Friday, February 24, 2012

Does anyone know where I can buy cheap vegan shampoo online? It would help if they sold other products too like vegan cheese and chocolate so I can save on delivery costs.|||ORIGINAL SOURCE do great VEGAN shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, scrubs, bath foams, shave gels, deodorants etc., and they are not pricey at all!

You cannot buy any chocolates on their web site, but if you spend over 拢15, postage and packaging are free in the UK!

They do ship worldwide but I am not sure about the delivery costs - check their web site!

I don't purchase them online though, but I stock on the products when they are in special offer at a drug store or a local supermarket.


EDIT: In the UK, you will often find Original Source products (especially shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and body scrubs) in "2 for 1" or "3 for 2" offers which means you pay about 拢1 per bottle of the product. It cannot get any cheaper than that, especially for good quality products like Original Source. Boots, Superdrug, and all the big supermarkets stock Original Source products.
Of course, there is also LUSH. Quite a bit dearer, but their soaps and shampoos in bars and blocks will last long.

Most of the dark chocolate is vegan. I like Green&Black's (100g black 70% or 85%, Maya Gold, Mint and the larger bars with cherries, almonds or ginger). Plamil does vegan "milk" chocolate.

A rarity, like seitan. I have never seen either of them in any supermarket in the UK.
I purchase my vegan cheese, seitan and most of the tofu, as well as Kingfisher toothpaste, soya yoghurts, spices, cider vinegar, quinoa, cous cous, lemon juice, etc from my local organic/health food shop. You might find some things at Holland and Barrett's, too, but they seem to be the most expensive and I don't like how they try to pass dried fruit with added oil, sugar and sulphur as healthy.

As much as I am pro local health food shops, I cannot afford to buy all my groceries there, and I get organic veggies and fruits, soya and rice drinks, pasta, coffee, chocolate etc at a supermarket.

I am honestly thinking of opening a vegan friendly shop if I can ever afford to open one. It would have foods and shoes and clothes and all! I am desperate for a shop like that, I think I'd be my own best customer :-D|||Glad I could help.

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|||Different Daisy/ (US based) offers discounted vegan shopping and ships worldwide:

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These stores have fantabulous service and a huge array of vegan products. Also check out for more caring brands and tips.|||Any chance you can tell us where you are ?

Many specialist wholefood and ethical shops are going under because of on-line shops. It would be nice if we could help you support your local supplier.

After all, they stood by us for the 50 years before the internet, when all the supermarkets where trying to drive them out, so i like to give them my loyalty.

Not an answer, i know, but you might actually find there is a local supplier nearer than you think if you tell us where you are.

edit: Thanks for the location, . there are lots of ethical shops in north london, camden, wembley, harpenden, southall, ealing, and further out in southgate, barnet, tring etc. a quick search will get you thier addresses. You are probably in one of the best places from which to buy vegan and cruelty free products in the UK...wish i had that access, we're in the middle of the countryside in the north west.

I agree they might be a few pence dearer, but not much, and well worth our support|||Download the cruelty free guide (see below). It gives details of all of the companies in the UK which don't test on animals. It also supplies the email addresses. I carry it with me every time I go shopping and I keep a copy next to my computer.

I use the Sainsburies shampoo, shower gel and hand wash because they're all mega cheap and actually do the job.

I did try the Bio D Laundry liquid but my clothes came out smelling worse than when they went in, so I don't recommend it.

Holland and Barret sell all sorts of vegan junk food and cheese (green & blacks choccie is the best).

:-)|||My shampoo's vegan. (JASON)
They should have them in health food shops.|||No but let me now when u do being a vegan is hard


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