans, but it won't be easy.|||It's a status label for some I'm sure a lot of people want to supposed they're better than others by saying they are vegan. It doesn't sound very good to say "I'm a meat eater". People will do anything to make themselves look good.

    The cheese might be fat, but it's plant fat- and no plant food has cholesterol

    No item exists in a dead cow's flesh that is unique. THat is not true at all.

    In fact , plants have more nutrition and more sources of the same nutrients- whereas meat just has one source-meat. And there's no need to put " " around the word vegan if they are actually vegan. They're just normal people. And if you call normal people normal when they're vegan to look cool, it's a good way to avoid pandering to their loftiness. I'd be horrified if anyone called me vegan.|||Yes unfortunately some just do it to be trendy.

    However, a vegan diet generally has far less fat than a meat-eating diet, even with the saturated fat.

    But basically no, there aren't any essential nutrients found in meat and dairy that can't be substituted with vegetable-based foods, such as lentils, spinach (for iron), beans and nuts (protein), plus of course tofu. So as long as people subsitute these foods for meat and don't just try to live on salads, they're not doing their health any harm.|||My friends do that because im a vegan. but ive tried to eat animal products before but i find it disgusting so i wind up puking. i dont do it for a trend i do it cause i hate to throw-up|||if they do it because they think eating animals is wrong and judge people who eat animals, then i think they are crazy judgmental people. if they do it for the health benefits, then i admire them|||鈥?/a>

    these videos will show and explain why some people are vegan.

    heads up the youtube one is an hour long give or take a bit but its worth watching.


    i havent ate all day but for dinner i had
    2 veggie burgers with vegan cheese
    banana and a apple|||you REALLY need to start eating during the will hurt your body if you do this regularlyt. You may not feel it now or in a few years, but as you get older you will....good choice for dinner though, but the not eating the whole day bugs me.|||As long as you didn't overeat then yes, that's all healthy food to eat.
    I would probably feel sick if I ate two burgers b/c I can't digest that much food at once, but if you feel okay then you're good.|||yes


    i have had baked beans for breakfast and 1 weetabix, vegan cheese, salad and vegan ham for lunch, 2 bowls of cheerios for dinner and 4 poppodoms and mango chutney. |||It is 4:32 P.M. here and I have not had anything to eat yet. I live in Texas when it's this hot who wants to eat. So for me yes you have eatin a lot. But hey as long as you enjoyed it! Go for it!|||That's not a lot to eat but it is a lot of empty carbs. Try eating something with some nutrients instead of cheerios and poppadoms, and probably you will find that if you eat better, you won't need to fill up with junk as much. There's no protein of any kind or healthy fats in your dinner, which has got to leave you feeling a little empty. |||u need food to live.......and i bet u are in ur 16 myself and told a lot of girls they need food to grow and to answer ur question that isnt a lot.......if u are 5' 9 or around there and ur weight is 110 to 160 thats average weight..........also i do not care that i spelled these words wrong.......this isnt a spelling test|||That sounds like what I would eat in an average day (even though I don't know what weetabix or poppodoms or mango chutney is), but I don't usually gain a lot of weight if I eat a lot. You're fine.|||No. but compare to me,yes. I only had a plum,egg and bacon.|||I don't know what some of those things are, but it sounds like alot of carbs and not nearly enough fruit or veggies|||Nooo. Not at all.|||I dont think so. It sounds like your eating alright in my opinion|||uhm for me it seems like a lot but i dont normally eat too much. it depends on how full you are. (:|||no|||yes|||nope. sounds good to me 8]|||i don;t think so


    Me and my sister are slowly going vegan and we wanted to find someone who knows good places, to shop for vegan cheese and such!? Thanks|||Harris Teeter and Farm Fresh usually have a good selection of vegetarian and vegan products. You can also try the Heritage Health Food Store (if that's still there?) at the corner of Laskin Road and Pacific Ave near the Jewish Mother. Ghent in Norfolk is also pretty veg friendly. Elliot's Fairgrounds has lots of vegan goodies to go with your soy latte, and Kotobuki Japanese restaurant has some good vegetarian food. Good luck and happy eating!|||You should try:

    Heritage Health Food Store and Caf茅
    314 Laskin Road (Hwy 58)
    Web Site:


    Azar's Natural Foods Market & Caf茅
    108 Precott Avenue
    Web site:

    Good places for you and your sis to start. :-)


    2 whole wheat bread
    1 Vegan cheese
    1 or 2 Vegan roast turkey.

    For dinner?|||well it definitely isn't bad! i would recommend you eat more though! my fav sammich to make is vegan mayo, mustard, tofurky slices, rice cheese, lettuce &tomato. its so yummy!|||yes

  • mini countryman
  • chevys
  • okay so i'm training (by myself) to be able to run a mile. so, is this a good diet? i'm going to be training for 30 minutes every day.

    1 cup of Kashi cereal
    1/2 cup of Soy Milk (SILK)
    snack: apple

    1 vegan cheese&bean burrito
    vegan cheese& wheat thins
    snack: apple

    1 cup whole wheat pasta
    1/2 cup natural tomato sauce

    what things am i missing? what should i add to it (specifically) i'm vegan so no meat or dairy plz.|||Eat nuts, vegetables and other fruit than apples..Anything rich in very good for you..|||you need more vegetables and fruit in your diet|||you need more vegetables.|||As long as you are getting your complete proteins from that combination of vegies, I would think it is ok.

    do Vegan's eat eggs? Eggs are a complete protien!|||you won't have to change your diet at all ... as you train you will increase your endurance and metabolism. you might need to eat smaller portions only if you eat big now. as you increase in endurance, try not to eat more than you do now.
    you may find that 1 mile isn't that much in 30 minutes|||You need more fresh fruits & fresh veggies daily. For dinner, eat more pasta as the wheat is so much better for you,as you well know. You need calcium in your body too. If it doesn't come from your diet, chew four extra strength Tums each day. You need calcium in your body now, because it will build strong bones & this is important especially when you're much older.|||your doing great just add more veggies and some fruit to your diet plan and drink plenty of water a 8oz.|||Just on first glance, you're missing a few things:
    #1 - Protein. Especially important since you're training. Your dinner has almost no protein. To figure out exactly how much protein to eat, divide your weight in pounds by 2 - that's the number of grams of protein you need (eg, I weigh 120lbs, so I need 60g of protein).
    #2 - Vegetables (i don't see any listed) and different fruits.
    #3 - Food in general. Without knowing the exact calorie count, that doesn't seem to be enough for someone who's physically active. Also, it's a good idea to eat more often.

    Here are some specific ways to fix it:
    1. Breakfast - a good start. Add a little more soy milk and about 1/4 cup of nuts.
    2. Snacks should always include a little bit of protein - peanut or other nut butters, soy milk/cheese, nuts, or edamame, a vegan's best friend. Mix it up with different kind of fruits.
    3. Lunch - throw in another glass of milk for extra protein, and some vegetables (anything colorful)
    4. If you're having pasta, add any kind of beans, edamame, or cubed tofu for protein. In the sauce, add some vegetables and/or have a nice big tossed salad (spinach is great) alongside.

    Other tips:
    Make sure you eat very soon after you exercise, to help rebuild your muscles. Again, make sure the snack includes some kind of protein. Smoothies (made with soy yogurt/milk, fruit, ice) are great. If you find that your soy milk doesn't have a lot of protein, stop by a health-food store and pick up some protein powder, which you can find soy-based varieties of.
    6. Make sure you're taking a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day. Vegans have trouble getting enough B12, which is only found in animal products.

    Good luck with your mile!|||More fruit and vegetables! Add a salad to lunch and dinner. Also look for more things with calcium in them.|||Why would you eat pasta after you run? Don't listen to these people. Eat carbs BEFORE you work out, eat protein after.

    Since you don't like dairy consider adding spinach instead for calcium.

    Actually, I just realized I made the assumption that you run before dinner. If you run after dinner then disregard my advice.

    And as the woman above said, add B-12 and more protein.
    Soy, honey, soy. Consider shakes, too.|||My field is in fashion, as a result many people ask me how they can slim down. My answer is always the same: good diet and exercise. But I found this great product which I think helps a lot in the process. I recommend you check this website , they have a free trial and you only pay 4.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!|||Since I started to work out I was looking for a good weight loss product. I was on a diet but I felt that I needed a little "help" so I decided to try this great product and I had fantastic results. You can check their website at , they give you a free trial and you only pay 4.95$ shipping and handling.


    mines grilled cheese im asking cause im going vegan so i cant have it anymore unless i buy fake expensive vegan cheese :(|||What about vegetable sandwiches or peanut butter sandwiches or hummus sandwiches.

    Below are some sites with vegan recipes. Good luck! I hope this helps.|||i don't have a fav. i love lots and lots and lots of food.

    why are you going vegan?.. may i ask =)

    i couldn't do it. i love love love food.. except mushrooms and oysters and clams. bleh|||"MLT- mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, when the mutton is nice and lean, and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky. I love that. "|||Footlong ham and cheese on Italian, pepper jack, toasted with extra chipotle southwest, pickles, lettuce, and jalapenos.|||cheese, tomatoes, ham, lettuce, cheesy bread, salami, bologna|||seafood salad
    green peppers
    black olives
    banana peppers

    on marble rye with wine vinegar, salt, pepper and oregano|||Turkey with Swiss, avocado, pickles, mayo and tomatos|||Tasty sprout and tomato from Hopkin's in Tallahassee. Yum! Haven't had one in forever!!! They use an awesome dressing.|||I like bread made out of turtle shells, with a topping of toenails and horseradish, with a little spit for good measure. YUM|||Im going to agree with you grilled cheese a warm bowl of tomato soup on a cold snowy day!!!! wrapped up in a nice warm blanket watching i love lucy reruns!!!! sorry it's snowing here and im cold!!! =0)|||Turkey and swiss from Arby's but grilled cheese and tomato is also good.|||Nuttela it the chocolate peanut butter.|||Mine is a fried ham and cheese sandwich with tomato, mustard and fried onions.|||Grilled cheese with tomatoes.|||salami...woo its da besst wow try ittt ...italian salami|||chocolate covered bacon sandwich. Sooooo good.|||Grilled cheese with fried salami, man it's good. Going vegan is unnatural.|||vegan sandwich for me. that's good that you want to be a vegan. soy cheese isn't so bad.|||Cheeseburger x)|||Tomato Mozzarella|||turkey and cranberry and chicken walnut, and also tuna any of those tree yum|||metball sandwhich from subway.|||I am an all rounder, vegan or non veg...anything goes..

    but my fav for now is the subways turkey sandwich..the meat is good.|||american cheeseburger w/ extra pickles.(from the states)|||Strawberry jam.|||Tuna! :)|||Chicken filet|||roast chicken salad with garlic mayo. mmm

    (don't go vegan)|||cheese and onion toasted then with salad (no tomatoes :L) and some kind of sauce :)|||.vegetarian|||I like human dump on a green rotten slice of pumpernickle.


    saw these on my vegan cheese and i wasn't sure if that meant if it was from milk, actual milk, or a fake. pretty sure i can't have it....but wanted to be sure...|||If it was vegan cheese they wouldn't use milk protein or any dairy. You could be mentioning soy cheese. Some soy products for whatever stupid and ignorant reason feel the need to use dairy or other animal abuse in their products rather than taking out the unneeded ingredients that come from animals. I know I have been tricked in the past with products like what you are talking about. It is a ding dang shame that they make products that have no need for any animal products and are basically trying to mock vegan foods when they could just as easily make them vegan and get more customers.

    I know SoyaKaas makes a soy cheese that in not vegan and O'Soy yogurt is also not vegan and I believe their is an cheap brand of soy milk that also is not vegan (other than SILK which is owned by Dean foods one of the largest dairy producers probably in the world)

    "The word 'veganism' denotes a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude 鈥?as far as is possible and practical 鈥?all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, including humans and the environment.
    In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

    However Daiya is very popular now and is a dairy free soy free cheese that melts like champion and tastes great and obviously is vegan.
    You can also find Sheese (made in Scotland so you know it isn't craaap but is available in the US), Follow Your Heart (they make veganaise which I think is their better product), Teese (I have always considered it the predecessor to Daiya and a notch above FYH in some situations)鈥?/a> , Dr. Cows (nut cheeses many of them aged) and a few others I cannot remember right now|||Ofcourse they can, and don't let any of the vegan hate monger extremist on Yahoo! Answers tell you otherwise. Milk does not harm the cow, despite the lies that the vegan hate monger extremist try to spread about how they are mistreated and forced to give milk year round. This is simply not true. They only give milk when expecting a calf, and all the other time they are crazing in a green pasture being well cared for.|||Vegans do not eat any animal product, that includes anything derived from them even honey. There are many protiens that vegans can have, like rice, carob, soy etc. A 'vegetarian' is what the guy above me is talking about, they eat eggs and such.|||Not all vegans are the same. Some vegans eat milk and eggs, because this doesn't involve killing animals. While other vegans don't eat milk and eggs.鈥?/a>|||Milk protein is derived from milk but is not actual "milk". I'm not vegan so idk if that is fine with you. Almost all protein in food is derived from milks, eggs, and meats.|||No. Milk protein is derived from milk, which is from a cow, and vegans don't consume animal products.|||vegetarians can vegans cannot.|||They "can", but I don't believe they would want to. They would avoid it as, yes, it is derived from actual milk.|||Nope, you may not.|||No we can not.
    Watch out for whey too.|||I would go with the first answer :3


    Has anyone here every tried the Sheese brand vegan cheese (any flavor)? I'm curious about it, but I'd have to order it, and I don't want to waste the money if it's no good.

    A few notes: I haven't had real cheese for over 4 years, so I'm not super concerned about it tasting exactly like real cheese. Also, I think that Follow Your Heart "cheese" is decent, so I'm not too picky.

    Also, how does it melt?|||I just had some a second ago. It's really really good. I've only eaten it cold, so I can't attest to it's meltability. It is a really good block of "cheese". There is no slightly slimy coating like you see with other vegan cheeses and they come in different flavors. I just munched on a strong cheddar. My daughter prefers the medium. It's worth the money to try it. Give your lil vegan heart a thrill, I say!


    What's other vegan/vegetarians views on whether they think it's ethical or not to have a non-veggie partner? I've heard of veggies saying they couldn't consider dating a non-veggie and a lot of veggies in a relationship seem to have a veggie partner. I was thinking about this and reckoned that when I was single, had I insisted on finding myself a veggie man, then nothing would have changed in the world. Had we never met, we would both be veggie anyway - no extra animals saved there if I did hook hook up with such a veggie. I live with a meat-eater guy. Before he met me he ate meat 2 or 3 times a day and ate loads of dairy and eggs. Now he gets meat a couple of times a week, has developed a liking for lentils and soy, etc, I dont buy eggs, I buy vegan cheese and he puts a little cows milk in coffee, but has soy milk in cooking and for milkshakes. Does any veggies out there think veggies should only hook up with other veggies?|||I've been vegan for 10 years and I'm dating an omnivore. I've tried dating other vegans, but for me at least it's not enough to have a political belief and a lifestyle in common. When you love someone, you love someone. My guy cooks for me - even makes me vegan waffles - and he only eats meat occasionally, like for his lunches at work. I would say it's a much bigger deal for us that he's a conservative and I'm a liberal, but we manage to make that work too. We've been dating for over a year now.

    Is it ethical? I believe it's not ethical to consume animal products, so I don't. I don't believe it's ethical to try to force my beliefs on others, especially because it's likely to backfire! If I was dating a vegan, it's true, nothing would change, except that we might become more narrow in our social lives. Now I've "half-converted" a dedicated meat eater, to the point that he worries about his friends' cholesterol levels and teases them about their poor diets.|||Actually, there was a story about that in the health section of our newspaper a couple of weeks ago. The consensus seemed to be that not only was there conflict in a vegetarian/carnivore relationship, but also vegan/vegetarian relationship. Alot of people were not completely satisfied if the person didn't eat meat but still ate cheese, eggs and fish. I believe they interviewed 4 couples for the article. As if it isn't hard enough finding someone these days!|||There is no ethical problem with "hooking up" with a non-veggie. As you note, if there are two meat eaters and two vegans, and they pair off according to shared diets, the meat eaters are going to keep eating a lot of meat, while the vegans eat none. If they pair off with their dietary opposites, the meat eaters will eat less meat. Still, many vegans and vegetarians prefer to share their lives with partners who share their core ethics (especially if they are going to have children), and I don't think this is in any way unethical, either.|||It's a personal preferance I think. I became a vegetarian long after meeting my boyfriend but if we weren't together, I would prefer a vegetarian (or vegan) like myself.|||My wife is an Organic Veggie, I am a non-veggie. No problems at all.

    If someone is so close minded about their eating habits that they can't even be with someone else, they need some therapy.|||Absolutely not! My husband is a meat eater and I have been veggie for over 10 years. I never let that get in the way of our relationship. I'm in love with the person and not what he eats!

    Some nights we eat out and some we cook. When we cook, we always make a dish where meat is optional. That way, he can add it if he wants. He's actually been eating alot of my veggie meals too and i have got him stuck on morningstar chicken patties and nuggets! Sometimes though, he will just eat a sandwich with meat in it on the side with whatever else we eat that is veggie. It can work!!!|||my girlfriend and i have no clashes regarding the situation.

    we do however have a no kissing directly after meals rule|||I was vegetarian for 15 years before I met my boyfriend, who was mostly a meat eater. He is very adapting, and didn't mind changing his diet and now eats a mostly soy-based diet-when I do the cooking. The great part is that we now have a 2 year old son who gets to experience both worlds and can decide for himself what he wants to become when he's old enough.
    Side note: this man must brush his teeth after meat eating/before he gets a kiss.|||I am a strict vegetarian of 11 years and I am dating an omnivore. We have been together for a year now and he eats more of the veggie dishes that I cook than when we first got together. He cooks for me too and when he wants meat, he will prepare his food in a separate "meat designated" pan. We also have a rule about him brushing after non-veg meals otherwise no kiss.

    I don't think that ethics really plays into this. You fall in love with who you fall in love with. You simply work out the things that you need to work out in your own relationship while keeping to your vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. That's all there is to it.|||I'm married to a meat eater, and our relationship is fine. What we eat, doesn't influence how we feel about and treat eachother.

    Secondly, I would never tell him to become a vegetarian. I'm his companion, not his mother. At the same time, he never tries to get me to eat meat, because he's my companion, not my father.

    I wouldn't trade him out, with his great personality and big heart, for someone with a different diet. That just seems really shallow to me. There's a little more depth to someone than what they eat.|||That's a pretty petty issue for as many other things couples have to wade through in a relationship.

