Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I am currently vegan
hav been for a month
before that a vegetarian for 1 year
But ive heard of other types of vegans
you see i sorta want to at least include small amounts of bread
cheese can be replaces with vegan cheese
can you name every type of vegan pleconcernedd egg with tofu
but as far as im conbecausehere is no vegan bread...,,,,....
becuase if i do eat bread it will be a very small amount, very!|||Vegan - type of vegetarian that eats no animal by-products, like dairy, eggs or honey. Some vegans won't eat sugar made from sugar cane because its processed using bone-char.

Raw vegan - vegan that will not eat food heated above 110 F. Heating food kills living enzymes in foods (which are very important in our diet, nutritionally speaking).

Fruitarian -vegan that eats only nuts, seeds and fruit so as not to harm the plants they came from. The really hardcore fruitarians only eat nuts seeds and fruit they find on the ground out of total respect for the plants. Fruitarians eat biological fruits in addition to what most people consider "fruit". Biological fruits include avocados, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, squash, grains, olives, corn, eggplants, etc. Fruitarians can eat a balanced diet, if done right.

Breatharian -type of vegan that consumes nothing but water out of respect for all life forms. Breatharians believe they get they're nutrients from the rising sun.

Flexetarian, pescetarian and macrobiotic diets are NOT vegan. These types of diets are called "semi-vegetarian" diets. They aren't even vegetarian because they include animal flesh in their diets. The people that follow these diets eat a vegetarian diet for the most part, but will, on occasion, eat meat. Flexetarians include any type of meat they want. Pescetarians and people following a macrobiotic diet eat fish.

Everything that "emme" listed wasn't vegan (except for the vegan and raw vegan diets).

And sure, there IS vegan bread. Bread is basically made with yeast, flour, water and salt. You can easily make your own bread if you can't find any that doesn't contain eggs or sugar. And, contrary to popular belief, yeast is not an animal. It is a fungus.... just like mushrooms (which vegans can eat).|||Wow, I didn't know vegans couldn't eat bread.

Some breads don't use milk, eggs, etc. I am sure they are fine. Also... yeast is *NOT* an animal, so I hope you aren't thinking in that direction. Yes, I have heard people say that.|||Pescatarian (also spelled pescetarian)
Vegetarian (Lacto-ovo- vegetarian)
Raw vegan/Raw food diet
Macrobiotic|||Here are the types of vegans:

1. The person whos parent never told them they love them.
2. People who crave extra attention.
3. Women who like to be uber skinny and have pale skin.
4. Emo's (again for the attention)
5. Potheads who are wanna be hippies.|||Hey, I am a vegan and I eat no dairy, eggs or meat. Many things have these added to them, so one has to check ingridients and stuff.

There are outperforming vegan alternatives to many foods. Rice dream = milk alternative, tofutti sour cream = obvious, veganaise = mayo alternative. Soy cheeses etc.|||search the internet,one phrase a search,with phrases such as "healthy alternatives to eggs","healthy vegan bread","vegan bread","vegan breads","vegan bread recipe","vegan bread recipes","healthy alternatives to bread","whole grain bread","whole grain breads" and "whole grain bread recipes".good luck.


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