Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So, I've been vegetarian for almost my entire life and have recently become vegan. However,while being vegetarian doesn't really limit your food options, I SWEAR EVERYTHING HAS MILK IN IT! Plus, having a lot of calcium is kind of a must for me. So, all you vegans out there, what are some good milk/cheese substitutes (or fake-out brands) and how do you get your calcium and other nutrients found in milk? Or do brands like Veggie-Slices (vegan cheese) and Silk Milk have alot of calcium and I don't need to worry? Also, I know you can just blend almonds with water and make almond milk, but does that have the nutrients normal milk has?|||Yeah, it is really annoying how everything has milk in it. I would suggest just going to a few different supermarkets, and going up all the aisles and seeing what they have. Not all supermarkets have the same things, depending on the suburb they are in. Also, I think there are a lot more fake-brands in the USA than in other countries, it just depends where you live.

If you want a vegan chocolate, then there is this really awesome brand called Sweet William, but I don't know if it is found much outside Australia, but you'd probably be able to order it online. I came home the other day to find that my mother and brother had eaten the rest of mine, and they said that they couldn't tell the difference.

Toffutti is a pretty good brand, their 'better than cream cheese' is awesome, and it lasts for awhile even after it has been opened, whereas dairy creams grow mold after a few days. I use it instead of sour cream, and have it with baked potato, corn, peas and chives. As for milk, I used to hate soy milk a few years ago, but I've been drinking it for the last two months, and I can't taste much of a difference between it and cows' milk anymore. Your taste-buds get used to it after awhile. You just have to try a few different brands and figure out which one tastes the best for you. You should be able to find milks that are fortified with calcium, but you don't HAVE to rely on milk for calcium. As long as you eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, you should be fine. After all, cows get their calcium from grass. Besides, animal milk is meant for THEIR offspring, not for another species to drink, so animal milk isn't really of any benefit for humans anyway. Any potential good there might have been, gets destroyed with pasteurizing, processing, etc. Plus, giving up dairy is usually pretty good for your skin, mine has cleared up heaps in the last two months since I gave up dairy.

Hope this helps.|||Tofutti mozzarella style slices are very nice. Exactly like the real thing. They have quite a good source of calcium in them. If your getting other 'cheese' such as soy cheese, be careful with them as a few contain rennet which isn't vegetarian, let alone vegan.

Good luck with your new diet :)|||Good for you! I've been vegetarian for 5 years, but my sis has been vegan for 20+. Here's some good ideas for staying healthy and vegan. http://www.dietsinreview.com/cook-at-home-challenge/cooking-at-home-in-a-vegetarian-household/|||Just fyi: Veggie slices aren't always vegan.


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