  • restaurant week nyc
  • applebees
  • I need ideas for egg replacers either homemade or store bought. I also need someone who can recommend the best store bought vegan cheese. Where do I find nutritional yeast? What is bulgur?...sorry for all the questions but I have recently gone from vegetarian to full vegan and still a little confused|||Ener-G is a popular egg replacer made from tapioca and potato starch. It seems expensive, but you get a lot of servings out of it (cheaper than buying eggs for a cake recipe).
    Here's a massive list of egg replacers:

    Daiya is a popular vegan cheese. I've never seen it, but you can get it at Whole Foods.
    Ditto with nuritional yeast. I haven't seen it at my local market, but it should be at Whole Foods or your local health foods shop.
    Bulgar is a grain. Others gave better answers, but that's what I know from the top of my head.|||good for you! Make sure to watch "forks over knives", "vegucated" and "fat, sick and almost dead".....if you havent already :-)

    Egg replacers- you can use something called "ener-g" egg replacer. It comes in a box in all health food stores in the baking section
    You can also use really soft bananas. (you can make an amazing french toast using pureed or mashed bananas instead of egg on the bread)
    You can also use applesauce in some baking recipes as a substitute.
    try the website (all vegan recipes sent in by users..amaaaazing)
    you can get nutritional yeast in the bulk sections of Whole Foods, Sunflower market or any local health food store. You can also buy it on Amazon '-)
    Hope this helps!|||Replacing eggs in a recipe depends on the type of food you are making.

    You can get vegan cheese at your local grocery store. It's not expensive.

    As for nutritional yeast, you might want to check out your nearby natural foods store or simply go online: to find natural foods stores in your area. You can also order nutritional yeast from vegan online retailers, but the price is expensive.

    Bulgur is a cereal food made of wheat species that is sold parboiled and dried. Whole-grain, high-fiber bulgur and cracked wheat can be found in your nearby natural foods store.|||just use apple sauce, I guess


    every time i am baking and the recipe calls for milk and i want to use soy milk, the ppl in my house get so grossed out and i end up not using it. same goes with vegan cheese - when it is melted it is DELICIOUS. and what is annoying is they won't even TRY it... so ?? anyways! my question is, how come some people get so grossed out about soy milk or vegetarian foods? they aren't bad at all!|||Because theyre afraid of liking it.
    Look at it from their view- most people like that get very defensive about meat and how its perfectly okay to eat it, and if they like what you make, it would be like proving them wrong in a way. Like, "hey, theres a perfectly fine alternative, so we could use this and not have the negatives of the dairy industry, but we would have to admit that the alternative is just as good, and we would be going against our stance".|||I think a lot of people want an excuse not to go veg*n.

    Also, as a vegan I've learned that vegan cheeses, milks, etc, are NOT meant to be exact replicas of non-vegan foods. A lot of omnivores don't get that. You can't take a swig of soymilk and expect it to taste exactly like cow's milk, that's just not going to happen. The first time I tried vegan cheese, I almost cried because it just *doesn't* taste like cheese. You have to want to eat it for it's own sake and not because it tastes like something non-vegan.|||well soy cheese is scary in most instances... I cant stand it except for teese or follow your heart (vegan gourmet) but thats only sometimes. As for the soy milk in baking... thats just their fear of something different. When my wife started baking with it I was creeped out like is it going to taste nasty?? but because I went vegan I said screw it gonna try it eventually and now I like soy milk. Same story with tofu. So its an emotional thing in my opinion thats all...|||you dont even taste the milk in baked goods, it tastes no different with soy or even RICE milk.
    soy is in a lot of foods that aren't vegetarian or vegan, just because its soy MILK should not make any difference|||well im sorta like that but only with fish not soy milk or vegan foods because my cousins are vegan i mean i wont eat vegan cheese alone normal because im picky with what cheese i eat and soy milk i won't drink because i hate any milk unless its chocolate|||I've tried both of those products and they don't even remotely taste like the real thing. The people in your house might be choosing taste over health.|||A lot of products on the market taste like saw dust.


    Hello :)
    I am vegetarian and have a gluten and dairy intolerance (v annoying) and what's more i am at university with a limited budget.

    I don't necessarily want vegan substitutes (i.e vegan cheese) or anything like that i'm just looking for some guidelines to how i can eat a healthy balanced diet, while not spending too much money..

    Please i am living on cucumber and apples at the moment!!

    XX|||Peanut butter, beans, lentils and chickpeas are all good - hummos, etc. Keep up the protien side. Look at what some ethnic vegetarians do - Sikh Indians, much Mexican food. Chilis with peas and potatoes, or vegetable enchiladas (tortillas can be corn not wheat), would vary your diet comfortably.
    If you are not vegan, eggs are valuable too. You can get free-range for your conscience, depending where you draw those lines.|||If you are living at the dorms and have a meal plan, celiac is covered by the ADA (if you are in the US) and the university (by law) must work with you on this.
    Are you able to cook? That is a pretty important detail that we need to know, lol!
    First, you need to get some protein in your diet. You are going to need to get legumes into your diet, or find some gf TVP (e.g. Bob's Red Mill) or brown rice protein. You also need to start eating soy. Find gf miso and tofu and learn to cook with that.
    Are you egg free as well? When I was diagnosed with celiac I had to add eggs back into my diet to help balance my diet out a bit more. Eggs are cheap and packed with nutrition. I got mine at the farmer's market, they are cheaper and fresher than the ones at the store.
    For milk substitute cooking, etc. I really like hempmilk if you can find it. It makes a great chai and is packed with omega 3 fatty acids which you need to boost w/o meat in your diet.
    Sweet potatos are the most nutritious veggie out there, start adding those into your diet. I can eat those three times a day and still snack on the leftovers at bedtime, lol!
    Quiona needs to be added into your diet, but it can be expensive. If you can't do quiona, add millet or brown rice.
    Here is one of my fav sites, you will have to remove the dairy from the recipes like I do, but that is pretty easy.鈥?/a>
    I wish I could be more helpful, but you sound like you need to have a little one on one with someone. You can contact your local celiac support group (if there is one) and someone from the group will usually step forward.

    Don't forget good old peanut butter! Jiffy is gf, and lundberg rice cakes are much better tasting and healthy for you than the quaker variety without the risk of cross contamination! Good luck!


    Tonight, I made 2 vegan cheese toasties, and I've eaten 1. If I eat the other one, will I put on weight? I hardly eat toasties, and I've eaten 1 small bowl of muesli today and 3 cups of tea with sweeteners. Is it really unhealthy to eat both? I'm gonna try and exercise it off tonight as well.|||Mars bar said it - This is not enough food for one day.

    It is also not varied enough - where is the fruit and veg?

    You are definitely not eating too much and the fact that you think you are is ringing alarm bells.

    To the bowl of muesli I would adda banana for breakfast, then maybe 1 toastie and salad for lunch followed by a piece of fruit, then for tea something proper like stir-fry, and if you are going exercising you can even eat some pudding!|||It's really unhealthy to eat that little amount of food...
    You need more then a bowl of cereal and toasties.
    and how will you have a enough energy to exercise tonight...
    You might have an eating disorder, wait no you do have an eating disorder, personally I've been through one, they aren't good, starting eating more food please.|||Yeah that should be fine. Try to remember that it's how you eat for most of the week that keeps you healthy not how you eat during one meal, so one 'naughty but nice' meal once or twice a week is fine as long as you eat healthy for most of the week|||everything in moderation is fine - enjoy your toasties


    I'm a lacto ovo vegetarian, but my goal is to become vegan. I'm trying to quit consuming dairy, that's why I now buy vegan cheese, yogurt... but I can't find a soy milk that has a nice taste. Which one do you buy? Which soy milk (regular flavor) tastes best? Which soy milk with vanilla flavor tastes best?|||This really depends on YOUR taste.

    If you need soy milk to add to hot coffee, buy the sort of soy milk from refrigerated section, they do not separate that easily.

    Otherwise just try different brands of soy, rice, oat, ... milk to find which one suits you best.

    I find they are all yummy on cereal or good for use in cooking, but I use "So good" refrigerated soya drink or "Alpro soya" refrigerated soya drink for my coffee.
    I like rice milk, too, and I find that organic rice milk is much better than non-organic ones. I buy Provamel or Rice dream.

    Do not use vanilla / chocolate / almond / etc flavoured soya/ice drinks too often because they are very sweet, fatty and calorific!

    If you need something thick, you can also buy soya single cream (from Alpro, for example).

    Hope this helps.|||8th Continent Vanilla Light soymilk. Only 60 calories a cup and it's so sweet and creamy.|||silk...mmm tasty.|||I buy Kirkland vanilla soy milk at Costco. I love it.|||You will have to try them yourself to see which you like.

    I recently tried Almond Breeze Vanilla which is pretty good. Strong vanilla flavor, but I like vanilla.

    Silk Vanilla is okay too, the refrigerated tastes stronger than the boxed kind.

    Rice milk is much lighter if you like that style.|||I've found the Great Value (wal-mart) brand passes my standards.

    Another one is Pacific Valley Brands flavors, especially the Hazelnut.

    Another one, hard to find RTD, in powder readily is Better Than Milk vanilla flavored.鈥?/a>|||I like 8th Continent, but I think technically there's some ingredient in it that's not vegan. Soy Dream is also good. I also recommend Almond Breeze, which is vegan but not soy.|||When I drank soy milk, I liked Silk. It's a little thick (in comparison to cow's milk), but it was pretty good - especially the vanilla on my cereal! I've not tired 8th Continent...
    I now dinrk Rice Milk. That's rather thin, but quite delish. I love it with my cookies.|||I love Silk soy milk It has a nice creamy smoth taste!!|||silk has the best in my opinion. You can eat it with cereal and bake with it just as you normally woukld normal milk|||My all-time favorite is WestSoy Organic low fat soy milk. I buy 32oz cartons at the 99 cents store! It's a great deal, and by far my favorite! =-]|||i could not find a soymilk i liked and finnaly tripped on rice milk i like it alot for cereal and smoothies

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  • Red Star Nutritional yeast is used when making homemade vegan cheeses, for those who are interested.|||The short answer is: Yes. :-)

    Brewer's Yeast and Nutritional Yeast come from a similar type of yeast, and have a very similar nutritional profile - both are terrific sources of the B Vitamins.

    If you taste them side by side, many people notice that Brewer's Yeast has a slightly bitter taste to it compared to the Nutritional Yeast. But if I had to - I would be fine with substituting Brewer's for Nutritional in a recipe like "Gee Whiz" (My all-time favorite recipe for fake cheese spread!)

    Brewer's Yeast is a by-product of beer making but Red Star Nutritional Yeast was grown on molasses for the express purpose of being a foodstuff and vitamin supplement.

    I have seen people refer to real Red Star Nutritional Yeast as "brewer's yeast" and I think sometimes the stores get them mixed up in the bulk bins, too.

    I hope that helps,

    BTW - try it on popcorn, it adds a terrific flavor. With some melted Earth Balance margarine - OMG!|||For its purpose - yes, for its flavor - no.

    I would never use the two interchangeably. I use brewer's yeast in smoothies and protein shakes. I use nutritional yeast more for cooking. The nutritional yeast makes an awesome "cheese" sauce and is great sprinkled on pasta, popcorn, salads, etc.|||Brewer's and nutritional yeast are both high in B12, but brewers yeast doesn't taste good unless it's in draft beer :-P


    I just had a tofu veggie burger topped with vegan cheese, veganaise, tomato and white onion, Fried spicy eggplant with brown rice, spring rolls w/ citrus sauce and curly fries.
    Yum ^_^|||My husband is cooking. It appears to be pasta with red sauce and Tofurky Italian sausage (which is vegan).

    Your dinner sounds great. I would have dipped the fries in the citrus sauce along with the spring rolls!|||Omg curly fries! This place downtown has the most amazing curly fries....every time I order, the waitress gives me these super long curly good!
    Dinner tonight might be either chickpea cutlets w/ vegan cheese, nutritional yeast, smart balance [got the soy free one] or hummus spread on whole wheat spelt bread.
    Or a nice pasta...fusilli w/ a tomato sauce with basil, cilantro, onions, black pepper, coriander and some other good spices...
    Or [white] basmati rice cooked in coconut milk, w/ chaana masala.|||I went out with some friends to this Japanese restaurant/sushi bar that opened nearby recently. I had an avocado & cucumber roll, and a sweet potato roll, some miso soup & a small salad which was greens, carrot, cucumber & a ginger dressing. Oh, and edamame to start with. Yummy. :) I wanted tempura, but unfortunately their batter wasn't vegan. :( I'll definitely be going back there though. :)|||I live in the Uk and I had....

    Carrot and potato mash with a salad that included cucemeber, quorn ham, tomatos, grapes and coleslaw :)

    Your dinner sounds YUMMY! :)|||Probably lots of pasta and water.

    I have a triathlon tomorrow, so I'm carbo-loading tonight.|||lol if ur asian u would totaly understand this :D. i basically have bowl of whte rice w/ soysauce fried pork and grilled beef :D, i had rice everyday eversince i could chew ....|||im heading to a new place that opened called crave im probably having satay chicken and filet|||Pizza! Homemade w/ spinach, bell pepper, green onion and cheese. Yum!|||Homeade Pizza =]|||I had homemade pizza on whole wheat w/ onions and peppers|||Pork chops and turkey soup|||That sounds healthy. I'm probably going to eat spaghetti|||a bunch of meat like ribbbbs!(:|||meat loaf poatoes


    Saturday, March 3, 2012

    Ok well I eat a lot of whole grains, veggies, fruit, legumes/beans (Im a vegan). Im not big on processed food but I was wondering if stuff like bbq and vegan cheese sauce is classified as a processed food. Its organic and has no preservatives. I like to put it on my food and I use the serving size.If it is, is it as bad a processed food such as doritios and crap like that? thanks|||Yes. Vegan cheese sauce would never occur in nature and can't be made in your own kitchen. (BBQ sauce is probably ok, most are naturally vegan anyway)

    "Organic" only means that it was made without pesticides or antibiotics and "no preservatives" usually refers to chemical preservatives.

    That being said, fat and sugar are natural preservatives. That's why candy lasts indefinately. A lot of "natural" vegan products have more fat and sugar than their omnivorous counterparts.

    All you can really do is study up on nutrition (buy a book, don't believe all the **** you read online) and read labels before you buy anything.|||Technically it is still processed because you got it from a package in a grocery store and not straight from say a farmer. However, it is most likely minimally processed. In that case, it is definitely much better processed snacks like doritos.


    Ok well I eat a lot of whole grains, veggies, fruit, legumes/beans (Im a vegan). Im not big on processed food but I was wondering if stuff like bbq and vegan cheese sauce is classified as a processed food. Its organic and has no preservatives. I like to put it on my food and I use the serving size.If it is, is it as bad a processed food such as doritios and crap like that? thanks|||Yes. Vegan cheese sauce would never occur in nature and can't be made in your own kitchen. (BBQ sauce is probably ok, most are naturally vegan anyway)

    "Organic" only means that it was made without pesticides or antibiotics and "no preservatives" usually refers to chemical preservatives.

    That being said, fat and sugar are natural preservatives. That's why candy lasts indefinately. A lot of "natural" vegan products have more fat and sugar than their omnivorous counterparts.

    All you can really do is study up on nutrition (buy a book, don't believe all the **** you read online) and read labels before you buy anything.|||Technically it is still processed because you got it from a package in a grocery store and not straight from say a farmer. However, it is most likely minimally processed. In that case, it is definitely much better processed snacks like doritos.


    I'm looking for some vegan cheese (it's hard to find it without casein in it!) and some vegan "egg" replacement. I can't find it in the "Nature's Promise" section at the local stop and shop. Any ideas where I can find this? I don't like ordering things online either!
    (I live in R.I. if that helps anyone.)

    Thanks.|||There is a cheese called Vegan Gourmet(follow your heart brand). Can't say anything but good things about it. We purchase it at Sunflower Market. If you don't have those there try Sprouts perhaps.

    Egg Replacements
    There are plenty of egg substitutes available for baking or preparing a dish that calls for eggs. Ener-G Egg Replacer is a reliable egg substitute for use in baking. It is available at health food stores and most grocery stores.

    Tofu: Tofu is great for egg substitutions in recipes that call for a lot of eggs, like quiches or custards. To replace one egg in a recipe, purée 1/4 cup soft tofu. It is important to keep in mind that although tofu doesn’t fluff up like eggs, it does create a texture that is perfect for “eggy” dishes.

    Tofu is also a great substitute for eggs in eggless egg salad and breakfast scrambles.

    In Desserts and Sweet, Baked Goods: Try substituting one banana or 1/4 cup applesauce for each egg called for in a recipe for sweet, baked desserts. These will add some flavor to the recipe, so make sure bananas or apples are compatible with the other flavors in the dessert.

    Other Egg Replacement Options
    • 1 egg = 2 Tbsp. potato starch
    • 1 egg = 1/4 cup mashed potatoes
    • 1 egg = 1/4 cup canned pumpkin or squash
    • 1 egg = 1/4 cup puréed prunes
    • 1 egg = 2 Tbsp. water + 1 Tbsp. oil + 2 tsp. baking powder
    • 1 egg = 1 Tbsp. ground flax seed simmered in 3 Tbsp. water
    • 1 egg white = 1 Tbsp. plain agar powder dissolved in 1 Tbsp. water, whipped, chilled, and whipped again
    Egg Replacement Tips
    • If a recipe calls for three or more eggs, it is important to choose a replacer that will perform the same function (i.e., binding or leavening).
    • Trying to replicate airy baked goods that call for a lot of eggs, such as angel food cake, can be very difficult. Instead, look for a recipe with a similar taste but fewer eggs, which will be easier to replicate.
    • When adding tofu to a recipe as an egg replacer, be sure to purée it first to avoid chunks in the finished product.
    • Be sure to use plain tofu, not seasoned or baked, as a replacer.
    • Powdered egg replacers cannot be used to create egg recipes such as scrambles or omelets. Tofu is the perfect substitute for eggs in these applications.
    • If you want a lighter texture and you’re using fruit purées as an egg substitute, add an extra 1/2 tsp. baking powder. Fruit purées tend to make the final product denser than the original recipe.
    • If you’re looking for an egg replacer that binds, try adding 2 to 3 Tbsp. of any of the following for each egg: tomato paste, potato starch, arrowroot powder, whole wheat flour, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, instant potato flakes, or 1/4 cup tofu puréed with 1 Tbsp. flour.|||You can make a cheesy tasting sauce with nutritional yeast (not bakers or brewers yeast) and you can use ground flax and water as an egg substitute when baking. You can also buy EnerG egg replacer at most health food stores. You can get the nutritional yeast at the health food store as well. I like KAL brand best.|||Do you have Holland & Barret health stores in R I ? you can buy cheezly by the redwood comp, they have different flavours, garlic and herb, mature, super melting and mexican style. Egg replacer ,by Allergycare is sold there too. It can only be used for cakes and biscuits, not quiches you need to use silken tofu for that. hope that helps. Try ordering online it's great nothing to be scared of!|||Check out this site for veggie restaurants and health food shops near you. One of the big vegan cheese brands in the States is Follow Your Heart. And a big brand of egg replacer is EnerG Egg replacer. Many well stocked supermarkets carry these products now, but it does depend on where you live.|||I kind of don't think Stop & Shop would carry this kind of item. You need to find the Whole Foods Market near you, or similar store. They carry soy cheese, and some may be vegan. I know they carry Follow Your Heart Vegenaise, which is awesome.|||There's one brand of Cheese available in India which is 100% vegetarian. Its known as "Amul Cheese" & tastes great. I am a vegan too and I use this one. I dont know if you can get it in R.I. But for sure, if you are looking for an assurity of 100% vegetarian cheese, then Amul Cheese is the best one.

