Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am a vegetarian and thinking about becoming vegan. My mom says vegan cheese is nasty, but I want to know your opinions!!! So please answer!!!!=]

Thanx!=]|||I do not like the Veggie cheese but the Soy Cheese is UNBELIEVABLE!!!
If you are considering becoming Vegan please read these two wonderful books:
Skinny ***** by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman
Marilu Henner's Total Health Makeover by Marilu Henner and Laura Morton

Dairy is soooo bad for you. Go Vegan!!!|||I like the vegan cheese. Just check to see what brand your store carries. I use it all the time in many different recipes and for sandwiches.|||I really don't like the vegan cheeses I've tried (I'm UK based, so they were only British brands - US ones may be a lot better). Tofutti cream "cheese" and "cheese" squares I found edible, but a bit bland and plasticky. Redwood Cheezli made me vomit.

But don't let that put you off becoming a vegan. I was a total cheesoholic before I became a vegan, but I survived giving up cheese, not by finding a cheese substitute, but by finding lots of other foods I liked. If you do become a vegan, don't expect to find an exact substitute for everything you liked before - half the fun of being vegan is discovering completely new foods.

Good luck.|||I've never heard of a food substance which is that vile before!

Do you really want to give up ice cream?|||I would recommend cutting down your cheese intake for a while before going "cold turkey." Vegan cheese doesn't taste like dairy cheese, and if you turn to cheese substitutes right away, you may be disappointed.
Get a vegan baking book like "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" or "My Sweet Vegan" and start cooking up some delicious sweets that will take your mind away from thinking you are deprived in any way. Get a regular vegan cookbook too, so you can make some great meals that taste fabulous without cheese. Try "Vegan with a Vengeance" or "Veganomicon."

If you do try cheese substitutes, remember to read the labels. Many soy cheeses are not vegan because they contain casein. You will probably have to go to a health food store or Whole Foods to find real vegan cheese. That being said, I like "Follow your Heart Vegan Gourment". It is best melted and not eaten raw, but some people like it raw. "Sheese" is very hard to find, but I hear it's very good. There are also recipes for vegan cheeses. "The Uncheese Cookbook" is a great one. Most of the recipes don't taste like dairy cheese, but have a "cheesy" taste and will satisfy a cheese craving.

Here's an amazing recipe for mac and cheese from the "New Farm Cookbook". http://xtrinity.com/wasabimon/2007/03/ve… The key ingredient (as in most cheese-like recipes) is nutritional yeast, which can be purchased at a health food store or online. Make sure you don't get brewer's yeast. It is not the same!|||Funny you ask, I used to LOVE CHEESE. Im vegan. I have though about about goin veggie for the cheese but I ususally think to myself, "Its fattening and gross anyway." Its good, but it comes from dairy and milk is sick. My body is better off and healthier without.
My favorite vegan cheese is "Follow your Heart" brand. I have not found one I really "enjoy" except a cashew cheddar from a restaraunt called Real Food Daily in West Hollywood/ Santa Monica, Ca.|||I like it ... melted on flax bread or on a veggie burger.
the pepper-jack is amazing.


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