Monday, February 6, 2012

I've never really liked cheese anyway, but I do miss pizza a bit so I'd like to make some using vegan mozzarella cheese. I've tried vegan mozzarella by itself, uncooked, and hated it - so it put me off using it for a pizza. Does it taste better cooked?|||Yes yes yes!! I've been a vegan for almost a year now, and I still don't like cold vegan cheese unless the taste of it is disguised in a wrap or something. I always melt it and it tastes waaay better!

By the way, try using Daiya if you don't already. It's the tastiest kind I've found. Yum! And it melts well too :)|||Wait till you've been Vegan for at least three or four years. If you have any actual memories of pizza in short term memory, you'll realize that the stuff tastes nothing like actual cheese. You can fake a pseudo-ricotta that is vegan, but not a real cheese.|||no alternatives are just that alternatives. as for awesome flavor I have a recipe you can use I will share it via email but do not have it here at this moment so I can share it with everyone. May add it latter, when I get to where it is but will be glad to share it with you if you would like.
you will have to email me and I will try to get it here later for everyone else.|||Yeah, for me anyway it'll take a whole lot better if its cooked. But hey, everyone has different taste for food. You gotta try it yourself and you'll know which tastes better.|||Yes it does! I have been doing that since last year!


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