  • peterbilt
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  • i just want to ask a few questions
    tell me if your vegan or not.

    Is it best to get sweetened milk or un-sweetened soya milk?
    Has any one tried asdas own brand soya milk ok?

    Should i buy or make my own vegan cheese.

    do i NEED to take supplements.

    any good recipies.

    what should i say to someone who makes fun of me for being vegan?

    is there any thing else i shd know or any stories if ur vegan|||hi, yea i've been vegan for 7 years...

    i use unsweetened soya milk if i want a cup of tea, or on cereal...i don't find a use for the sweetened stuff...

    i think it's probably a lot of effort to make your own cheese and there are good vegan cheeses out there - i prefer cheezly but others like sheese, so i would say to buy it. cheese was an odd one for me when i went vegan - i'd always eaten a Lot of cheese as a vegetarian and although i was never tempted to go back to dairy, i really didn't like the vegan alternative and found i just didn't eat it. a friend made me a meal a year or so later, using cheezly and i really liked it...i think my taste buds had 'forgotten' what dairy tastes like :)

    you don't need to take supplements if you're eating a varied diet...only thing you might need is B12...

    if people make fun then just try not to react...people Will ask you 'what about plants' or tell you 'all vegans are unhealthy' and a load of other nonsense but the best thing you can do is show yourself as a good example of a healthy vegan, show that it's easy and that there Is plenty of stuff you can eat and that it's consistent with taking animal interests seriously in a way that vegetarianism simply can't be...

    feel free to mail me if you need any help...good luck :)|||You don't have to drink soya milk - also try Oat milk and Rice Milk - they're both sold in Asda. The Rice Milk is nicer than soya.

    Vegan cheese tastes totally gross, but you could probably get used to it after a while - I had some Cheezley a few weeks ago, but it wasn't good. It's only sold in larger supermarkets - I got mine from a larger branch of Tescos.

    I'm vegetarian, but haven't quite taken the plunge into veganism just yet (I'm still cheese dependant).

    As for supplements - vegans are prone to becoming low in vitamin B12. My husband had a vegan colleague who ended up with nerve damage due to this and had to have monthly vitamin B12 injections eventually.

    Make sure you eat a good range of vegetables and take a decent multivitamin/mineral. Make sure you get enough iron and protein as well. Don't turn to carbohydrates for your energy source - get some protein into you and you'll feel better and won't put on weight.|||I am not vegan but I eat a mainly vegetarian diet which often includes vegan meals.

    For the soya milk question, it really depends on what you are using it for. I usually go for unsweetened though. However, I do sometimes use sweetened on things like cereal just for taste prefrence. I haven't tried that ASDAs variety.

    I would buy my own cheese but if you simply enjoy the challenge of making your own then maybe it could just be fun for you.

    If you carefully watch your intake of food to make sure you get a complete balanced intake of vitamins and minerals you shouldn't need supplements. However, you don't say your age and if you are especially young it may be worth talking to your GP just to make sure.

    As far as being made fun of..just let it brush off you. It is brave to make your own lifestyle choices.|||1. I'm vegan.

    2. It all depends on what you want. I don't like excess sugars, so unsweetened milks are the way I go (I typically do rice or hemp milk, not soy). If you want a sweeter drink, then get sweetened, but please don't try to use it in savory recipes!

    3. I have not, but most soy milk will taste the same, regardless of brand.

    4. If you can make it, make it. Always best to make your own foods.

    5. No, but you NEED to eat a well-rounded diet with adequate calories.

    6. Email me your fave foods, I'll give you vegan recipes for them.

    7. Ask them why they felt so compelled to share their stupid opinion with you.

    8. Yes, being vegan is EASIER than you might think! Few people seem to know this :)|||Im not a vegan, but I know allot of people who are vegans. And besides my mom barely eats meat because well i dont know lol.
    Anyways, I think it's better to buy your vegan cheese.
    And yes, I do think you need supplements.
    Well, I think it's just dumb if other people make fun of you just because you're vegan. Just ignore them.

    p.s. what a accidence, my mom is watching something about vegans on tv.|||im vegetarian but id like to become vegan one day. the problem is that i love cheese and most of my meals contain it, so it will be hard to give that up.

    i prefer flavoured soya milk as it just tastes a bit weird otherwise. i usually have apple flavour but theres all sorts.
    i havent tried asdas sorry only morrisons and tescos

    iv tried vegan cheese from holland & barretts that looked like cheese slices that you get in individual wrappers. it looked the part but honestly tasted like paper! i havent tried any others yet but im sure theres a range of flavours! no idea how to made it but iv also heard theres a thing u can make with nuts that kinda tastes like cheese?

    you dont need to take supplements as long as you eat plenty of fruit and veg, especially greens like broccoli and spinach. eat nuts theres loads to choose from, eat seeds their really addictive once you get used to them. include tofu in your meals. you can grill it, fry it etc. i usually make my own stirfry and grill quorn/tofu fillets. then chop them up and chuck into stirfry.

    vegans differ from vegetarians slightly because vegans dont eat meat because they feel strongly about animal abuse, and so believe that its not right to take dairy from cows because it was meant for their calves.

    just tell them you are against animal abuse
    animals are your friends....and you dont eat your friends
    and that cows are pumped full of hormones and steroids, impregnated and then when the calf is born its taken away so that dairy farms get the milk. girl calves are grown to become dairy cows and boy calves are killed and become veal|||I don't think it matters whether or not your milk is sweetened. I enjoy the vanilla kind, so that's what I buy. I'm in the US, so I don't think we have asdas brand, so I will defer to those who know that one.

    I would say buy the cheese until you learn what kind you like. They are really not wonderful, and the transition to not eat any cheese is worthwhile.

    But! I love to experiment when I cook, so if you do, too, go for it! :o)

    Take a B12 vit once in awhile. Most soy milks in the US is already fortified with it, but I still take one every once in awhile. Go outside to get vit D. Eat flax and/or walnuts for omegas. That's about it! has some great recipes, so look around until you find ones you like.

    People are going to question you, try to make you angry, and some will even be outright mean to you. Please start to accept that this will happen.

    What I do when people I don't know ask, I tell them I eat plant protein. It will answer their second question ("How do you get your protein?!") easily enough. Then I decide if I want to engage in a discussion. I sometimes will tell them I live a cruelty-free life, but that can sometimes invite the wrong discussion. :o)

    To my friends, it was easy. I had been a vegetarian, so it wasn't a stretch.

    Become passionate about your choice (for some, it's a slower process than others). When you are passionate about it, the insults don't bother you as much. You know you are doing the right thing and that's all there is to it.

    The most successful I've been has been taking my die-hard carnivore friends to veggie restaurants. Opens their eyes to everything wonderful we get to eat. :o)


    I'm wanting to go raw, so I'm curious if anyone knows of any raw products that are already on the market. I know Dr. Cows has raw vegan cheese but I'm interested in things like crackers, wraps, breads etc.

    And if you have any advice in general about going raw I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the help.|||Hi there, I'm not raw vegan all the time, I have a couple of friends who are and I've done raw stints of about 1 month a few times!
    I don't know where you live, but I have seen things like crackers, activated almonds, raw dehydrated vegetable chips being sold in wholefood stores.
    I have a dehydrator from a friend and use it to make my own crackers (it was 2nd hand and very cheap) but if you don't have a dehydrator then an oven on low with the door propped slightly open can work too.
    Basically all I do is soak a whole lot of flaxseed, or chia seeds, or buckwheat and/or sunflower seeds overnight, then put it in the food processor with things like lemon juice, onion, grated carrot, tomato, sea salt, then spread the pulp out and dehydrate it to make crackers.
    I also love to make my own Essene bread by sprouting grain for a few days, putting it in the food processor and then dehydrating it on low.
    By using a mixture of sprouted chickpeas and sunflower seeds you can make raw falafel - or even raw hummous dip!
    My friend warned me that over the first couple of days of raw you can go through emotional detox (basically when you're not eating cooked food, your body starts flushing a whole lot of toxins out of the body that you've had stored there for years, but it passes and then you feel great).
    Do you do green smoothies? I can't recommend them enough. A drink made out of greens and fruit blended up together - my favourite recipe is a generous bunch of kale or spinach, 1/2 an avocado, 2 bananas and an orange. A green drink that tastes sweet and fruity and is packed with highly absorbable minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients from the greens. Basically green smoothies are really really easy - all you do is take any sort of greens (great if it's dark and nutritious, not too sour or bitter) and any sort of fruit and put them in the blender together with a bit of water! The drink that comes out is green but it tastes sweet because of the fruit. Greens are the most nutritious healthy
    food by far, and these smoothies make it very easy and fun to eat lots of them! The vitamin C in the fruit also makes all those minerals in the greens - eg. calcium, iron - really absorbable. Greens that are perfect for green smoothies are things like kale, spinach, cos lettuce.

    I often drink a glass (or 2!) of this in the morning and it gives me a kick of energy in the morning. When I started making these I had a very high proportion of fruits vs greens, in order to get used to
    it... and then I gradually upped the greens until it was about 50-50.

    During winter you can also make it more warming by upping the fat content - eg. with avocado, sunflower oil, virgin coconut oil, soaked nuts etc - and/or adding warming spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or grated/ground ginger. I also sometimes have a savoury version with "non-sweet fruits" like avocado, tomato, capsicum and lemon. This morning I'm about to make a blended soup modelled on this idea - out of silverbeet and herbs (parsley/basil), tomato and capsicum, grated carrot, curry powder, avocado, olive oil, lemon and sea salt! (If I'm using hard roots like carrots/beetroot/ginger I grate them before blending to make it easier on the blender - and don't use too much in one go)

    This link has a few more recipes: Banana, Berry Blast, and Warming Ginger鈥?/a>

    "Ode to a Green Smoothie" by Victoria Boutenko: talks about reasons to
    drink green smoothies -鈥?/a>

    More recipes at鈥?/a>

    Here are some more useful links about raw food in general:鈥?/a>|||there is a whole fridge full of raw meals at whole foods. stuff like raw lasagne, hummus|||Im a vegan, but not a raw one


    I'm 12 years old vegan, 5'5, and 87 lbs. I eat a lot! i can eat a whole pizza by myself (and i asked this once and this guy was ANNOYING and said you couldnt be vegan by having pizza i have it with no cheese or vegan cheese) am i underweight? also am i small in the chest area? i'm a 36 a.|||I would say you are very skinny, but you are also very young and are still growing. Your metabolism is high, you eat healthy foods. Of course you are going to be skinny. Didn't have breasts until I reached 16 and then they just kept getting bigger. I used to get made fun of in Jr. High because I was the only one that hadn't started developing yet. They would say that I was so flat the walls were jealous. Once I hit 16, they jumped right up to a 36 C almost overnight. So don't worry about that.

    If you haven't already reached puberty, then I'd be willing to bet that you'll fill out more once that happens. Just make sure that now, as a vegan, you get enough vitamins and iron and protein. Those are things you have to watch out for when completely cutting out meat and dairy. But if you watch all that, I'd say you have nothing to worry about. Tell them you just have a high metabolism and to get off your case.|||Didn't you just ask this~?
    Anyhow, you're young & still growing, so I say you're okay for now.
    Although, as you grow older into your teens, you should at least be 100 lbs. Any one over 5 feet should be 100 lbs.
    (( That's not the "healthy" weight, but you sound like you're a petite girl. ))|||i already answered u, and know that is a fine chest size for a 12 year old.|||u r a littleunder weight but it's not technically ur fault. people can be born with a eating disorder where their body doesnt have time to pick up the nutrients from the food.|||Your 12 right. Eat, everything. Your 12 who cares about your chest size. You need counseling. Pronto.|||As long as your eating healthy you are fine.|||That is kind of skinny for your heighth.
    How much did you weigh before you became a vegan?
    If you weighed more, it is because you took out all those food groups.
    You should be about 112-145.
    But your still growing, so you shouldn't be worried about your weight. If you are, consult with your parents & doctor.
    36 a, nah. Everyone is different, normally, teenage girls stop growing till 14.
    I am 14 & when I was 12, I had about the same size as you, now I am a 34 DD.


    first, do I have french loaf or mixed grain bread sandwich

    and for filling, do I have hummus and salad
    'cheezly' vegan cheese salad and olives or tomato chilli pickle
    or redcurrent jelly and goats cheese and salad

    i can add sundried tomatos, vegan mayo, olives, jalepenos to any combo?
    ideas?|||Have an open sandwich; Hummus, salad, sundried tomatoes and olives on mixed grain bread|||Just eat what you have. They're all food.|||this is a dumb question. Just go to subway.|||lol idk|||Thanks for making me lose mine!!!|||umm wow i wouldnt eat those.

    try cheese pizza.

    :D|||You trying to make me hungry, buddy.
    Just go ahead and have what you want.
    Gosh! some people ask dumb questions!!|||it all sounds yummy im starvin but cant be arsed to cook so im gonna have a can of caffreys instead.|||lol u can eat whatever u want dude|||
    A very informative website you can also get much information in website|||a sunday roast.. chicken|||a sandwich -x|||Given that choice I'd go out and get macaroni cheese and chips!|||i don't think any of them sound nice, probably because i don't know what a lot of the things are.

    hummus and salad? could be good.
    cheese salad would be nice, but with olives :/ olives are horrible. tomato chilli pickle could taste a bit different aswell.
    redcurrent jelly - what's that? and goats cheese isn't nice.

    mix and match :)


    i usually make sandwiches w/ tomatos, vegan cheese and veganaise. but i'm getting bored and need some new ideas. i live off this stuff (lightlife "ham" deli slices), and buy it by the truckload. what else can i do with it?|||I make veggie rubens with it. I make my own vegan dressing with vegan mayo, ketchup and sweet pickle relish. I use rye bread, vegan cheese slices and sauerkraut(organic that I know is vegan) and the veggie ham slices and grill them with Earth Balance margarine. They are great!

    Also, you could make a vegan version of scalloped potatoes using rice or soy milk and vegan margarine and some flour with the veggie ham cut up into pieces. I don't really have a recipe, I make it the way my mother always did but veganized. Its great with the veggie ham added!


    |||I try to make my own little Subway-esque creations :D

    Also, look up Muffaletta recipes. Find the one that looks like it would suit you the best and try it out... it's absolutely scrumptious =)|||add it to a salad.

    smear with 'cream cheese' and put olives on it..yummm

    put it in quesadillas...with lots of veggies and

    slice and put in soups...

    wrap around apple and dip in maple syrup.

    saute it and toss into your egg substitute.|||I usually make pizzsoy with the veggie cheese, marinara sauce and the ham.

  • kasich
  • dickey s bbq
  • Today I ate sometihing that tastes really awesome. It is black beans+brown rice+monterey jack cheese+chopped onion+dash of cayenne pepper

    BUT cheese is really high in fat so is tere any thing I could use instead, to give it the salty savoury flavour that is low in fat?

    i dont have vegan cheese or nutritional yeast. it doesnt have to taste really cheesy ^|||U can always get low fat cheese. What u ate sounds pretty good ill admit.


    So I was thinking for dinner making brown rice topped w/ vegan cheese sauce and salsa with some veggies and tofu...sound good? I usually eat brown rice w/tofu and veggies but im tryin to think of ways to change it up a little.|||Try some black beans or red kidney beans! Brown rice and fresh beans are wonderfully nutritious.|||I would try it|||Seems good. I make something that sounds similar, I mix rice with salsa and top it with corn, pea pods and chicken, so I bet it would be good! Try it!|||Sounds yummy to me. If it turns out well, post your recipe!|||mmm that sounds yummy.


    I mean why not just eat the contents instead. Why eat a tofu hotdog? Gross. I've tried one it was awful. Worse thana hotdog and not even comparable to real tofu?

    If you cannot subject yourself to the real thing? Why eat something more awful?

    Like vegan cheese? Seriously?|||I completely agree!!!! When I was a vegetarian I couldn't eat those things. 1) nasty, 2)I don't like the original why would I like a fake? Bleah!!!!|||I am not vegan or vegetarian, but from what I've heard from my friends who are, it depends. Some of them don't like meat, period, they never have, however some follow the vegan lifestyle because of cruelty towards animals, but they still enjoy meat taste, but won't eat it due to their ideals. So a chance to have food that tastes like meat, but doesn't have the guilt, to them is a great idea.

    I've had vegetarian hamburger once at a friend's house and it tasted like hamburger, so you may have just not had a good version of the hotdog, or hotdog is something that can be reproduced.|||People who stopped eating meat because they didn't like the taste and texture probably don't eat fake meat, even though it's not really very similar to the real stuff. However, most people go vegetarian for other reasons. They don't object to textural, nutritional, and flavor variety, they just don't want to eat "real" meat for whatever reason (environment, ethics, health, whatever).

    This is kind of like saying, "Why eat sugar-free candy if you hate sugar candy?" or "Why eat low-fat ice cream if you hate full-fat ice cream?" Well, most people go for sugar-free because they're trying to watch their sugar intake. It isn't that they don't like candy. Most people choose low-fat varieties not because they hate ice cream (or cheese, or salad dressing, or cookies, or crackers, or any of the other items that are available in full-fat and low-fat versions), but because they're trying to cut back on fat for whatever reason.

    It's the same with meat. People who don't enjoy the experience of eating meat aren't likely to eat analogs. However, if they like the experience but not something that goes with it (again, many reasons for this), there's no reason for them to choose a product that provides them with some of the benefits without the disadvantages.|||Vegetarian burgers have a different texture and smell to dead animal.

    A tofu hotdog is just that, a salty, tangy tasting ( some people love them) sausage shaped thing you eat with mustard, Some people don't like murder in their mouth, and that's why they eat tofu. Some people don't like grease and blood in their diet as it is unhealthy, and that's why they eat soy dogs. Some people like myself like the tate of soydogs but really dislike hotdogs made with...welll that mechanically separated meat is the slime off bones and the sinew left after the actual meat has been removed from the carcasss, so go ahead and suck on that if you like. I'll stick to tofu dogs. WHo says these things should taste like YOU think they should taste? I personally think meat doesn't taste anything like as good as a vegetarian burger from Morningstar, but those meat people, with their 3X more expensive and unhealthy and death supporting products do keep trying!

