Friday, February 17, 2012

What is your favorite vegan cheese sauce (like nutritional yeast type) recipe and your favorite vegan cheese brand.|||I don't buy vegan cheeses because I haven't found one I like, BUT, this homemade "cheesy" sauce is a favorite in my apartment (I got this from "La Dolce Vegan" by Sarah Kramer):

Wolffie's Nutritional Yeast "Cheese" Sauce:

1/2 cup Nutr. Yeast flakes
2 tbsp. unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup water
2 tsp. oil (I always use olive oil, but others will do fine)
1-1/2 tsp. prepared mustard (the squeeze bottle kind)
1-1/2 tsp. tamari or soy sauce

In a small saucepan, whisk all ingredients together. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat. Simmer for 2-4 minutes stirring constantly. Makes approximately 1-1/2 cups.|||I agree with veggie-wedgie, the Cheezy Sauce from Veganomicon is AWESOME. If you don't own Veganomicon, go out right now and purchase it ASAP. Every recipe I have tried from there has been great. I highly recommend this cookbook to any vegan or vegetarian (well, to anyone really, but especially veg*ns). (Also, I highly recommend Isa Chandra's other two cookbooks: Vegan with a Vengeance and Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. The recipes are every bit as awesome, but Veganomicon is just so HUGE and comprehensive that I'd have to recommend it over the other two.)

My favorite brand of vegan cheese is Follow Your Heart. It's not quite like the real thing, but it's very good. (And it melts, which is a big plus!)|||The cheezy sauce from Veganomicon is fresking awesome.

You can find a recipe on


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