Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I was raised a meat eater, have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for a month now (not that long I know but I actually stuck to it). I don't want carcasses anymore so I'm proud of myself for that.

I used to be a lover of honey, but recently tried agave nectar and it puts honey to shame, so I think I can no problem make a switch here.

I've learned the truth about dairy and egg farming and I now feel so horribly guilty for eating this stuff. I think I can give up making eggs for myself but its a big hassle to search for endless hidden eggs I'm not sure I have the time nor energy for that, its hidden eggs in stuff that might be a problem (like bread and stuff).

I already dislike milk so thats not a problem, but I am trying to lose weight and eat fat free plain yogurt and fat free cheese. I tried vegan cheese and it is NASTY sorry but it is, haven't tried soy yogurt yet but will do so. However, non fat non dairy yogurt doesnt exist so that means I'll have to go back to yogurts with fat in it and am worried that will be detrimental to my weight loss, and I have yogurt everyday.

Yogurt and cheese will be really hard for me to give up, plus I'm a college student and it seems like you need to be a plastic surgeon to afford a healthy vegan diet, unless someone can proove me wrong can a college student afford a healthy vegan diet? Am I a horrible person for eating dairy? Or is it good enough that I stopped eating meat.

Should I become full on vegan, or is my lacto-ovo vegetarianism good enough? I've been debating with myself for the past few hours and am going nuts and don't know what to do, I really need some wisdom please help!|||Veganism IS a big commitment.

I think, after reading your most, that for you, lacto-ovo vegetarianism is good enough. You're STILL doing really really well!! Don't knock how great vegetarianism is!!!

Maybe try vegan down the road, and just obtain information and experiment with odd things now and again.

As a vegetarian university student, yes, veganism is pretty expensive! I'd become a vegan if I could just give up milk & ice cream. Soy/almond/rice milk just doesn't do it for me, and I can't get used to vegan ice cream. *Sigh* So...I don't know if/when I'll "graduate" to veganism, or if I ever will, but, I'm proud to atleast say I'm vegetarian, and that I'm doing something for the environment and for animals.|||I'm also a lacto-ovo vegetarian. -only been it for 'round a month, too...

I have no plans to become a vegan ... *yet*.

It's entirely up to you, you know? Being a vegan is much tougher than being a vegetarian. Nutrition is one key thing you absolutely cannot turn your back on.

I can't give you a debate on what to do, considering...well... I'm not you.|||first off - of course you're not a horrible person for just being a vegetarian!
and bottom line, you should do what you're comfortable with, and do what you can AFFORD.
but i can tell you now, that i, as a vegan, do not break the bank with my dietary choices. i don't eat a lot of processed vegan foods because THOSE are the things that are expensive, and most of them aren't even that good for you.
some of my vegan essentials are:

peanut butter
chick peas
cereal / granola

those items are very basic and NOT expensive. and they are also very healthy and versatile!
when it comes to simulated cheese / milk products .. i have light silk with cereal and the brand "tufutti" makes wonderful "cream cheese" that i love on bagels (the herb and chive one is my favourite)
the same brand also makes yummy non-dairy ice cream and and ice cream bars.
the brand "so good" makes yummy ice cream cones similar to "klondike" (:

and yes the non-dairy items are a bit more expensive than their dairy cousins but if you're not eating them ALL the time (aside from the soy milk) it shouldn't break the bank at all.

as for the hidden eggs.. well i live in canada all the ingredients are printed on the products so i don't have any problems there and i generally know what products contain eggs so i just steer clear. most breads don't have egg in them. some things that you'd expect to contain eggs/milk actually DON'T like OREOS!

good luck with your decision and happy eating (:


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