    Cheese is a product of milk, and milk can be from nut, seed, plant of animal source thank you. IT's you that looks small minded writing this way.
    Yeah, vegan cheese! Seriously!|||Most vegetarians avoid meat because they are opposed to killing/eating animals - they feel it is immoral. But eating fake meat does not involve killing any animals so is considered acceptable to veggies as no animals die :)
    Vegetarianism is about objecting to the meat industry and the concept of meat, rather than the actual taste of meat.
    Hope this helps :)|||Are you being serious?

    People don't eat meat because they are against animals being slaughtered needlessly, not because they don't like the taste of it.

    Edit: But that is your personal preference to the food. I don't like tomatoes, so I don't eat pizza.
    You're trying to offend people for living their life the way they want to.
    Quorn is very nice, as is some of the supermarkets own branded veggie food, of course, some is horrible - but others will like what I don't like, and vice versa.
    Accept the fact we are all different and enjoy different things!|||you came on t a vegan forum to berate vegan food.. think about that.
    i'm a vegan and i don't eat fake me i think it was invented to give those meat eaters who hold onto a steak like it was their childhood teddy a sort of transitional dummy so to speak. also just because you found it awful doesn't mean everybody will. i also make pizza without cheese call the fed's i'm out of control.|||I didn't stop eating meat because of the taste. I have never eaten fake meat made of tofu, and only eat meat substitutes made of wheat or mycoprotein. To me, they're delicious, filled with protein and nutrients, and more ethical than their real-meat counterparts.|||Because there's a dish that they really like. They're opposed to the killing of animals, not to the taste/texture of meat.
    Because they have no choice. My mom was in the hospital, and the hospital didn't have vegetarian food. They got her a veggie burger. (I would have preferred to just bring food for her, but they were already in the process of getting her the food when I found out.)
    To fit in. My friends went to U-Dog, and I was with them. I got the soy dog so we could eat together. I like mustard. A lot.|||Because some alternative meat products can actually be nice. True, I have had ones that were terrible before. But it just depends on personal preference|||People like to trick themselves.|||Cause people are retarded and people always want something in the background even though tthey will never use it


    is eating a bean and vegan cheese with lettuce and tomato's and taco sauce burrito healthy? also what about biscuits? brown rice? Noble oranges? if i have ate these today then what else should i eat? im a vegetarian BTW...|||fruits and veggies|||Dont ever forget veggies and protein - i.e nuts, seeds and maybe quinoa.|||Blick


    I've been eating and drining a lot of junk(french fries, apple pies, macaroni w/ vegan cheese, coca cola, etc.) and I recently put on weight. I'm 5'8 and weigh 168lbs.

    My goal is to get down to 150 lbs.

    Is it possible for me to lose 18 lbs in 2 months? Thanks.|||That's possible, but it is about the limit of the healthy speed at which you should lose weight. Burning fat creates ketones that your liver has to metabolize and remove. If you lose weight too fast, your liver can't keep up, and the ketones damage your body.

    Though, I must say, try cutting back on the junk and losing weight slowly. Going from eating a lot of junk to a very strict diet is not the way to keep the weight off.|||Not a question for the veg forum, first of all.

    It's possible. I dropped 26 pounds in just under two months by going from a typical student lifestyle (walking but otherwise sedentary) to working out an hour a day 5 days a week and tightening up my diet. Mostly lean proteins and veg, a fair amount of carbs and fruit, and everything else in moderation.

    I'd rely less on pounds than on how you look/feel/fit your pants, however. The scale is a filthy liar. My weight can differ up to 5 pounds in a single day, depending on time of day, how much I drink and what I've eaten, and up to 10 pounds a week depending on what part of my cycle I'm on. Weight lies. Inches do not.|||If you cut out all the processed food and eat mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, and no dairy and no meat. And you also do exercises that make you sweat alot, like treadmil sprints HIIT, or hot yoga like Bikram, yes you will lose 18 pounds in 2 months.

    I just lost 30 pounds in 3 or 4 months, and I do this every year. In the winter, being skinny is just too damn cold.|||Yes, you could. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. So 2 lbs per week for 8 weeks is about 16 lbs, and given that weight tends to drop of pretty fast when you first begin an exercise routine, I think you could lose roughly 18-20 lbs in 2 months.|||It is possible, however you will need to work hard. Do sit ups, pull ups, run on a tredmill and eat healthy. like apples and **** like that.|||Yes you could but not healthily in 2 months you'd need to weight cut which is not drinking water, and not eating. You shouldn't lose weight this way.|||Yes,if you really want it..go back to the basics :)

  • towing
  • flight simulator games
  • i have courgettes
    and the oil

    oh and the crepes

    and broccoli and olives and sundried tomatos
    and goats cheese and vegan cheese|||make a ratatouille style filling without the aubergine.

    steam broccoli and have with goats cheese. maybe some nutmeg.

    we just had two with cheddar and one with left over apple crumble.|||Here are some "inspiration" ideas. Be creative with what you have!

    Smoked Salmon Crepes

    Spread about 1/4 cup thinly sliced smoked salmon (about 1 1/2 oz.), 2 tablespoons creme fraiche or cream cheese, and 1 teaspoon drained capers down center of each crepe in pan (step 4 of basic buckwheat crepe recipe, preceding). Sprinkle with pepper. Cook until bottom of crepe is browned, about 1 minute, then fold two edges over filling, leaving a little exposed.


    Chicken-Pesto Crepes

    Spread about 1 tablespoon purchased pesto down the center of each crepe in pan (step 4 at left). Top with about 1/4 cup shredded cooked chicken, 2 tablespoons thinly sliced canned peeled roasted red peppers, and 2 tablespoons shredded Swiss or parmesan cheese. Cook until bottom of crepe is browned, about 1 minute, then fold two edges over filling, leaving a little exposed.

    Spinach and Mushroom Crepes

    1. Rinse, trim, and thinly slice 1 1/3 pounds brown or white mushrooms. In a 10- to 12-inch frying pan over medium heat, stir mushrooms often in 2 tablespoons olive oil until browned, about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with 3/4 teaspoon dried thyme and salt and pepper to taste.

    2. Spread about 2 tablespoons fresh chevre (goat cheese), 1/3 cup rinsed fresh spinach leaves, and 1/4 cup mushroom mixture down the center of each crepe in pan (step 4 at far left). Cook until bottom of crepe is browned, about 1 minute, then fold two edges over filling, leaving a little exposed.

    Leek and Apple Crepes

    1. Peel, core, and coarsely chop 5 sweet apples such as Fuji (about 2 1/2 lbs. total). In a 5- to 6-quart pan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons butter. Add 1 cup thinly sliced well-rinsed leeks (tender white part only) and cook, stirring often, until limp, about 5 minutes. Add apples, 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and 1/3 cup apple juice. Cook, stirring often, until apples are soft when pierced and all the liquid is evaporated, about 20 minutes.

    2. Spread about 1/3 cup apple mixture and 2 tablespoons creme fraiche or sour cream down center of each crepe in pan (step 4 at far left). Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cook until bottom of crepe is browned, about 1 minute, then fold two edges over filling, leaving a little exposed.


    the vegan cheese I bought also has carrageenan so I am afraid to eat it. Is it as much as in the milk or a smaller amount. Anyone else have this problem?|||Carrageenan can cause stomach discomfort especially in people who are allergic to it.

    Only way to know for sure is to get an allergy test. But you could try soy milk without carrageenan and the results at that point should tell you if it's the soy or the carrageenan.

    Another thing to consider is the remainder of your diet. If you are eating tofu and/or other "mock" meats made from soy, yet only experience upset after drinking the soy milk, it may very well be the carrageenan.


    Do any vegetarians that go on neopets buy exclusively veg foods for their neopets? Like the veggie burgers, vegan cheese, and a lot of other veggie stuff neopets has to offer? In otherwords, are their neopets veg themselves?|||Well, I dont have a neopet, but if I did I would feed it with food. I dont consider meat or dairy to be food, so it would simply be strange to feed others (even if its just a toy) with something that is not food. I mean, I wouldnt feed it rocks or trash, for the same reason. I know it's not real, but it would be illogical to me.

    Toys often mirror human values. I cant imagine vegan kids who have vegan parents feeding their toys with meat, even if it's just "make-belief". It's simply not part of their lifestyle.|||no thats weird|||i do|||nope sorry|||Lol. I haven't been on neopets in a couple of years, but my neopet was vegan and ate mostly organic food as well. Why not? :-)|||lol! you were right that is a weird question I think that they would make there neopets be vegeterians.|||What?? lol|||wow...|||yes kitkat|||I dunno but just cuz you are vegan doesnt mean others have to be ,.There was a case recently in the UK where this stupid mom and dad only fed their new born baby vegan and it died after a few weeks ans we all know babies need milk they gave it apple juice and it died and they are now serving time at her majesties pleasure.|||if they do they're freaks


    Vegetarians, vegans, most student protesters, hippies etc etc... I know these people are trying to do the right thing and make the world a better place but whenever I read a "what organic vegetables can I put with my vegan cheese and quorn pie?" kind of question, I want to rub steak in the persons face... and when I see students protesting, even though they're often morally just, I still want to punch them in their privileged little faces... why am I such a d*ck? Is it just me?|||I think it's the holier-than-thou attitude. I hate 'em too lol.|||As long as they don't tell me what to do I don't care. But it is the ones with all the lifesaving facts that you didn't ask for that bother me, not just vegitarians or vegans, antismokers, antijunkfoodies, anti religion people, antianything really.

    Leave me the hell alone and I will not break your jaw, and that should be a two way street. Live and let live|||It's not like they're forcing you to stop eating meat. As long as they do their thing and you do yours, why do you even care? Some people are more outgoing and more sensitive to societal problems and care about current issues. Some don't give a f*ck. You're one of those people who don't give a f*ck.|||They irritate me too...they are only crazy ****-ups!


    I don't label myself as vegetarian or vegan, though my eating habits tend to include whole foods/lots of veggies and lack meat. That being said, I was wondering if anyone else thinks some of the vegan/vegetarian substitutes out there are a little ridiculous. Tofurky, daiya (and other vegan cheeses), veggie burgers (the ones that are meant to imitate hamburgers), etc.... I find it a little bit hypocritical to give yourself a label which implies that you aren't ok with the consumption of meat (or dairy) and then buy products that were made with the intention of mimicking certain meat/dairy products.|||I don't think eating vegan substitutes that is similar to meat is hypocritical. They are not meat and no animal had to suffer for it. That is the main point for me. It also doesn't have the saturated fats, hormones, cholesterol, etc... I am not really into the fake stuff that looks like real stuff, but I'll eat it at times. There is a great little vegan pizza shop near me that uses daiya (for example) and their pizzas are delicious. I see nothing objectionable about eating there. It also might be good for people who are transitioning to veganism.|||I agree with you, to an extent. The only imitation products I use are mayo (Vegenaise) and butter (Earth Balance) though I've really gotten away from using them just because of how heavily processed they probably are.

    I can see people using imitation mayo and butter for flavor, but getting plant-based, prepackaged burgers that are supposed to taste like meat, or tofurky type deals like you mentioned, as a bit silly. Making a "burger" at home out of vegetables is different, but buying a tofu roast meant to taste like a dead bird is silly.|||It's not hypocritical... hypocrisy is claiming that a behavior should be followed while not following it yourself...

    If someone says "Eating meat is wrong" and then eats meat, they are hypocritical...

    If someone says "Eating meat is wrong" and then eats a veggie patty that resembles a hamburger but has no meat content whatsoever... than that is not hypocritical... they did not go against their statement...

    It isn't hypocritical, it is used to help them keep their promise not to eat meat/dairy. Finding a substitute for something you don't agree with is not hypocrisy... just like wearing fake fur instead of real fur, or imitation leather...

    Some of it may be a little silly... but it's doing no harm.|||Not really. It's providing a cruelty free way to have the same exact thing.|||You're not the first person to ask that question. My good friend, and the first vegetarian I ever met, refuses to eat things like veggie burgers because she finds them odd. They remind her too much of meat, which repulses her.

    I feel these products originated to help former meat-eaters transition into becoming vegetarians or vegans, especially the burgers, chicken patties, and Tofurky items. Often, "all-American" foods like burgers and hot dogs are hardest for people to give up. Creating meat-free versions helps with the transition, especially on social occasions like Independence Day BBQs.

    Also, remember, not everyone chooses to be vegetarian or vegan for moral reasons. Many choose it for their personal health, and in those cases, it is not hypocritical to eat meat substitutes.|||I'll make this short and simple.

    We believe that the ways that animals are slaugtherd is wrong, but we do like the taste.

    You can get the same taste and nutrional value with out the animal cruelty and the bacteria, e coli...etc.|||1: Home made tofurky is delicious. The stuff from the brand does look pretty gross though.
    2: Many meat replacement products are highly processed and unhealthy, so I stay away from them. A few dairy replacements are okay, but you really have to hunt for them. However, it's not at all hypocritical. It's simply a way to follow the typical Western diet without the typical Western inhumanity thrown in.|||I generally don't eat substitutes because I generally veer clear of processed foods.

    However I don't see them as hypocritical. A lot of people really like meat, eggs and cheese however opt not to consume them. If the substitutes help them get through the cravings or make the transition easier that is fine.

  • mbusa
  • helly hansen
  • So when I became a vegetarian it was a slow process. 3 years ago I stopped eating mammals, 1 year I stopped eating birds, and I just recently stopped eating fish.

    I just watched the doc. "Earthlings" and it really got to me and I really want to take the next step and become vegan already. I was planning on being a vegan by the time I went to college(I'm only a sophomore) because I would move to a bigger town with more vegan choices like a whole foods market, etc. I live in a really small town where the only grocery stores are Albertsons & Walmart. Are there a lot of vegan choices at these places? I've researched a lot and was surprised to see that a lot of "normal" foods are fact vegan!,, but are there a lot of vegan specialty products?

    What I was planning on was getting soy milk instead of regular milk, and getting and trying different vegan products I know they sell there like their vegan cheeses and vegan ice cream. But I mean I still can't see myself cutting egg & milk out completely, so how can I transition to that? How did YOU transition to that?

    By the way which do you think is harder to cut out, egg or milk?|||My transition to a vegan from a meat eater happened overnight. Ever since i was young i disliked vegetables so much and i can tell you i never even eat at least 1 serving a day. All i ate was chicken meat, eggs and so animal products. It was until when i was 15 ,
    I decided go on a vegan journey. The sudden transition was a tough road at the beginning, a simple thing like learning to appreciate and eat vegetables, dealing with friends and my grandma who wouldn't understand, learning to cook and bake on my own, learning lessons from occasional slip-ups when i thought certain food was vegan when they actually hidden 'secret' ingredients etc.

    I'm happy for you for your decision to be a vegan. I believe you transition would be easier, trust me.
    Moving to a bigger town will definitely means a wide variety of vegan choice. Do not worry about food choices. I do not live in the US, and my country here , with mostly 98% meat eaters, doesn't even sells vegan chocolate chips and vegan cheese in those grand supermarkets in town. With that given, i opted for more natural food like grains, beans and other special foods i can find from the organic store into my diet.
    If you love cooking, you find cooking an amazing experience when you make any specialty foods like ice cream, candies and desserts on your own and share them with your friends and family.

    If you need time to cut off eggs and milk completely here's some suggestion you can consider:

    - try substituting egg in egg scramble with nutritional yeast and tofu. Add mushrooms and bell peppers for a more colorful taste.
    - Limit your intake of milk to .. let's say once or twice a week. If you find soy milk boring, try rice milk. A highly versatile choice, you can make fruit smoothies, soups, pancakes etc out from it.
    - If baking requires egg, you can substitute it with flax seed meal, vinegar, egg replacers and tofu.;鈥?/a>

    - Here's a more amusing idea : never purposely walk over the the dairy and egg section whenever you're at the supermarket.
    - If you are a organized person, you can plan your weekly meals and write out an ingredients list. Focus on what you need, pay at the cashier and go.

    As you progress slowly, you will eventually forget and won't miss the taste of egg and milk. What you need is patience, determination and most of all, the HEART. Once a person has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success.
    Always remind yourself the purpose of doing all these, like ; to a be healthier person and make a difference to the animals.

    So the answer to your last question: Nothing is difficult, but milk will be harder to quit if you have no other alternative choice product in where you live.

    I hope my advice helped you. All the best and best of luck!|||Well since your a vegetarian the hard part is gone. Maybe the first year cut out all items that have egg. Second year or third cut out all the stuff with milk. Always try to drink soy and get used to eat. Im going vegan but I am NOT cutting out ice cream or chocolate since Im 11. I think milk would be harder to cut out though...|||Are you sure you want to? There are many risks associated with vegan diets, the least of which is that you're completely missing out on vitamin B12, a crucial nutrient.

    Read the links that the vegetarians and vegans here don't want you to see:鈥?/a>


    I have been a vegetarian for 9 years but have recently began considering becoming a vegan. Most of my life, I used to eat dairy products because the animal wasn't killed for it, so it's okay. I now know better and know how incredibly sick the farming industry is, and do not want to support it. Does anyone have any suggestions for different kinds of vegan cheeses i can buy? Which ones I should avoid? What are the artificial eggs called? The ones that are used for vegan baking? Do they taste and bake the same way as eggs would? I know it's going to be difficult becoming a vegan, but i want to stick to it. Does anyone know of any good vegan cookbooks that maybe have recipes for things like ice cream, pizza, and other foods like that? I'm not a huge fan of the weird veggies, like eggplant and artichokes, i just want to eat the same food i eat now but without any animal derived products! Any suggestions would be very appreciated!|||I want you to know that my husband and I were carnivores for our 25 years of life. Just 3 months ago we went vegan flat out on the spot! We read the book "Skinny ******" and went vegan as we read and will NEVER go back! It's a life style and a "Connection" we made that can't be taken away. So it can be done!

    We use EnerG egg replacer for baking and it's perfect. We use tofu in scrambled breakfast stuff with fake bacon and will put it in a tortilla with veggies and such. There is a Vegan Pizza by Amy's I believe. A frozen one, it's pretty good. But we make our own. We put sauce and lots of veggies and sometimes fake bacon with pineapple. We don't miss the cheese. We have veggie burgers. I have a recipe book called Vegan Planet that is marvelous! Also Skinny Bit ch in the Kitch is really good.

    We make lots of taco salads, burritos, tacos (with tempeh), fajitas with tempeh, Green salads with corn, pinto beans, onions, cilantro, tomatoes and avocado (no dressing) There is a yummy vegan boxed mac and cheese we like. We don't use any vegan cheese though. It's all icky. The mozzerella isn't too bad if melted on a veggie burger. We make bagel sandwiches using Tofutti and veggies. My favorite! We make enchaladas that we found online with potatoe in it and they are the bomb! Earth Balance butter is fabulous!|||How about Tofutti ice cream. I love the Chocolate Cookies one.|||check out peta's website-- and peta2 =D|||sounds good|||I'm not a fan of vegan cheeses, but then I never ate cheese much as an omni.

