Thursday, February 9, 2012

You most certainly can use soy milk or rice milk.
Dairy drinkers have never noticed a difference or any *soy taste* in my baking or cooking... and some of these people are brutally honest.

Vegan cheese it a bit tougher. The casein (non-vegan milk derivative) in cheese is what gives it the ability to melt in a way we feel cheese should melt (like on pizzas etc.) Vegan cheese is great to use in dishes where you will not need to cook it. Some can turn runny and some can turn hard.
Tofu can make a great substitute for cheese in dishes such as stuffed shells and lasagna.

I really like this ricotta cheese recipe for pasta
1 lb tofu
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 clove minced garlic
1/4 tsp salt
black pepper
2 tsp olive oil

Really mush the tofu with your hands when you are making it.
Dairy is easy. But many cheese-loving vegans may find themselves on a quest for great cheese substitutes.
On pizzas, I have seen hummus used, and sometimes no cheese at all.

There are a few decent vegan cheeses, but it is often best to look for recipes using tofu and/or nutritional yeast.
Good luck just got a new kind of vegan cheese in that melts and is thought highly of. I haven't tried it yet, but may soon.|||yes... it usually works fine. and i can't really tell any difference in taste or texture|||Of course. And fyi, applesauce is a good egg substitute in recipes.|||yes or you can use rice milk.|||absolutely! In any recipes|||Yes, you can absolutely substitute soy milk in recipes. It will not cause a problem. I use my rice milk when I cook and things go smoothly.
As for the veggie cheese, that will substitute well too. I use "Veggie Shreds" by Galaxy Nutritional Foods. (I find it in the refrigerated section of my "health-food" section). It is in a green resealable package. It's an acquired taste, but it melts well. And after it melts, it tastes like regular cheese. :-)|||You can but it will not taste as good.

Soy products almost killed me. They are toxic and they stop the hormones in your body; especially women. Soy blocked the thyroid medication I take and I lost about half my hair and all the symptoms of Graves Disease came back to me even thought I was taking the thyroid medication

Soy is a terrible food and you will eventually get really sick if you continue to ingest it.

If you wish to be a vegetarian there are plenty of other things you can eat besides soy.|||i wouldnt, soymilk gives the soy taste, milk gives the cream taste, soy is better anyway


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