Tuesday, March 6, 2012

breakfast: 120-oatmeal with small amount of chopped banana
100-2 40 cal toast with 10 cal no sugar rasberry jam

snack: 2 cups pf fiber one dry-120 cal
1 medium apple-80 cal

lunch:250 of fiber one cereal with soy milk(3-4 bowls)
80 cal of medium apple
2 packets diet hot cocoa-50 cal

dinner: 60 cal of broccoli
120 cal-40 vegan cheese with 2 slices (40 each) of bread
100 cal-2 toast with rasberry jam (same as in breakfast)
120-fiber one cereal dry

snack- 100 cal-1/2 cup of caramel popcorn
1 medium apple-80 cal
25 cal-diet hot cocoa
total: about1400 cal
--------------------------------------鈥?br> I feel super fat today, Im a recovering anorexic so I still have a lot of food rituals, the only way I can eat this much is by eating in increments, one of my weird habits is the obvious...eating ALOT of fiber! like 100 or more grams and it barely affects me...weird, i knoww. My biggest fear food is peanut butter, one day I would like to have it without feeling guilty. If anyone has experienced an ed any advice would be great, thanks:)
btw i weigh 98 lbs and im 5'5...my distorted past anorexic views were that 1200 was an insane amount of calories because i would literally live on 400-600 calories, so for a moderately active 17 year old girl what would be a good amount of average daily calories for me?|||Hey, no that is a good amount! I kinda wish I could eat that much but Im having problems gaining weight because I just can not fit it, I am recovering from Anorexia too! I used to fear peanut butter! But now I love it! And I just had a creme egg too! :) haha! I am on strict rituals aswell, but its not handy when I have an ear infection and feel like crap and dont want much food!
I know what you mean by 1200 calories being an insane amount! I used to have about 200 calories. Im 15, 5'7 and about 96 lbs, and so definately need to gain the weight! But you did awesome today, well done!|||No, thats not a lot of calories. Your view is still pretty distorted but it can take a long time before people are really comfortable with eating 'normal' amounts of food/calories.
At your height probably around 1900-2000 calories would be healthy, 1400 is like a pretty strict diet for someone without an eating disorder. It may take a while for you to get to 2000 cals a day but its about what you should be eating if you're an active person.


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