    The vegan substitute for eggs is called Ener-G Egg Replacer, and it's a powdered mix. You use 1/2 tablespoon of the mix and 2 tbsp water per egg and mix to a goopy consistency before adding to the batter. You can also use a flax seed slurry. The substitutes are meant to help add lift and binding, not taste like egs.

    For excellent vegan cookbooks, look for those by Sarah Kramer and Isa Chandra Moskowitz.

    Ice cream: Purely Decadent makes the best. They're part of the So Delicious family of non-dairy desserts and you can get soy ice creams or coconut milk ice creams. They also have vegan ice cream bars that are pretty good.

    For shopping, check out,,, and

    Good luck!|||here we go :)

    Good luck on your new lifestyle and enjoy it!||| has been AMAZING for me since becoming vegan. They have recipes for literally everything you could imagine.


    First off all, I'm a vegetarian. I eat eggs and dairy but do not eat fish or animal meat. Every once and a while when I was online I would stumble upon a website {or youtube video} with reasons why veganism is a healthy choice. I understand that if a regular dieter switched to a vegan lifestyle, they would help the environment even more than if they were to go from a normal car to an environmentally friendly car. I do understand the mistreatment that animals go through and the mass breeding that female cows have to go through to make milk and meat products. I also understand that Harvord, Yale, Penn State, and the National Institute of Health have proved that milk does not reduce chances of, nor cure, osteoperosis, and that dairy products are a source of saturated fats which our bodies don't need.

    Other than the environment, animal abuse, and the "good fat bad fat" deal, what are some reasons that I should become vegan? Is it difficult to go out with the family and find something off of a regular restaurant menu that could be ordered? Do the vegan cheeses and products cost too much money? Is it hard to cook at home and be vegan? Would I need to take special multivitamins that have vitamins in them which vegans do not get through their diet, or can a vegan diet support all of the needed nutrients of the body? And last, but not least, should I reduce the amount of dairy and egg products that I consume and/or should I go from vegetarianism to veganism?|||I lost 30 pounds in a year living a vegan lifestyle(which is good as I was overweight). I felt a LOT better, I had a lot more energy despite people saying I should have less. It really does help your state of mind.

    I love to cook too, here are some websites I like to find recipes on:|||You seem very well-informed about veganism. I don't see why you would need any more reasons to become vegan, and I do it because of all the reasons you listed. It takes a lot of dedication; I still slip up sometimes, but I have been better recently :)
    It isn't too difficult to go out with family and be vegan. Most restaurants are willing to alter recipes for you or listen to your requests.
    You should skip buying the expensive vegan cheeses. They have more fat than regular cheese, and aren't a satisfying substitute.
    Rice milk, soy milk, and almond milk are pretty good to buy. Just watch out for consuming too much soy; it has estrogen in it.
    It's surprisingly easy to cook at home and be vegan. If you go to the website, there's a big variety of vegan food options.
    I take a daily multivitamin, but you really only need to take vitamin B-12, which can be hard for vegans to get enough of.
    I quit eating dairy products cold-turkey, but everyone's different. I think it might be easier to ease into veganism, but it can also be better to become vegan right away. It's all up to you.
    I highly recommend the books Vegan With a Vengeance and Veganomicon. They have a variety of wonderful vegan recipes that don't require a lot of dairy substitutes.
    I hope I answered all your questions, and good luck!|||You have a lot of information in your Good for you for talking about milk a bit. We're brainwashed into thinking we need it. Ya right, Me, a full grown human, need the milk from another mammal. Anyhow, going totally vegan is a large task, but it's doable. My mom and sister are vegan, and it's a big commitment. Vegan choices are very limited in many restaurants (you can only eat so many stir-frys). Vegan processed food is expensive, I suggest learning to make as much home made as possible. Taking a B-12 supplement isn't a bad idea either, although I know vegans who never do.
    If you do choose to go total vegan, may I suggest that you do it gradually. The transition will be easier if you make the occasional exception at first as you're learning the ropes. Also, it's your call as to whether you'll make exceptions on holidays, perhaps lifting a glass of egg nog, or having some brocolli with cheese sauce during Christmas. Some vegans do this, as it's easier than a vegetarian eating meat, which many find gross if they've been away from it for awhile.|||being a vegan is a little bit don't really get a hang of it until you've been doing it for a while.

    i think it would be smart to take a multi-vitamin plus an iron pill. thats what i do since i mostly eat vegetables and tofu...yea

    its kind of awkward when you eat out or go out with friends or family

    vegan cheese and vegan "meats" do cost a lot :(

    you might want to drop one thing at a time to make it easier.

    good luck!


    You put some vegetable or olive oil in a skillet and put in a soft tostada. You put some vegan cheese in it and some vegan sour cream and some jalapenos. Then you add some mexican spices and put a lid over it on low-med heat. After the cheese melts you add some already heated up vegetarian refried beans to it and fold it over.

    Its kind of like a quesadilla or a big taco.|||Can't say I have. That sounds good for the most part, but I don't like sour cream, and I'd prefer to use real cheese.|||no i havent but sounds really good!
    i have made soy chorizo with veggies and tortillas!鈥?/a>|||I actually have made something a lot like that only it just started out as an experiment. That was back when I still ate dairy though so I used dairy cheese and sour cream :/
    I should try a vegan version, so thanks for the idea. :)|||vegan cheese is some type of horriable space aged polymer
    vegetarian cheese has traces of milk but tastes ok.
    id rather eat dudu from my cat than vegan cheese ever again.|||Ooooh Eric, that sounds really good. I think it would be good with tofu strips or cubes seasoned with mexican spices or ground too!

    I'm so gonna make that! Thanks!|||not happy with overspiced foods
    especially chilli
    the rest sounds good|||Not yet.|||No, but that sounds REALLY good.|||sounds delicious :)|||Go to this FREE website. They have lots of great info on it.


    I'm trying to become a vegetarian and just found out that animal renet is in many cheeses, however when I try to look up restaurants with vegetarian cheese, it only shows me vegan cheeses. I guess I'm just wondering if most vegetarians still eat cheese even though it contains the animal renet or do many people just not know about it?|||It really frustrates me! I buy vegetarian cheese with non-animal rennet at the supermarket but I'm sure when I go out for dinner or to other people's houses they are not so particular. It drives me nuts. People don't seem to even know what I mean when I ask about it. If you go to actual vegetarian restaurants then it's usually okay, but sometimes I'm sure I've eaten cheese with rennet by accident.|||I think most people do not know about it. When I became vegan I was shocked to learn this, but there are vegetarian and vegan cheeses available. Some vegetarians might eat the cheese with rennet, everyone is different, but I eat vegan cheese, no animal products, there is also rennet free cheese that is vegetarian it is lactose free and rennet free, but still has some milk proteins such as whey and casein. So to answer your question it really depends on the person. I eat no animal products whatsoever, but some vegetarians eat cheese with rennet and some eat rennet free cheese but with milk proteins so since there are so many types of vegetarians out there it really becomes a personal choice.|||There are SO many different kinds of vegetarians with different standards.
    Some eat fish, some eat eggs, some are extremely strict about it.
    I am a vegetarian, but I eat things like eggs and cheese.
    I draw the line at things cooked in actual animal fat.
    Many people do not know about it, but it also falls more along the lines of a vegan lifestyle. But like I said before, it all depends on which vegetarian you ask :)|||Rennet isn't in all cheeses, and a lot of companies make non animal rennet cheeses.

    I don't like cheese, the texture is horrible. I used to like cottage cheese but that was the only one. The dairy industry is a gross pretence of animal abuse. There's no excuse for it, yet the animals are treated as little more than juice machines. It's disgusting. Imagine a woman being injected with steroids to keep her lactating 24/7 and then chaining her by the neck in a metal cage so small she couldn't turn around. And leaving her like that every day, and attaching sharp hoses to her nipples and sucking the milk out of her body.
    And making her stand up the whole time. SHe can't sit down, ever.

    If you need cheese, it doesn't just stop at the rennet, it's the actual body fluids that are used too.|||Most people go with their conscience. I'm lactose intolerant, so I do vegan cheese even though I'm a vegetarian and not a vegan. I know some people who aren't vegan and eat cheese, and some who don't. There's not really a rule on this for vegetarians, as many just avoid the muscle tissue and adipose tissue of animals.|||When I'm at home, I make sure not to use any cheeses like parmasan or romano and others that I know most likely have animal enzymes in them. When I'm out ordering something like pizza though, I'm not going to stand there for twenty minutes just to be jerked around because they honestly can't answer "is the cheese vegetarian?".

    If I'm personally making my food and I have a choice, then yes I stay away from things with animal-enzymed cheese.|||Not at all.

    If the restaurant can't tell me if their cheese dish contains rennet, I'll just get a different dish. As vegetarianism becomes more common, many restaurants are becoming more savvy on the subject, so I imagine soon you'll be able to get the information you need.|||I`m a very recent vegetarian, i just started about 2 weeks ago. i still eat cheese with rennet because im not vegan. Im strict when it comes to some things. but when it comes to cheese, i dont give it up because i love it lol and i still eat some of the by products|||no, dont have to, i eat veggie friendly cheeses, which in the uk there are a resonable amount of
    if its vegan, you can eat it, they dont say its veggie and vegan, cos its a givenif its vegan, its also vegie
    :-)|||I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian, meaning I eat eggs, cheese, and other dairy. I simply want to eliminate meat from my diet; I see no reason to exclude everything else.|||look for kosher cheese. it has no animal renet and there is no dillema and it still tastes good (o:

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  • Is there a such thing as a vegetarian/vegan cheese? There seems to be much confusion on this matter. If there is is it sold at regular grocery stores. ( shop n save, schnucks, aldi, etc.) Thanks.|||Ricotta is made without rennet.
    If a normal cheese states rennet on the label its no indication of the type of rennet. Only the manufacturer will know.
    Rennet can be natural (calf stomach), artificial (microbiological) or alternative (plants).
    Microbiological rennet is made with genetically modified bacteria.
    Vegetarian cheese is made from milk that is coming from animals.
    Vegan cheese is made from soya milk.|||Most supermarkets will sell one or two brands of non-animal rennet cheese (hidden amongst the Great Wall of Rennety Cheese). You just need to read labels, find a few brands that are ok, and then stick with those. (If the label just says "enzyme" then it's almost 100% guaranteed to be an animal enzyme - rennin, pepsin, lipase, etc.). I've never found a vegan cheese in the supermarket. I once found soy cheese, but it was a long time ago and contained something which rendered it non-vegan - either rennet or casein or egg, can't recall which.

    I live in Australia, and can buy several non-animal rennet cheeses - one brand of blue-vein, one brand of grated parmesan, a few brands of mozzarella, a few brands of feta, a few brands of haloumi, one or two brands of colby, an elbo-style, and a few others, such as tasty, extra tasty, cheddar, peppato, etc. I can also occasionally find a few imported non-animal rennet cheeses from the UK, such as a red Leicester and a double Gloucester.|||There are many vegetarian cheeses:

    A list of vegetarian cheeses by type:鈥?/a>

    A list of vegetarian cheeses by brand:鈥?/a>

    Kosher cheese is safe for vegetarians, as it cannot contain rennet.
    No, it does not contain fish.鈥?/a>|||In Australia, many of the cheese companies are now using a non animal rennet enzyme that is created through bacteria.

    Yes, there are plenty of cheeses that dont use this enzyme, but just check the labels and you wont get in strife.|||You can call the manufacturer to find out if cheese has rennet in it. You can also buy kosher cheese, as there is not allowed to be rennet in kosher cheese. It is more expensive though.|||Horizon only uses microbial or vegetable enzymes/rennet for all of their cheeses.|||veggie cheese or kosher cheese are safe for vegetarians


    ie veggie analog cheeses such as these...

    Cheese (vegan)鈥?/a> (basic seed cheese)鈥?/a> (nutritional yeast cheese sauce)鈥?/a> (pumpkin seed cheese)鈥?/a> (nutritional yeast cheese)鈥?/a> (several recipes for vegan cheeses)鈥?/a> (cashew cheddar cheese)|||Buy them in bulk from a retailer that specializes in nuts by the pound.|||Thank YOU for the "Best Answer".

    A retailer here who I believe has a catalogue is "Nuts on Clark".

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    |||I find that I save about 40-50% off large containers of nuts at wholesale clubs like Costco, Sams or BJ's.|||Buy raw and in bulk, from places like Costco.

    Toast them for easy grinding and better flavor.|||I'll just answr the question, thank you, Whole and shell them yourself. I need a hamburger|||Try home depot, nuts are very cheap there, their bolts are reasonable too.


    I'm just curious if there are any vegan-friendly cheeses out there. I've seen Veggie Shreds/Slices, but those still contain milk.

    Please post the names and your reviews (flavor, health factor, and meltability). Thanks!|||Vegan Gourmet makes Follow Your Heart. Temptation Soy Dairy makes Teese. There's a European product called Scheese. I've seen stuff called Cheezley (sp) through vegan retailers. There's a company called Dr. Cow that makes nut cheeses, but they're kind of expensive. Some local pizzerias use either FYH or Teese, and I've tried them both but have not been impressed with the texture. I tried making my own pizza with Scheese and hated it (the Scheese smells funny). I haven't tried the others yet, but I'm not a big cheese fan anyway.

    I have to say the best vegan cheeses are in sauce form, and you can probably find recipes for vegan "cheese" sauces online or in vegan cookbooks.|||I have seen rice cheese and soy cheese...the soy tastes a little better :) I can't remember the names though|||I heard that going vegan sometimes means giving up on some foods. I still wish to use honey, except that its taken away from bees which isnt a nice thing to do. they work hard! anyway there is soy cheese and tofu. I havent tried soy cheese, I did try tofu and it has no taste, so you need to add something.|||Yes there are, of course there are!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||To answer "Slut", do you have ANY idea of how cows are constantly kept pregnant and aborted to supply milk and how cheese has been made for hundreds of years?

    A fake cheese would be nice to people who actually care.

    |||I guess I am kind of confused on this veggie thing.

    Why would cheese have to be fake?
    You get milk from a cow naturally.
    You make cheese from this milk.
    You don't have to kill the cow to get the milk to make the cheese.

    So why would milk, cheese and dairy products be considered off of a veggies menu?|||Trouble is with the Tofu based cheese is they use whey powder and casein a milk sugar, so no veggie cheese is suitable for most vegan, even the tofu cream cheese products have thickeners and gums to hold them together, try using plain old tofu the extra firm grated like cheese on salads, veggie pizza, I have eaten in Vegan Raw restaurants and that is what they use in place of the tofu cheese product for strict vegan diets.|||You can find Vegan Cheese in the produce section of most grocery stores. It's in the same case as the Tofu and Smart Dogs (soy hot dogs).


    I am making pizza from scratch tonight for dinner. We only have 1 grocery store in our area and no health food stores. At our store, the only Vegan cheese they sell is Tofutti. I tried making pizza with that last time, and it did not really melt well. Tonight, I plan on making a pizza with just sauce and veggie toppings. What do you all like on your pizzas? Have you made one without any kind of cheese? I wonder how Lite Life Smart Ground or Lite Life Bac'n Strips would be or if I should just stick with different veggies and maybe pineapple?|||Honestly, it's whatever you have in the fridge.
    Green beans
    cabbage (really thin)
    Garlic (whole, not chopped)
    Shredded carrots

    It's an end of the week meal, where we use whatever we didn't cook into the pizza just before going shopping. If one topping doesn't quite work, then you have other toppings to mask the flavor. I used to hate onion as a topping, but I'll add them to the pizza if there's other veggies.

    You can do an olive oil and herb sauce (pesto?) instead of the tomato sauce. I knew someone who used to work at papa john's, and she used to request that they replace the tomato sauce with the butter dipping sauce instead. I found that gross, but hey, others liked it. That's where the inspiration for the olive oil and herb came from, so it's at least healthier, with no trans-fat.|||I personally like using portabella mushrooms as the "crust"...just make sure you roast them a bit first before loading them up, they get a little soggy if you don't. I also like roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and basil. Any veggies you have in the fridge, try tossing in some salt and olive oil and roasting in the oven until tender. The best vegan cheese I have tried is Daiya...the Pepper Jack shreds are super yummy and they melt and stretch just like hot cheese, amazing really. There are several online shops that carry this, may be worth ordering if this is something you like to make often.|||I like to make whole wheat garlic herb pizza crust with fresh basil pesto with pine nuts (instead of the red sauce) then top with olives and mushrooms. I serve the red pizza sauce on the side. You can sprinkle nutritional yeast on top for a cheezy sort of look and taste, but I usually just sprinkle it on the slice right before I eat it. No cheese added and it's delish!|||my mom and i make homemade pizza all the time and never use cheese. make sure you have a sweet sauce! we always do extra sauce, tomatoes, sweet onion, green bell pepper, banana peppers, black olives(my mom prefers green olives), red bell pepper, and if you can handle it we do jalapeno peppers. spices: fresh basil, pepper and garlic powder. it's amazing!!!|||My favorites are.... spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, olives, vegan pepperoni. Any vegetables you like! Make an easy pesto sauce instead of red sauce (basil, pine nuts or walnuts, olive oil, garlic, nutritional yeast) or make a vegan alfredo sauce and have a "white" pizza (non dairy cream cheese or silken tofu, garlic, italian herbs, pepper).|||My favorite vegetarian pizza toppings are Thin sliced tamatos with garlic and maybe some olive oil and some oregano and basic.and if im in the mood I like a light amount of spinach. Very italian and rustic. :)

    Too bad most places that deliver wont make this :(|||Olives, artichokes, mushrooms, spinach, vegan pepperoni to name a few.
    Hmm wondering about the ranch dressing suggestion, since you can make vegan ranch and it does taste good.|||Sauteed sausage and onion

    Chorizo and cojita cheese

    Bacon and cheddar

    Sauteed mixed mushroom

    Buffalo Chicken with a combination of blue cheese and mozzarella

    Foccaccia with rosemary and parmesan|||A thin layer of ranch dressing for the sauce would be super yummy! Maybe some thin slices from a super huge tomato spread across the top, baby spinach leaves (wilted first). My personal favorite is chicken bacon ranch, but that's meat xD|||Yes I've eaten some without cheese. Just added tomato sauce, fresh spinach, onions, jalapenos, bite size broccoli, avocado and whatever else you like|||That's hard..hmm...Tofu Pepperoni,Tofu,Mushrooms,Seasoning,Veggi… of any kind and this sounds weird but i like zucchini too sometimes!|||Vegetarian toppings: black olives, (sliced) tomatoes, pineapple.|||You should put green pepper, olives, tomato, and parsley|||it just ain't pizza without pepperoni.|||Mushrooms!|||Well what veggies do you like? Pretty much any are good on pizza :)
    I like pineapple on my pizza|||onions|||If you can find Follow Your Heart or Dayia vegan cheese, then I suggest trying this for something different:
    White Sicilian Pizza

    Preparation time: 55 minutes
    Yield: 4 servings


    Recipe for Deep Dish Crust

    5 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
    1 Tablespoon olive oil
    1 cup of soy mozzarella cheese, grated
    5 large basil leaves, chiffonade


    Preheat oven to 380˚F.

    In an iron skillet that is just slightly bigger than the crust, sauté garlic on medium heat in olive oil for about 1 minute. Spread garlic and oil on top of crust.

    Place deep dish crust inside iron skillet, ensuring that crust fills skillet. Spread grated cheese over crust, leaving about a 1” area between cheese and crust.

    Bake pizza for 45 minutes. Remove from oven. Sprinkle basil on top of baked pizza

    Deep Dish Crust

    Preparation time: 2 hours, 20 minutes
    Cooking time: 10 minutes
    Yield: 2 crusts

    Don’t be fooled by the preparation time for this crust. Most of that pertains to the rising of the dough, giving you plenty of time to attend to household chores and other dishes requiring your attention. Just think of the first bite into your pizza- worth the wait, isn’t it?


    1 cup warm water
    2 teaspoons active dry yeast
    1 teaspoon sugar
    ¼ cup corn meal
    2 ¼ cups flour + more for kneading
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    6 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon olive oil


    Place water in a small bowl and add in yeast and sugar. Let stand about 10 minutes. If it does not bubble by that time, throw away yeast and start over.

    In a mixing bowl, sift corn meal, 2 ¼ cups flour, and salt together. Make a small well in flour mix and pour in 6 Tablespoons oil. Slowly mix yeast-water into dry ingredients (pour wet into dry, not dry into wet). Lightly flour a work surface and knead dough for about 20 minutes until it is elastic and smooth.

    With 1 teaspoon oil, grease a deep metal bowl. Form dough into a ball, place in bowl, and cover with a dish towel. Let dough rise for 60 minutes.

    Punch dough down and knead it a few more times. Lightly oil a pan at least 2” deep and press the dough into it, forming it up the sides of the pan. Cover with a dish towel and let it sit for 20 minutes, creating a second rise.

    Preheat oven to 350˚F and bake for about 10 minutes to get the dough started.
    Allow this to rise for about 30 minutes. Then use and bake as needed for your pizza.

    And here is a really good vegan mac and no cheese. The sauce can be used on pizza, too.
    Vegan Mac and No Cheese
    Prep Time: 15 Minutes
    Cook Time: 45 Minutes

    Ready In: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
    Servings: 4
    1 (8 ounce) package uncooked elbow macaroni
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1 medium onion, chopped
    1 cup cashews
    1/3 cup lemon juice
    1 1/3 cups water
    1/3 cup canola oil
    4 ounces roasted red peppers, drained
    3 tablespoons nutritional yeast
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
    2. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add macaroni, and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain. Transfer to a medium baking dish.
    3. Heat vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in onion, and cook until tender and lightly browned. Gently mix with the macaroni.
    4. In a blender or food processor, mix cashews, lemon juice, water, and salt. Gradually blend in canola oil, roasted red peppers, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, and onion powder. Blend until smooth. Thoroughly mix with the macaroni and onions.
    5. Bake 45 minutes in the preheated oven, until lightly browned. Cool 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

    Otherwise, my family enjoys pineapple, onion, olives, green pepper, artichoke hearts...
    Pizza toppings are limited only by your imagination! Here are some quick ideas:

    Chop up whatever veggies are on hand and drizzle some olive oil over them.
    Try some unusual toppings, like sun-dried tomatoes, beans, spinach, or pineapple.
    Add different sauces, like pesto or red pepper-and-garlic purée.
    Get creative with faux meats—top your pizza with veggie burger crumbles, veggie bacon, veggie pepperoni, or even veggie chicken. You'll get the flavor and texture of meat but without all the nasty cholesterol and cruelty.

    Be creative. Enjoy!|||Grilled rabbit, human eyes, baby toes


    Me and my little brother are allergic to milk and i am also allergic to soy. We would really like to have cheese so our mom bouth us the vegan cheese made by galaxy nutritional foods but it tasted HORRIBLE and when we tried to melt it in a cheese sandwhich it didnt melt and when we tried to melt it in the microwave it turned kindof hard. so now we are looking for a cheese alternative that tastes and has a melting consistancy similar to cow cheese. I hear daiya cheese melts really good but i dont want to waste my mom's money as these cheeses are very pricey. So could you tell me of your experiences with this cheese and how it tasted with any types of foods. Thanks your really helping us out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)|||I like daiya, but I didn't always like it. It really depends on your preferences. Cheddar Daiya melts and tastes pretty good great in sandwiches, but I personally prefer Vegan Gourmet cheese to Daiya for use in sandwiches. I've actually made vegan mozzarella sticks out of Daiya by melting it, mixing it with vegan parmesan sprinkles, battering it, and deep frying it. Pizza turns out good too.
    It is expensive - $5.99 around where I'm from, but I only buy it occasionally and you don't need to use a lot of it at a time, so that's another good thing. Each bag contains 2 cups of cheese, I think. Or you can buy it in bulk in a 5lb. bag for $40 and freeze the rest, because it does freeze well.
    On another note, it doesn't have much nutritional value since it basically all fat and starch. So that's another reason to eat it sparingly. It's more like a "treat" to me. As far as taste goes, I think we'll have to wait a while longer for a vegan cheese that actually tastes much like non-vegan cheese. However, Daiya and The Vegan Gourmet are two of the best.|||Hey,
    I just checked the ingredients and the Vegan Gourmet Cheese does contain soy; tofu specifically. If you still want to know how much it costs, it's about 4.99 in my area. A book you might want to check out is 'The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook' by Jo Stephaniak.

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    |||It's actually quite horrible. I had it on a pizza and it did melt but it was nasty. It tasty like unbaked dough and had the same consistency of raw dough. I suggest you just go without cheese. It's not that hard once you just accept that you can't eat it. I had the Daiya over Christmas and it was terrible. Before that I hadn't had any cheese in months and I have no desire to have it again. It was just too bad.|||Just a couple of days ago I layered eggplant slices, chopped broccoli, pasta sauce, and Daiya shredded mozzarella cheese shreds to make a vegan lasagna. My meat-eating roommate loved it, and said the cheese itself was the best substitute cheese product he had ever melts beautifully.

    I also use the cheddar flavor to sprinkle on salads and bowls of vegetarian chili.

    You really should invest in one package to try it for yourself...both straight and melted in or on a meal.

    I for one, love it.|||It melts,but when it melts it melts A LOT and is quite runny.But other than that,it tastes ok.Not very good,but not so bad.Probably the best you'll get,though.It goes best with pizza!It smells just like the real stuff,and tastes very similar,but just don't expect it to taste EXACTLY like the real thing.:]|||I LOVE Daiya! It melts really well too. I have it on tortilla chips and with pasta (mac & "cheese"). But each person has their personal preference. You'll just have to find out what yours is.|||It's the closest you'll find to dairy cheese

  • vegan cheese
  • grimaldis
  • We decided to move in together and found a great place last month, and are planning to move in next week or so. I never really thought about it, but now I am: Will our diets create tension in our relationship? I am pregnant, so I'm not sure how he's going to want to raise the baby: Vegetarian or vegan...

    I don't drink milk or eat eggs. The only animal products I eat are those already made in things and cheese.

    Do you think this will cause trouble for us? Cheese is my favorite food, by the way. I hate vegan cheese.|||Some people give their young child the option to try which foods he/she wants. He might not want you eating cheese during the pregnancy, and if that's the case, he's going too far. You should eat what you are comfortable with. I'm vegan and my boyfriend is an omni. We get along fine but do not have children.

    Talk to him about it. And nutritional yeast can do wonders in replacing the cheese taste. And you might want to look into casein--it's an opiate found in milk. That's why cheese is so addictive. You will have many changes in your body if you try not to eat it but that's totally up to you.

    You're almost vegan. That's awesome and I'm sure he's at least happy to not have meat or eggs in the house. Good luck :)|||Surely this is a question for him? We can't tell you what he is thinking. He obv accepts you as a vegetarian so im sure he is aware that there will be animal products in the house. A child needs protein and calcium so veganism is not an option. It's cruel.|||No it will not. It's food.|||Probably not. I'm a vegetarian and my meat-eating boyfriend lives with me. We are fine.|||It will cause trouble and you should run screaming away.|||This is really a conversation you need to be having with your fianc茅|||why don't you discuss this with him.|||Why don't you talk to him about it?


    I've been able to get mochi (if you're not familiar, it's pounded sweet brown rice, it's sticky when heated) to melt in a baked macaroni dish, as well as put it on "pizza". But I can't get the flavor rich enough. So far I've only added garlic powder and onion powder. I don't like nutritional yeast, I was wondering if there is any unique combination of dried seasonings which mimics cheese?

    Also I can't stand the taste of vegan cheese shreds, the mochi works great, it just doesn't really have a flavor at all.
    Thanks!|||I think miso or pimientos can help. Here is a nutritional yeast-free recipe that may give you some ideas.|||have you tried Daiya? you can order a 5 pound block of it from and freeze most of it, itll last you ages! (if you HAVENT tried it i suggest buying a smaller size first before you go for the big 5 pound block lol it IS the best vegan cheese sub out there though)|||miso paste. Love it.
    Marmite- tangy, salty, a bit sweet and tart.
    soysauce with peanut butter is a great flavour, it's very popular in Thailand and Malaysia as a marinade.


    I have been vegetarian all my life but I've recently gone vegan. This feels like a drastic change for me because all the meat substitutes I regularly ate (Quorn) all seem to have milk powder in?
    Cheese was practically a staple for me and I've tried a vegan cheese from my local health food store (Holland and Barrett) but it was pretty vile. What can I replace cheese with; do you know any good brands?
    Also, I still have not found a replacement milk I like. I've tried almond, oat, rice and soya milk. All of them pretty gross. I'm missing cereal. Any suggestions? :(|||I use hemp milk (鈥?/a> ) for cereal. It's expensive (~$4/quart) but worth it imo. Some people have said it has a "gamey" taste. I think it tastes delicious. After hemp I'd suggest rice, but you said you don't like rice. Have you tried different brands of the same milks? Some brands taste different though they're made from the same thing.

    The only "cheese sub." I've used is Nutritional Yeast (鈥?/a> )--Used it like Parmesan cheese on baked eggplant. Can also make mac 'n' cheese out of it:|||there's a new coconut milk that some people are raving about - it's low glycemic and tastes great. it's by KARA

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    |||I don't typically use cheese substitute, as most of the lactose free cheese from grocery stores still have casein, which is from milk. It is difficult to find vegan cheeses where I live.
    I really like 8th continent soy milk. It's really smooth and good.
    I buy it at kroger.
    Boca has some really good vegan products. Try some of those.
    =)|||Just eat cereal plain, I always eat my Cheerios straight from the box!

    And all the plain milks are gross, just... bleh. But I find myself addicted to Almond Breeze Chocolate Almond Milk, it's REALLY good! I highly recommend it. :)|||I like unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It's good on cereal, and it even tastes okay to just drink by itself.|||Try Silk - Milk
    and a really great cheese is Soy Kaas|||i am in love with hemp milk and it goes pretty good with most cereals.
    as for cheeses, ive never found a good vegan cheese. its really not hard to live without though, i was the same way as you and when i went vegetarian i lived on dairy. but like meat after a while you wont even miss it. ive heard that nutritional yeast is supposed to give off a cheesey flavor although i have never tried it myself.
    as for meat substitutes, i dont use them personally myself. instead ill use portebello mushrooms for burgers, or i make oat and veggie burgers. breaded or plain eggplant is nice once in a while with mashed potatoes or with pasta type dishes. zucchini/squash patties also go nice with potatoes or on a bun. of course beans are great. you can really get creative with vegan cooking. i would suggest maybe going to the library or buying a is cheaper. and dont be afraid to try something that sounds disgusting, ive found that the weirder something sounds the better it tastes.|||I too don't have much of a taste for milks. I wasn't the biggest fan of dairy milk either though.
    As for cheese, there really isn't a perfect vegan cheese out there yet.
    The best I have tried is Follow Your Heart and Daiya. Melted. They don't taste very good cold.
    In some recipes, such as mac and cheese, you can use nutritional yeast for a good cheesy flavor. has some recipes for such or you could just google for some.
    All those substitutes and fake stuff really aren't that great for you, I would suggest eating more natural veggies and fruits and grains and nuts and cooking for yourself instead of buying premade foods. I do admit though that I too am liek you, though I am trying to cut down and learn to cook more. Boca has some vegan veggie burgers that I use, I also like alot of stuff from the veggie meat section of our health food store such as tofurkey slices and Lightlife sausage and such. is a good online vegan store full of goodies and treats you may want to check out. Good luck, sorry I couldn't be of more help.


    i have been meat free for quite a while now and have been doing plenty of research on the cruelty of animals for meat and such. but i have discovered that they are treated like crap in the dairy industry and i feel so guilty because i have been eating products that contain dairy, but i DO NOT eat eggs. but milk and cheese are in a lot of what i eat. so my concern is how much are the vegan cheeses/dairy substitutes and also i live among meat eaters -____- so going out to eat is so hard, what do you do when it comes down to going out to a restarant?
    thank you so much,|||I'm not sure what a dairy substitute is.

    Soy milk can be bought for a dollar at any dollar store.
    GOod quality soy milk is more expensive. Soy cheese and almond/walnut sesame cheese can be made, or bought any decent shop. I don't buy cheese, I've made my own soy cheese from soy beans, it's not too pricey and cheese from cows has always been a shock to me, how much it costs, it's easier to make your own nut cheese. I made almond once but didn't do it right, it tastes lovley though.
    If you miss cheese, definitely make your own,鈥?/a>

    PS, you have to get out of that mindset eating out is hard- that is basically saying my diet is not as important as yours. They're the ones who haven't thought as much about the whole factory brainwashing thing, you have. So if they're supportive and halfway interesting people, they'll be excited about trying new things.
    I mean, what- do they only go out to Dairy Queen and Bob's BBQ shack? That's a little boring. Ask them to try viet, indian, chinese places that are good for non animal styles.鈥?/a>

    This one is from Ani Phyo- she makes a lot of different types of cheese.鈥?/a>|||Almond milk is pretty much just as cheap as normal milk. Same with vegan butter spread, its about the same price as normal butter.

    And I really hate going to restaurants, if I really must go to one, Ill look through the entire menu, most likely there wont be anything for vegans, and Ill just order french fries, a salad, and ill eat the bread.

    Honestly, the bread or french fries might contain/be cooked in some animal ingredient. But I don't bother asking, the waiters/chefs probably dont even know, and Id honestly rather just remain ignorant on the subject.

    I mean, I barely EVER go to restaurants anyway.|||You can get 1/2 gallon of almond milk for the price of a gallon of regular milk. Of course almond milk doesn't have an "acceptable amount of puss" (according to the FDA) that cow milk does. Whatever that means...

    Mmmm pimple and skin puss in your food. Thanks dairy industry!|||When I go to a restaurant(which I go to very rarely) I order vegan food. Vegan food is available in large varieties here in India in all restaurants.|||You can get soymilk for pretty cheap, I get Silk's almond milk and it's not too expensive. $2.50?|||There are several non-milk substitutes. The most popular one is do know that most of the soy products sold in the supermarket are from genetically modified soy? The price will vary from your location to mine. So you'll just have to go to your supermarket and compare or perhaps your supermarket has a website?

    Almond milk is more expensive, of course. Rice milk is not very good....though taste is individual. Coconut milk is again pretty expensive.

    Remember, though that none of these naturally contain calcium. The manufacturers put calcium in them to replace the calcium naturally found in cow's milk. That calcium is not as well absorbed by your body as the natural calcium found in cow's milk. So you need to drink a lot more "milk" than normal if you switch to a manufactured milk.

    At your age, you need a lot of calcium to grow the bones and teeth that you'll be living with for the rest of your life. If you don't get enough, you'll have a long life to regret it.


    These are the ingredients:
    Organic pasteurized partly skimmed milk, bacterial culture, sea salt, microbial enzymes.

    Can I be sure that this is a vegetarian cheese? I know it says microbial enzymes (which are from a vegetarian source).

    It is a President's choice "Organics" cheese, and I just want to be sure. I haven't eaten cheese in many months, and I was just looking for something to make pizza with. There are no vegan cheese substitutes available where I live, but I would try a cheese-less pizza.

    Also if you don't know that most cheeses aren't vegetarian, then don't answer this question.|||What kind of rennet was used to make it?

    Edit: Then its vegetarian. If no animal rennet was used, then it has to be vegetarian. Animal rennet is the ONLY ingredient in cheese that makes it non-vegetarian.|||Sounds like it is one of the few cheeses that would genuinely qualify as vegetarian!|||That one would probably pass my test. Save a slice of the pizza for me!|||Yip (:

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  • I use bread crumbs and everything cooks well enough but the problme is any pasta near the top gets very crunchy and well its not cice. I am sure cheese usually keeps the top moist but when I hate the taste what can I use instead. Bread crumbs are not enough.
    An idea I had myself but I have not tried out yet and would love to know how does it sound would be to mix the bread crumbs in some tomato paste and then use on top. Could that stop the pasta close to the top from drying out. Anyone else have similar problem, like perhaps any vegans who don't use vegan cheese. what do you use. Thanks|||Either do not bake your pasta, just sauce it and serve, or cover the dish with foil before baking.|||It sounds as though its lacking in oil. Many cheeses when melted produce oil. Have you tried adding a bit of olive oil or oil of your preference? If the consistency is also important perhaps try adding crumbled soy with oil. I like your idea of tomato paste over the breadcrumbs.|||Try garlic cashew aioli- use a food processor to mix fresh peeled garlic, cashews, sea salt, and black pepper- if you want, substitute macadamia nuts, they melt a bit like cheese.|||I don't eat cheese and instead use a white sauce to make lasagne
    or indeed a tomato sauce|||Aluminum foil.|||Just a plain white sauce (milk, butter and a little bit of flour) with breadcrumbs sprinkled in it?|||grind up some apples and use that instead. Also use some candle looks great but just dont eat it|||Get your fing life together and learn how to appreciate meat, seafood and milk and cheese and so on.. Any reasoning behing you wanting to b a vegetarian is ridiculous.


    I have some lasagne sheets (they are vegan right? just wheat I think...) but I don't know how to make a lasagne properly. I attempted a veggie one back when I was vegetarian, but I'm vegan now so I can't use dairy cheese. Should I just replace it with vegan cheese or use something else, or just omit it altogether?

    I'd prefer a "simple" recipe as the one I tried to make before went wrong/didn't taste good!

    Thank you! :)|||here's one I invented:鈥?/a>

    I've had hardcore meatmouths tell me it was delicious. It's easy to make and soooo good.|||I made one once, BEFORE I became a vegan, but I didn't use a recipe. I took it to work (each day for a week I took in something different I'd cooked the previous night - all vegan and all well-received - I think it was Vegetarian Week or Vegan Week or something like that, maybe 3 years ago). I can't remember exactly what I used, but I had been making vegetarian lasagne for several years before that, so I probably just left out the grated cheese and cottage cheese, or used something else instead of the cheeses. Whatever - it worked out nicely. I must be about due to make some again.

    Contrary to another answerer's response, lasagne sheets (at least the ones I buy in the supermarket) don't contain egg, otherwise I would never have eaten lasagne.|||Use cheese made from either soy or tofu if it didn't taste good without it. Btw, why won't you eat dairy like milk and cheese? I dont like cheese at all!.When you think about it it kinda grosses me out b.c its just milk that has gone bad for a real long long time such that bacteria causes it to form solid clumps which we call cheese. Also, did you know that cheese can be made from other things too?. I saw on fear factor where they had to eat maggot cheese which was formed from the poop of maggots. ew!|||鈥?/a>

    good luck making it!:)|||Pasta is made using eggs, which is not Vegan. But if your ok with this than....

    Traditional Lasagna

    Lasanga Of course, traditional lasagna isn't vegan but this version is about as close as you can get and a wonderful dish to serve nonvegan guests. This lasagna can be prepared ahead of time and then refrigerated or frozen until you are ready to cook it. Just be sure to bring it to room temperature before baking or you'll end up with a cold center.

    12 ounces lasagna noodles (9 to 12 noodles)
    2 (16-ounce) packages firm tofu
    3 tablespoons minced fresh parsley or 1 tablespoon parsley flakes
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    Black pepper to taste
    1 (25-ounce) jar or 3 cups homemade marinara sauce
    1 1/2 to 2 cups shredded vegan mozzarella cheese
    6 tablespoons vegan parmesan cheese

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cook the lasagna noodles in a large pot of boiling water (I like to do 6 at a time) about 8 minutes or until tender but still firm. Drain the noodles and spread them out to keep them from sticking together. In a food processor, blender, or a bowl, mix and mash the tofu, parsley, salt, and pepper together until smooth.

    Spread a thin layer of marinara sauce in a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Place noodles in pan, overlapping them slightly to cover the bottom. Spread a thin layer of sauce of the noodles. Cover the sauce with half of the tofu mixture. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the parmesan over the tofu. Cover the layer of noodles, then sauce, remaining tofu mixture, and 2 more tablespoons of the parmesan. Place another layer of noodles over the tofu and cheese and cover with the remaining sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining parmesan cheese and the mozzarella.

    Bake uncovered for 30 to 40 minutes, or until hot and bubbly. Let the lasagna rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing to set


    I'm eating with my non-vegan extended family tomorrow and I need a good recipe. I'll have time to make something in the morning, but not something too extravagant. The more common the ingredients the better. Please people, keep the tofu to a minimum. No broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, or celery please. I doubt that anyone would use these for Easter, but I don't have cardamom or coriander. And don't center the recipe around cheese, as I have yet to find a vegan cheese that I like. Thanks!|||My stepmother-in-law is vegan and she makes a dish with Quinoa, avacado, tomatoes, palm hearts, spices and some oil.

    It is really good.

    Sorry I don't have a full on recipe for you. You could substitute the quinoa for another grain if you like.|||Russ Parsons, who is a food writer for the Los Angeles Times just did an article on making a meal of asparagus. He likes the big fat spears, that can be roasted or steamed and drizzled with some good extra virgin olive oil, a little coarse salt and a squeeze of lemon.|||I'll give you some ideas and you can look up recipes for any that interest you:

    Bean salads like cannelloni beans with onion, olive oil and red wine vinegar, mexican bean salad, chickpea salad, 3 bean salad

    raw vegetable and pita chip platter with hummus dip

    a baby spinach and strawberry salad

    hot or cold grain dish with rice or barley or bulgar--maybe use some lovely swiss chard

    Sweet potatoes baked with fresh orange juice, vegan spread, agave nectar and pecans

    grilled leeks or fennel with a balsamic vinegar reduction

    Spinach sauteed with raisins and pine nuts

    asparagus-- grilled bundles or orange or lemon glazed or sauteed with garlic

    gingered carrot coins

    so many wonderful options!


    I love cheese, and I feel like a failure. Please, ANY good vegan cheese? homemade or store bought? I hate daiya. But honestly, I love all other vegan things.
    Also, what are some good complete proteins? And good foods to put together to make a complete protein? also, any thing else you could tell me would be great! Low cal options would be nice too!
    I can't believe I'm asking this after four years of vegetarianism, I should've asked years earlier.

    One more thing, I'm a fairly good cook. If that means anything. I also love tofu...

    thanks so much!|||You are a disgrace to veganity! CHEESE IS THE VEGAN'S DEVIL!! I know you are tempted by the glorious seduction of cheese but do not trust it! It will betray you! Eating cheese may seem like a good idea, but you will lose your vegan powers! RESIST the temptation!!|||Have you tried nutritional yeast? It would be worth it for you to see if you like it. Then, please try this recipe for vegan lasagna. I was such a cheese lover until I tried this recipe. Hope you like it!

    It's called mushroom and spinach lasagna, but you can substitute any vegetables you like. My daughter does not like mushrooms, so I used zucchini instead. Recipes like this are very flexible.
    Easy Vegan Spinach and Mushroom Lasagna
    Recipes for vegan lasagna abound, and I鈥檓 sure you can find fancier, richer tasting versions, but for sheer easiness of preparation and basic yumminess, this one can鈥檛 be beat. You don鈥檛 need to pre-cook the lasagna noodles, and you can make it super-easy by using jarred spaghetti sauce.|||almond cheese is good, and I do like soycheese, but then I'm not huge on cheese. I find it disgusting in most cases.
    Chickpeas and miso paste, with sesame noodles. Loverly.|||Daiya cheese for the win. You should give it a try.|||Just make your own rules. Eat what you want. You like cheese eat cheese what is it with you people?|||eat what YOU want. who carse what anyone else thinks.|||As far as the cheese goes.. I liked the *Follow Your Heart* mozzarella, tasted nice to me.

    Complete Proteins - Grains & Legumes
    Soy is also considered a complete protein on its own containing all essential amino acids.
    Lentils cooked with some Himalayan salt and ground pepper is delicious.
    Tofu that has been cubed, and baked with Tamari is delicious.
    Ezekiel cereal is pretty good - sprouted and complete protein.

    Ohhh.. also if you like miso soup, I get the hearty brown rice miso that has been fermented in them cedar caskets for 3 years! mm.. But anyway.. I make a really good miso soup.. I boil the water, chop up some kale, jerusalem artichoke, and burdock root, slice them up into thin slices, and chop up the kale. Throw the Burdock root and the artichoke in while it's boiling, then turn the heat off. Then add the chopped up kale, waiting for it to cool off a little bit more before you add the miso (NEVER BOIL MISO, you kill all the good enzymes and bacteria). Then I usually put in 2-3 tablespoons of miso with 2 tablespoons of almond butter. Sounds like a weird combination -- but it's a match in heaven. You can also but cubed tofu in it as well, tastes great. Change the ingredients according to your taste.|||There really isn't any perfect vegan substitute for cheese. We just simply can't recreate the flavor. The best substitute I have found is Dr. Cow nut cheese

    If you just keep at it, and continually strengthen and renew your conviction by continually exposing yourself to the reasons against eating dairy (the links I posted below will help) eventually you will be disgusted by dairy and it won't appeal to you anymore. Animal cruelty isn't the only reason to avoid dairy, its also very harmful to your body.

    To me, the thought of consuming the milk of any animal is pretty gross. Would you drink human breastmilk by the glass? If that sounds gross, its that much more gross to drink the milk from the breast of another species. Yuck.


    I'm a vegetarian, but I wish to stop eating real cheese. My mom has started getting farm eggs from her friend. She raises a few chickens as pets. There are no roosters, so we know the eggs are never fertilized. So, once a week we're allowed to go get a dozen eggs. :) I'm also trying to transition to skim milk. I'm only making my own cookies and desserts at home now too, instead of buying them from the store.

    So, now that I've got milk and eggs out of the way, I need help with cheese. It's a pretty big party of my diet. I mean, I don't eat a lot of it, but I have it at least every other day. I like to make veggie pizza some nights. Are there any alternatives to cheese? Like, is there vegan cheese? I don't have any organic grocery store nearby. We shop at the Walmart supermarket, so... If you know they sell it there, that would be great. :)

    Thanks!|||nononono don't get soy cheese; it contains milk protein. Don't get that!
    Daiya cheese is -amazing-. I love it. I like it better than regular cheese. And don't use too much of it either or else it's kinda weird... but it's kinda expensive so not having to use a lot is good XD

    But really, try to get Daiya cheese. It melts really easily and I got a bad of shredded mozzarella for about $5.|||You won't find it at Wal*Mart, but you should find out if your local health food store has nutritional yeast. It's delicious in recipes and has great nutrients.

    Daiya - Whole Foods
    Teese - Whole Foods

    Honestly, you won't find much at Wal*Mart. The only vegan "cheese" they might have would be the Galaxy Nutritional Foods "Rice" cheese or "Vegan" cheese. If it doesn't say that on it, it's not vegan. They carry fake cheeses but it contains casein - a milk protein.|||Is yogurt out of the question? Greek yogurt can be a pretty decent substitute.

    Also, no need to feel bad about getting some milk fat in moderation. It contains a trans-fatty acid (CLA, I think it's called) that actually seems to be beneficial at high enough doses.|||I can't touch faux cheese unless it's daiya.
    But I believe that's at wholefoods.

    D;|||There is soy cheese. I'm not sure if they sell it at wal鈥art or not. I've seen it in a few grocery stores, although.
    You can also get cashews, put them in a blender, then fill it with water until he water is at the EXACT same level as the nuts. Then, blend until you get a thick mixture. Scoop the mixture out on to a paper towel (2 paper towels to make one, full sheet), the towel in a bowl. Wrap the cheese mixture in the towel in the bowl. Then put a plate over the bowl, and a heavy jar or big water filled glass over the plate. Set it in a warm area over the fire place for 24 hours. Wella! Creamy cheese :). Leave it out longer for really thick cheese. And triple or quadruple the layers of paper towels.

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  • hey im vegetarian,and i only eat free range eggs and milk and stuff,
    lately ive been thinking of going full on vegan(no dairy)

    but...i hate soya milk :/
    and would get bored of just vegetables and fruit and nuts and stuff?

    also cheese lettuce and mayonaise rolls are my fav! :(

    anywhoo...what kinda stuff could i eat?
    can you get vegan cheese,mayonaise etc..?
    does it taste different,how?

    please i really want to help animals,and stand up for there rights..

    What can vegans eat? :D
    thanks!x|||There is this really cool place in Manchester - that's where I'm from. And they are all Buddhists and they serve all vegan food. It's a really nice place. It's called the Buddhist centre incase you were wondering (although I'm probably sure you don't live anywhere near!)

    They serve lots of tasty and interesting things. I don't know how they do it.
    I'm a vegetarian, and I thought about becoming a vegan a few months ago. Maybe I could become one in the future when I've grown up properly so I am strong.|||I'll give you some starter grass
    Here don't eat all of it you need it when your hungry|||vegans only eat fruits and vegies and stuff like that. They do not eat anything made by animals, not just meat like vegitarians. they dont have any dairy, any meats. and anything else made by an animal|||going vegan in this day and age is much easier than any other time.. there are tons of alternatives to just about anything you can think of.. as far as soy milk there are tons of alternatives to that also.. try rice,almond, or coconut milk.. hope you find this helpful|||I was nervous about going vegan, but it is honestly really easy :) I loved cheese but I don't miss it at all.
    You can get vegan mayonaise, which tastes just as good if not better. You could get oat milk or I think there is also a rice one. But if you keep trying sweetened soya milk you will get a taste for it.
    It the same for any food you don't particularly like, you will get a taste for.
    I eat pasta, loads of things with rice, many different forms of potato, vegan fake meat, loads of fruit and veg, vegan yoghurt (very nice), etc.
    It takes a little while to get into, so it's best to just start slowly by substituting a few of your meals with vegan and gradually work up.
    It's also good to have something to keep you going, such as a video to watch or some pictures that reminds you why you are doing it.


    I HOPE THIS ANSWER HELPS|||VEGANS|||You don't have to drink soy milk to be vegan. You also could try a different brand (here in the U.S., Silk is the best for drinking, but I use the Whole Foods store brand for baking). Or you could drink rice milk, almond milk, oat milk, etc.

    Vegans eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, and beans. I don't get bored, as that covers a lot of ground. If you like cheese, there's soy cheese, although most types really aren't that good. If you like mayo, there's Vegenaise.

    What do you eat now, as a vegetarian? Just subtract the cheese, eggs, and milk, and eat that.|||im not here to change your mind about going vegan but i wanted to let you know that it can be a life changing decision, my sisters boyfriend was vegan and he was so underweight, and there wasnt anything he could really eat like when we would go out to eat or something.|||First of all, I'm overweight and a vegetarian (I eat dairy only sparingly). So if you're looking to it as a crash diet, you might find it difficult to stay the course, as it's not meant to be some sort of miracle diet. I realize you didn't say it was, but hearing about someone's underweight friend reminded me of that. Sorry, I digress.

    As people have mentioned before, there are substitutes for everything. Also, there are plenty of types of milk (as people have also mentioned), and vegenaise is delicious (!).

    On a side-note: watch out for soy cheese, some of it may have lactose in it! Check the labels before you assume anything is vegan! This is important! Lol I use too many exclamation points.

    For breakfast look into Luna bars. They're delicious, full of good nutrients, and vegan (I'm 98% sure all of the flavors are vegan). Beans are wonderful. You'd never realize how many types of beans there are and how much you can do with them! Also, tofu is great because it's versatile and takes the taste of anything you cook it with. Also, tofu is typically the main ingredient in vegan cheesecake, which is AMAZING XD.

    The web is (as you well know) a great resource. You can look up vegan/ veg restaurants in your area, but it is especially important in finding recipes. VEGAN RESTAURANTS ARE SPECTACULAR. Haha, I highly suggest you find one, because the chefs there are usually amazing.|||Animals have rights? I never knew that. If you want to eat rabbit food fine, leave the meat for me. There is room for all of gods creatures, right next to the mashed potatoes.


    I made myself some pizza and upside down cake today and they both happened to be the best I've ever tried.

    The pizza was tomato sauce, vegan cheese and pineapple.

    The recipe:
    Make a vegan pizza base -鈥?/a>

    then mix some chopped canned tomatoes with about one heaped tablespoon of garlic paste, add rosemary, mix and put on the pizza. Then, add the cheese (I used Cheezly mozzarella style), pineapple, fresh basil, olive oil and black pepper.

    Cook at gas mark 5.

    It was the first time I tried Cheezly and I honestly couldn't tell the difference when it was cooked.

    The recipe for the upside down cake can be found here -鈥?/a>

    I used canned rhubarb and apricot, and didn't cook them in a pan with sugar because they were tinned with syrup.|||:O There are so many good ones! My favorite are the pizza's!
    The Cauliflower "mashed potatoes" are REALLY good to.

    * 1 lb cauliflower floret (frozen or 1 head fresh)
    * 1/4 cup soymilk (fat free or other)
    * 1/4 cup water
    * 1 garlic clove, minced
    * 1/2 teaspoon italian seasoning or Mrs. Dash seasoning mix
    * 1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)
    * black pepper (to taste)
    * 2 teaspoons cornstarch (MIXED WITH)
    * 2 tablespoons water|||Heat the oven to 450. Slice tofu into bite-sized pieces, and season (to taste) with soy sauce and sesame oil. Place (uncovered) in oven when you're done, regardless of whether the temperature is at 450. Cook for 20 minutes, or until desired texture is obtained.|||I love it when people ask questions and then answer them in the explanation.|||sounds amazing, pineapple is my favorite topping on pizza, maybe ill try that recipe.

    i made some cookies today and they were the best ever!鈥?/a>

    heres the recipe they are super easy, if you decide to ever try it only put the cookies in the oven for 10-11 min, they will seem gooey but once they cool they are perfect.|||Sorry mine is simple. We usually have spinach soup. But its very delicious.


    I stirfried it with some veggies but it was kinda grossing me out... Am i just not used to it? What would be a more appealing way to prepare it since i'm not really used to the taste/texture??

    What exactly are legumes? Everyones saying that vegetarians/vegans eat them... I assume thier like a bean? How do you prepare them??

    Is there such a thing as like vegan cheese or yogurt or milk??

    Just wondering! Thanks so much! : )|||"Legume" is a big category that includes beans, and some things that we (incorrectly) call/think of as nuts (like cashews and peanuts.)

    Lots of vegan milks.. Most soy milks are animal-product free, as are most rice milks

    for "veggie" or "vegan" cheeses, it depends on how "picky" you are.. there are alot of decent ones, but alot of them have one little bitty milk protien in them.. But it's possible to find ones without

    yes there are "soy" yogurts.. some of them are quite tasty..

    As for tofu, well, I eat it all the time, but I LOVE It.. you can hardly "mess up" tofu as far as I'm concerned, so don't know how much help I will be.. but you can try this recipie

    get extra firm tofu from the produce section of the grocery
    Drain well (it should be sitting in water)
    mash it up till it looks like feta cheese
    lightly "fry" in a nonstick skillet with the following seasonings

    Black pepper
    garlic powder
    onion powder
    a "vegetarian" chicken flavored broth (you know, something that's meant to taste kinda like chicken, but doesn't actually have chicken in it)
    a dash of soy sauce
    Nutritional Yeast flakes (if you can find them at Whole foods)

    let it simmer with those seasonings, stirring GENTLY as needed, until it's lost that "raw" look and the texture has changed slightly, and it's a bit dryer

    then add
    salsa and/or diced tomatoes

    cook a few minutes longer

    when done, eat with tortillas, sour cream, and more salsa! YUM!! (I call it my "southwest style scrambled tofu")|||Not big on tofu, so you are out of luck there, LOL Here is a site for recipes for Tofu, they are in oder from best recipes to worst recipes, ENJOY!!!鈥?/a>

    Legumes are beans, you are right.

    There is Vegan milk, it's called soy milk. You can also buy Vegan cheese too. Here is the search for Vegan cheese for you to glance through:;_ylt=A0oG鈥?/a>

    Tons of Vegan ideas for your cheese issue, LOL|||The term "legumes" refers to a class of plants that are high protein and fix nitrogen in the soil. We also use this term when speaking of the fruits of these plants. All beans are legumes. Peas and peanuts are also legumes. Clover and alfalfa are legumes as well, but not ones you're likely to eat.

    As for tofu-yes, it takes some getting used to. I would suggest going to Asian restaurants, e.g., authentic-style Chinese and/or Japanese restaurants, and trying a variety of dishes that use tofu.

    My favorite tofu dish is gado-gado, which has raw or cooked veggies and a peanut sauce over it. One of the Moosewood cookbooks (sorry, can't remember which one) contains a simplified version.

    See: or look for it on Google.|||When ever my wife cooks tofu, I usually make some excuse to go to the bathroom, and quietly flush it away. Bets preparation, period.|||I keep my tofu in the freezer--freezing tofu makes it chewier. I have details in my profile; saves me time typing it to all the folks who have questions about tofu. But simplyy put: You freeze, defrost, press. And you will get used to the texture.

    Legumes are beans and some plants mistakenly considered nuts, such as peanuts. How you prepare them depends on the bean, the recipe, and your tastes. Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) are used to make hummus and falafel. You can heat up black beans and make a burrito or taco. You can mix beans with rice or with corn. You can also make chili with beans and crumbled tempeh.

    There are vegan cheeses out there, but since I was never a cheese freak, I rarely use them. So I can't tell you which ones are good and which are gross. Whole Soy & Company makes vegan yogurt, as does Soy Delicious. And there are many varieties of vegan "milks"--soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, and hemp milk, to name a few. You'll have to experiment to find the flavor and the brand you like best. Soy milk can be used in recipes calling for cows' milk in a 1:1 ratio.

    And although you didn't ask, yes, Virginia, there is also soy ice cream--I'm a fan of Soy Delicious Purely Decadent. There's also rice ice cream, but I have yet to try it.


    I stirfried it with some veggies but it was kinda grossing me out... Am i just not used to it? What would be a more appealing way to prepare it since i'm not really used to the taste/texture??

    What exactly are legumes? Everyones saying that vegetarians/vegans eat them... I assume thier like a bean? How do you prepare them??

    Is there such a thing as like vegan cheese or yogurt or milk??

    Just wondering! Thanks so much! : )|||"Legume" is a big category that includes beans, and some things that we (incorrectly) call/think of as nuts (like cashews and peanuts.)

    Lots of vegan milks.. Most soy milks are animal-product free, as are most rice milks

    for "veggie" or "vegan" cheeses, it depends on how "picky" you are.. there are alot of decent ones, but alot of them have one little bitty milk protien in them.. But it's possible to find ones without

    yes there are "soy" yogurts.. some of them are quite tasty..

    As for tofu, well, I eat it all the time, but I LOVE It.. you can hardly "mess up" tofu as far as I'm concerned, so don't know how much help I will be.. but you can try this recipie

    get extra firm tofu from the produce section of the grocery
    Drain well (it should be sitting in water)
    mash it up till it looks like feta cheese
    lightly "fry" in a nonstick skillet with the following seasonings

    Black pepper
    garlic powder
    onion powder
    a "vegetarian" chicken flavored broth (you know, something that's meant to taste kinda like chicken, but doesn't actually have chicken in it)
    a dash of soy sauce
    Nutritional Yeast flakes (if you can find them at Whole foods)

    let it simmer with those seasonings, stirring GENTLY as needed, until it's lost that "raw" look and the texture has changed slightly, and it's a bit dryer

    then add
    salsa and/or diced tomatoes

    cook a few minutes longer

    when done, eat with tortillas, sour cream, and more salsa! YUM!! (I call it my "southwest style scrambled tofu")|||Not big on tofu, so you are out of luck there, LOL Here is a site for recipes for Tofu, they are in oder from best recipes to worst recipes, ENJOY!!!鈥?/a>

    Legumes are beans, you are right.

    There is Vegan milk, it's called soy milk. You can also buy Vegan cheese too. Here is the search for Vegan cheese for you to glance through:;_ylt=A0oG鈥?/a>

    Tons of Vegan ideas for your cheese issue, LOL|||The term "legumes" refers to a class of plants that are high protein and fix nitrogen in the soil. We also use this term when speaking of the fruits of these plants. All beans are legumes. Peas and peanuts are also legumes. Clover and alfalfa are legumes as well, but not ones you're likely to eat.

    As for tofu-yes, it takes some getting used to. I would suggest going to Asian restaurants, e.g., authentic-style Chinese and/or Japanese restaurants, and trying a variety of dishes that use tofu.

    My favorite tofu dish is gado-gado, which has raw or cooked veggies and a peanut sauce over it. One of the Moosewood cookbooks (sorry, can't remember which one) contains a simplified version.

    See: or look for it on Google.|||When ever my wife cooks tofu, I usually make some excuse to go to the bathroom, and quietly flush it away. Bets preparation, period.|||I keep my tofu in the freezer--freezing tofu makes it chewier. I have details in my profile; saves me time typing it to all the folks who have questions about tofu. But simplyy put: You freeze, defrost, press. And you will get used to the texture.

    Legumes are beans and some plants mistakenly considered nuts, such as peanuts. How you prepare them depends on the bean, the recipe, and your tastes. Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) are used to make hummus and falafel. You can heat up black beans and make a burrito or taco. You can mix beans with rice or with corn. You can also make chili with beans and crumbled tempeh.

    There are vegan cheeses out there, but since I was never a cheese freak, I rarely use them. So I can't tell you which ones are good and which are gross. Whole Soy & Company makes vegan yogurt, as does Soy Delicious. And there are many varieties of vegan "milks"--soy milk, almond milk, oat milk, rice milk, and hemp milk, to name a few. You'll have to experiment to find the flavor and the brand you like best. Soy milk can be used in recipes calling for cows' milk in a 1:1 ratio.

    And although you didn't ask, yes, Virginia, there is also soy ice cream--I'm a fan of Soy Delicious Purely Decadent. There's also rice ice cream, but I have yet to try it.


    The yummy world of dairy::Pizzaaaaa,icecream,cheese,mashed potatoes,dip to the chips,ranch dressing to the salad,--all tasty foods I cant break away from so easily!

    Okay well Im going to soon make a vegan pizza and see how it tastes;;I have yet to find a vegan cheese that tastes just as good as cheddar,Im going to look for vegan ranch dressing,Havent found a vegan dip unless I can find a vegan sour cream..its just that its hard to go vegan when constantly surrounded by dairy or unable to drive to the store..its expensive too!

    If you can really convince me to go vegan I will try even harder to say no to certain foods! Please give me all the facts and everything you can to get me to go vegan. Im trying as it is but I will try harder. Ive done some research and agree with the fact that milk is meant for the baby cow not us. But with the negative:Going vegan isnt stopping the world from hurting these poor animals.Itll make me feel better but yeah. Please help!?|||In our minds, we often think of dairy cows like this.....

    But the sad reality is more like this...…

    Dairy cows are treat like milk machines. There's a lot of suffering involved. Cows are very intelligent animals and they don't deserve this cruelty. No animal deserves this.

    By going vegan, you can use dairy alternatives that are cruelty free. ^_^|||Health! My sister went hippy...sorry vegan about 8 years or so ago. She has hade no health problems since she hasent been to the doctor in several years. This dosent count the doctors that helped her through her pregnancy last year. So if you want to avoid the doctor go hippy. If you want a wide varity of food stay the meaty course.|||These sites have delicious foods. They have mostly vegan foods too. Much better than meat! -chocolate and chai flavors are good -they have chocolate!

    If you have a dog here is a site to get vegan dog food:

    Here are some good recipes:

    Stir fry- You need cut up tofu, soy sauce, olive oil, steamed veggies, and cooked rice

    Get a frying pan and coat it with olive oil. The put the tofu in the pan and brown each side of it. Next, add the veggies. Add a little soy sauce and put in the rice. Mix everything up and then let it sit on the stove, occasionally stirring it to make sure it doesn't burn. After about a minute and a half of that put it in a bowl and enjoy!

    Hummus- chick peas, lemon juice, paprika, black pepper, and any other spices/seasonings you like

    Puree the chick peas. Then add a little lemon juice, paprika, pepper, and other spices. Then stir. Serve with a pita, with cucumbers, or on a veggie wrap.

    Here are some snack and dinner suggestions:

    Celery with peanut butter
    Apples with peanut butter
    Pita with hummus
    Amy's Apple Toaster Pops
    All natural popsicles
    Natural Valley bars
    Fruit Leather
    Silk Chocolate Soy Milk
    Naked Juice
    Apple chips


    Tofu Stir Fry
    Amy's Pizzas
    Amy's entrees
    Sandwiches made with Yves meatless deli slices
    Tofu Scramble
    Natural Oven's bagels
    Dr. McDougall's Soups and Noodle Soups
    Soy Cheese Quesedillas
    Veggie Wraps

    Whole foods is a great store for vegetarians/vegans, so I recommend grocery shopping there. You also can get a lot of the things I listed above there.|||I understand! i'm also trying to go vegan but i really like cheese... it's hard to. My advice to you (for what it's worth) is to get your parents ( i assume you live with them cuz you said you were unable to drive to the store) support. If you eat a lot of dairy now, make sure you get enough protein and calcium without it. you should probably see a dietician for tips.|||The Real Life of Dairy Cows
    The 9 million cows living on dairy farms in the United States will spend most of their lives either in a large shed or on a feces-caked mud lot where disease is rampant. A dairy cow will be repeatedly impregnated, her babies will be taken from her, and humans will drink the milk intended for her babies. When her exhausted body can no longer give milk, she will be sent to slaughter and ground up for hamburgers.

    Stolen Babies, Stolen Milk
    Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do—to feed their babies. To keep giving milk, cows must be forcibly impregnated through artificial insemination every year. The cows’ babies are generally taken away within a day of being born—male calves are destined for veal crates, while females are sentenced to the same fate as their mothers.

    Mother cows on dairy farms can often be seen searching and calling for their babies after they have been taken away. Author Oliver Sacks, M.D., wrote of a visit that he and cattle expert Dr. Temple Grandin made to a dairy farm and of the great tumult of bellowing that they heard when they arrived: “‘They must have separated the calves from the cows this morning,’ Temple said, and, indeed, this was what had happened. We saw one cow outside the stockade, roaming, looking for her calf, and bellowing. ‘That’s not a happy cow,’ Temple said. ‘That’s one sad, unhappy, upset cow. She wants her baby. Bellowing for it, hunting for it. She’ll forget for a while, then start again. It’s like grieving, mourning—not much written about it. People don’t like to allow them thoughts or feelings.’”

    Read more about cow intelligence and emotion.

    The mother cow will be hooked up several times a day to machines that take the milk intended for her calf. Through genetic manipulation, powerful hormones, and intensive milking, she will produce about three times as much milk as she would naturally. She may be pumped full of bovine growth hormone (BGH), which contributes to painful inflammation of the udder, known as “mastitis.” (BGH is used throughout the U.S. but has been banned in Europe and Canada because of concerns for human health and animal welfare.) According to the industry’s own figures, between 30 and 50 percent of dairy cows suffer from mastitis, which is an extremely painful condition.

    A cow’s natural lifespan is 25 years, but a cow used by the dairy industry is killed after only four or five years. By the time they are killed, an industry study reports that nearly 40 percent of dairy cows are lame because of the filth, intensive confinement, and the strain of constantly being pregnant and giving milk. Dairy cows are turned into soup, companion animal food, or low-grade hamburger meat, their bodies too “spent” to be used for anything else.

    Veal Calves
    Male calves—“byproducts” of the dairy industry—are generally taken away from their mothers when they are less than 1 day old. The calves are then placed in dark, tiny crates, where they are kept almost completely immobilized so that their flesh stays tender. The calves are fed a liquid diet that is low in iron and has little nutritive value in order to make their flesh white. This heinous treatment makes the calves ill, and they frequently suffer from anemia, diarrhea and pneumonia. Frightened, sick, and alone, these calves are killed after only a few months of life. “Veal” is the flesh of a tortured, sick baby cow and a byproduct of the milk industry.

    All adult and baby cows, whether raised for their flesh or their milk, are eventually shipped to a slaughterhouse and killed.

    Also have a look at this website

    The above information helped my decision to go vegan and never go back!|||Drinking milk does contribute to unnecessary death and suffering. Just like humans cows only lactate a few months after birth. For cows to produce a constant supply of milk they must be continually artificially inseminated and give birth. Their babies are taken away from them soon after they are born. If they are male they will be trapped in veal crates, fed an anemic diet and confined in darkness and eventually killed. If they are female they will go on to also be dairy cows (or more correctly milk machines). This separation causes distress to both mother and calf. Drinking milk supports the veal industry. Cows are also pumped with hormones and antibiotics to increase milk production. This often leads to mastitis, a painful infection of the udders. Constant milk production leaches calcium from cow's bones leaving them eventually lame or crippled.

    Dairy is for baby cows not for human consumption. Humans are the only animals that consume dairy after infancy.……

    These are the horrible conditions battery hens live in…

    Even as free range hens I garantee you most chickens do not live out their live and die of old age. They generally end up on some ones dinner plate or in dog food.

    No one can *make* you become vegan. It has to be your choice and you must have it within you to do it.

    Good luck =)

  • tapas recipes
  • duplicolor
  • Im already a vegetarian, but Im thinking about becoming a vegan. Ive tried lots of times before, but I always ended up head first in a bowl of ice cream. Since I cant buy vegan cheese or ice cream or ect (cause Im 14 and my parents cant afford to buy the regular and vegan version of anything. and trust me, theres nooo way I can convert my brother and dad to veganism, I cant even explain to them why Im a vegetarian), I figured getting some more knowledge about why to be vegan would help support me when I crave something. So, got any reasons or tips?

    Thankss :]|||Health benefits are one of the primary reasons people become vegan. Weight loss, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, less use of medication, avoiding surgery, and feeling and looking great are some of the many health benefits.

    Although many people ask how vegans get the nutrients they need or attempt to prove that animal products are essential, a vegan diet is actually healthier than the alternative. Read more about the essential nutrients vegan receive in a later section.

    Dieting by eating less is the most common form of weight loss in the United States. However, it is not the healthiest. This method can cause anorexia and other malnutrition disorders. But to lose weight you don't have to eat less. You can eat as much as you like of the right foods and not gain weight. Food itself is not what causing weight gain. Animals products contain extremely high amounts of fat that vegetables don't have. By not eating high-fat foods you will lose weight, even if you continue to eat a lot.

    Another major certain for many people is cholesterol. Too much cholesterol can clod your arteries and cause heart attacks and strokes. The good news is only animal products contain cholesterol. Humans naturally also have small amounts of cholesterol. By not eating animal products, your cholesterol level will remain low, limited to the amount already in your body.

    High blood pressure levels will also drop considerably, with just a few weeks of eating the right foods.

    Often doctors give patients medications to "solve" their medical needs. All these medications are is drugs. The natural state for the healthy human body in a drug-free state. Medications generally make you feel better but not really improve the situation. Healthy foods will allow you to become less dependant on medications.

    People who eat high on the food chain, consuming large amounts of meat, dairy products and eggs, are plagued by chronic lifestyle diseases, ranging from cardiovascular deterioration to many types of cancer. A rich body of medical literature links the high quantities of cholesterol, saturated fat and protein found in meat-rich diets to the incidence of these diseases throughout the world.

    Although surgery can fix some problems, it is often only a temporary solution. It is often the patient's diet that caused the problem, so continuing to eat the same, could bring the problem back. Becoming a vegan is a permanent change, that can greatly reduce or eliminate this unnecessary and expensive surgery an unhealthy diet can cause.

    For those concerned about their health, reducing the consumption of animal foods is as essential as quitting smoking or regular exercise.|||Well, why are you a vegetarian? I'm a vegetarian and am one purely for animal rights purposes. I want to be a vegan too because animals like chickens and cows are treated cruelly and live in a small cage or pen while they spend their lives giving milk or laying eggs.|||鈥?/a>

    30 reasons to become a vegan

    a peta video, but i dont support peta|||Vegan's are just healthier!

    Hey "better than you", go choke on a cheeseburger at McDonalds.|||I know exactly how you feel. I was struggling with this same question; however, in the end I knew being vegetarian was right for me. I felt very strongly about animal rights, but the dairy cows must be milked. It a process that their body must undergo!How these cows are treated affects their milk too; therefore, they must be treated well. Otherwise, the milk will not pass inspection. The exact same scenario goes for chickens and laying eggs. If the chickens are treated poorly, it can affect their eggs! Going vegan is a personal choice, but it can also be a dangerous one. You are depriving your body of many necessary ingredients that can harm you in the long run. I would say that you should stay vegetarian. You are still doing the right thing by protecting animal rights, but you are also looking out for your physical well-being. If you decide to be vegetarian, I suggest you try Morning Star Farms all veggie products in the frozen foods aisle! If you decide to be vegan, monitor your consumption of the food groups carefully! It can be extremely costly to buy all vegan food! I understand why you may think veganism is better, but in the long run you will be grateful for the protein and nutrients provided through being a vegetarian! It also puts a huge stress of your well-being and money on your parents if you are vegan!|||It's great that you're thinking about going vegan. The fake meats and non-dairy products do make veganism more convenient, but they're not necessary to be healthy. You can get all of the vitamins and nutrients you need by eating a variety of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and grains.

    Some cheap vegan meal ideas:鈥?/a>

    Reasons to go vegan include:

    There's a lot of animal suffering in the egg and dairy industries. The vast majority of egg-laying hens are crammed into wire cages so small that the birds can't even flap their wings. The hens are denied everything that's natural or pleasurable to them, and they're slaughtered when they stop producing so many eggs. Male chicks are useless to the egg industry so they're commonly thrown into grinders while still conscious or suffocated in bags.

    Egg industry:

    Dairy industry:

    Vegan diets are cholesterol-free since cholesterol is only found in animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy. About 70 percent of the calories in eggs are from fat, and a big portion of that fat is saturated.

    A completely plant-based diet is more efficient than a diet that includes animal products.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!|||Health Benefits -鈥?/a>

    Vitamins and Nutrients -鈥?/a>

    Physical Fitness -鈥?/a>

    Treatment of Animals -鈥?/a>

    There are more reasons such as the environment ;D

    Veganism is very healthy... sometimes milk & dairy isn't always 'healthy' for some people.. Veganism can reduce the amount of colds. It saves more animals, and gives you the right nutrients & vitamins.

    Good luck on becoming vegan! :)

    More reasons why to become a vegan -鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    All different religions that support veganism -鈥?/a>

    Vegan recipes -|||There are no reasons to become a vegan unless of course you have food allergies, etc. It's absolutely ridiculous. I understand being a vegetarian for the sake of animals or maybe you just don't like meat (comp understandable), but why on earth would you become a vegan when it does nothing for the animals. They have to be milked anyway, chickens have to lay eggs, it's not like you are hurting them.

    Plus, it's unhealthy. you aren't getting the nutrients you need and it's almost impossible to supplement, unless you are willing to spend the extra money.

    don't do it - life is too short - enjoy your ice cream!
